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研究生(外文):Yu-Liang Tuan
論文名稱(外文):The Interactive Relationships among the State, Market and Civil society in Mainland China: An Analysis of the GFPU
指導教授(外文):Teh-chang Lin
外文關鍵詞:CorporatismIntermediary OrganizationIdeologySocialist Market EconomyState-society RelationsGovernment own NGOsGovernment organized NGOs (GONGO)GovernancePrivate EconomicNon-governmental Organization (NGO)the Service of Social AssistanceSocial ControlQuasi GovernmentMainland ChinaNon-profit Organization (NPO)Reform of Economic Management Systems
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本研究透過「文獻分析」建構理論架構;採用比較政治之微觀層次(Micro-Level Approaches)的「國家與社會關係」(State and Society Relations)研究途徑,與「組合主義」(Corporatism)的概念進行對話。本研究執行「深入訪談」與「個案研究」工作,以針對的二個命題作驗證。
傳統以來中國大陸的權力主體是政府,現代中國大陸的市場主體是企業;當民營經濟日益蓬勃發展,則政府面臨經濟管理體制改革(Reform of Economic Management systems)的壓力漸增,此預示政府權力將部分轉移予工商領域的行業協會。
本研究發現,源於「自上而下」(top down)發展的行業協會,若能取得較高的自主性(self-governing; autonomy),可說是轉型成功的案例;其特徵是它在轉型過程中,不會積極向政府部門爭權,也不會積極向企業爭利,且會從事社會救助服務(the service of social Assistance),俾順利取得社會公信力與組織自主性。
1992年鄧小平南巡,自此確立中國大陸朝向社會主義市場經濟(socialist Market economy)的改革目標;1998年第九屆全國人民代表大會議通過《關於國務院機構改革方案的決定》,它表述要「建立適合社會主義市場經濟的行政管理體制」;2003年中國共產黨第十六屆中央委員會第三次會議通過《關於完善社會主義市場經濟體制若干問題的決定》,它指出「按市場化原則規範和發展各類行業協會、商會等自律性組織」。可見,中國大陸除了在思想上確立貿易市場的開放政策,也明文規定政府機構改革的分權化政策,再再均造成市場機能逐漸張顯,同時促進工商領域的行業協會轉型,使工商領域的行業協會在產業政策方面的影響力與日俱增。尤其,由於廣東省的經濟開放較早,使其工商領域行業協會的發展也較早,依據本研究,發現廣東省發展工商領域行業協會的制度環境已領先中央的制度性安排,其中,「廣東省食品行業協會」也不例外。
This research constructs the theoretical framework through documentary analysis; it utilizes the approach of “state and society relations” on the micro-level of the comparative politics, supplemented with the concept of “corporatism”. This research includes “in-depth interview” and “case study” to aim at examining two issues.
While the Chinese government has been the central power, the enterprises are the key players in the businesses of modern China. When the private sector has prospered vigorously, the government faced increasing pressure from economic system reform. This indicates that the power of government will shift to the industry and trade association.
This research finds that the trade association, deriving from “top down” model, which can gain more self-Governance, is the successful case of transformation. Its character is that it neither seeks for power from the government during the transformation nor interest from the private sector, but, instead, serves for social welfare and receives more credibility from the public and better organizing autonomy.
Since the south patrolling of Deng Xiaoping in 1992, the socialist market economy has been the goal China pursues. In 1998, the ninth session national representatives passed Decision of the structural reform of the State Council plan, and it pointed out “establish a government administrative system with the Chinese characteristics and suitable to the socialist market economic system”. In October 2003, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Issues concerning the Improvement of the Socialist Market Economy . Obviously, in addition to the concept of open policy of the trade market, the policy on decentralization of governmental structural reform is in place. Those changes push the market mechanism to expand gradually, and accelerate the transformation of trade association. It makes the influence of trade association on industrial policy making grow. Particularly, Guangdong Province''s economy opened early and also led the development of trade association. This research found that the system and development of trade association in Guangdong Province has exceeded that of the central government. “Guangdong Food Profession Union” is one of the best examples.
This research analyzes the development of food industry of both China and the Guangdong Province, in order to explain the relations among government, the business (market) and the society. Second, to analyze the development of trade association''s of China and Guangdong Province to explain the formation of civil society. Third, using the case of “Guangdong Food Profession Union” to study on its philosophy, institution and interest setting in order to map out the interaction among “Guangdong Food Profession Union (GFPU)”, government and business. Finally, it induces the relations among state, the market, the civil society. This research not only points out the similarities and differences between the study case and the general situation in China, but also classifies three kinds of trade association and within which the trade association of successful transformation might be called “NGO with the Chinese characteristic”.
In brief, the social scope of trade association derived from “top down” model, will de unavoidably deprived by the government. In the social scope formed by the trade association of successful transformation, the administrative authority is (Economic and Trade Commission) no longer in charge of them, but the ideology of Chinese Communist Party still exists. It was the “civil society with the Chinese characteristic.”
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
致 謝 辭 Ⅴ
目次 Ⅷ
圖表次 Ⅹ

第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究動機與目的 - 1 -
第二節 文獻探討與問卷設計 - 4 -
第三節 研究方法 - 10 -
第二章 理論架構 - 17 -
第一節 前言 - 17 -
第二節 國家與社會關係 - 19 -
第三節 觀念 - 21 -
第四節 制度 - 27 -
第五節 利益 - 30 -
第六節 小結 - 33 -
第三章 中國大陸行業協會的興起與角色 - 35 -
第一節 前言 - 35 -
第二節 中國大陸NGO的概念 - 36 -
第三節 中國大陸行業協會的概念 - 39 -
第四節 中國大陸行業協會的發展 - 46 -
第五節 中國大陸行業協會的轉型 - 64 -
第六節 小結 - 66 -
第四章 中國大陸食品工業的市場結構與發展 - 69 -
第一節 前言 - 69 -
第二節 工業的企業型態與市場結構 - 69 -
第三節 第二產業的市場結構 - 72 -
第四節 食品工業的市場結構 - 73 -
第五節 發展趨勢 - 77 -
第六節 小結 - 77 -
第五章 廣東省食品行業協會:個案研究 - 81 -
第一節 前言 - 81 -
第二節 廣東省的食品工業發展 - 82 -
第三節 廣東省的工商領域行業協會發展 - 85 -
第四節 觀念研究 - 97 -
第五節 制度研究 - 101 -
第六節 利益研究 - 119 -
第七節 小結 - 136 -
第六章 組合主義的再思考 - 145 -
第一節 前言 - 145 -
第二節 行業協會與政府部門的互動關係 - 148 -
第三節 行業協會與企業的互動關係 - 175 -
第四節 行業協會對社會發展的影響 - 180 -
第五節 國家與社會關係的轉變 - 184 -
第六節 小結 - 188 -
第七章 結論 - 193 -
參考書目 - 201 -
中文部份 - 201 -
英文部份 - 205 -
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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