The Shocks and Difficulties of Young Managers in the Organizations Abstract Younger Organizations and Younger Managers are the trend in the world. The topic of Young Managers is also popular among people’s talking, but there is no academic study about the related issue in Taiwan. This is an exploratory study, based on literatures to develop the questionnaires for quantitative studies. The targets of this study are 121 young managers who are 35-year-old below and supervise at least 2 direct report staffs. The data was analyzed by applying statistical methods, i.e., factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, descriptive statistics analysis, and correlation analysis. The purpose of the study is to find out the shocks and difficulties of young managers in the organizations, the relation of individual factors with the shocks and difficulties, the relations of “the behaviors of the organizations” with the shocks and difficulties, as well as the relations of “the behaviors of young managers” with the shocks and difficulties. Many important findings of this study are as below: Majority of young managers face the shocks and difficulties of “Up & Peers Management”, and sequently is “Down Management”, “Professionalism & Authority be challenged”, and “People Management & Leadership”. This study also found young managers in local companies have more difficulties in “Down Management”, “People Management & Leadership”, and “Professionalism and Authority be challenged” then those who are working in foreign companies. Female young managers have more difficulties in “Down Management” than males. Those young managers have been working with current supervisors for 1 ~ 3 years have more difficulties in “People Management & Leadership” than those for over three years and below one year. Young Managers with over 10 years of working experience have less difficulty in “People Management & Leadership” than those below 10 years of working experience. Young managers have more difficulties in “Down Management” on staffs of college or lower education level than on those of university or graduate school. No matter what individual backgrounds or conditions the young managers have, their difficulties in “Up & Peers Management” are the same. This study also found that if the organizations get the young managers involved in top management strategy will increase the young managers’ difficulties in “Down Management” and “Up & Peers Management”. If the organizations do too much job arrangement (e.g. workload, degree of working difficulty, and level of reporting line), it will increase the young managers’ difficulties in “Down Management” and “People Management & Leadership”. This study also found when young managers purposely build up their authority and professional image, their difficulties in “Down Management”, “People Management & Leadership”, “Authority & Professionalism be challenged”, and “Up & Peers Management” are increasing. And if young managers manipulate power game too much, it will increase their difficulties in “People Management & Leadership”. This study also found it is great helpful for “People Management & Leadership” if young managers can keep their physical in good condition and keep their information updated with the world and the market. Key words: young managers, shocks and difficulties, behaviors of the organizations, behaviors of the young managers.