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研究生(外文):Chia-fang Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Teachers'' Perceptions of Writing Instruction at Junior High Schools
指導教授(外文):Tai-hsiung Yang
外文關鍵詞:Basic Competence TestWriting InstructionTeachers'' PerceptionsWriting Assessment
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寫作教學在國中的英語教育中往往被忽視,近幾年來學校和老師已經開始注重學生的英語口語表達能力,那麼寫作的溝通能力是否也應該受到同等重視呢?教學內容取決於教師本身的認知、信念和態度,因此本研究的目的在於了解教師對於寫作教學的看法,影響寫作教學的因素,並且應如何改善寫作教學的品質。此外,本研究亦調查英語教師是否贊成在國中基測中加考英文寫作。最後,本研究分析公私立英語教師的看法是否具有明顯不同。以台中市六所公私立國中的英語教師為研究對象,對57位英語教師進行問卷調查,進行次數分配表及t test統計分析。研究發現,學校和教師都忽略了寫作教學,而影響寫作教學的重要因素包括:學生的語言程度、學習動機以及檢討學生的文章。改善寫作教學品質的方法包括:能力分組、減少授課班級數、選用更合適的教材以及避免考試導向的英語課程。而大部分的英語老師不贊成在基測中加考寫作。
Writing instruction has been ignored in junior high school in Taiwan. Since teachers and schools have started to focus on communicative ability, should writing gain more attention in junior high schools? The pedagogical practices are assumed to be determined by teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, this study aims to examine teachers’ perceptions of English writing instruction, what factors they believe are crucial, and what measures are recommended to improve it. Besides, the study investigates teachers’ attitudes toward assessing students’ writing ability in the entrance exam. Finally, this study also intends to explore whether public and private school teachers view certain issues differently. Questionnaires are administered to 57 English teachers in Taichung City and are analyzed by frequencies and the independent t-test. The findings show that either teachers or schools downplay the importance of writing instruction. Teachers find factors affecting their teaching include: students’ language proficiency, students’ motivation, and time and efforts spent to review students’ writings. Also most teachers disapprove to include a writing test in the entrance exam. Possible measures to improve writing instruction are suggested: ability grouping, reducing the number of classes to teach, adopting more appropriate teaching materials, and avoiding a test-oriented curriculum.
Background and Motivation
Research Context about Writing Instruction
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Research Design
Organization of the Thesis
Definition of Terms

Writing Approach to Writing Instruction
Grammar approach
Controlled Composition
Contrastive Rhetoric
Process Approaches
Writing Assessment
Traditional Assessment
Portfolio Assessment
Research in Writers’ and Instructors’ Perceptions
Research in writers’ perceptions
Research in teachers’ perceptions
Related Research in Taiwan

Preliminary Studies
Pilot study
Data Collection
Data Analysis

Teachers Downplay the Importance of Writing Instruction.
Schools Downplay the Importance of Writing Instruction.
Factors Influencing Writing Instruction
Methods to Strengthen the Effect of Writing Instruction
Attitudes towards Testing Students’ Writing Ability in the Entrance Exam
Different Views from Public and Private School Teachers

The Differences between Teachers’ Perception and Practice.
Teachers’ Attitudes toward Writing Assessment in the Entrance Exam.
Public and Private School Teachers’ Different Perceptions of Teaching Writing
Pedagogical Implications
Limitations of the Study
Suggestions for Future Study


Appendix A. Interview Guide (Chinese)
Appendix B. Interview Guide (English)
Appendix C. Cover of the Questionnaire (Chinese)
Appendix D. Questionnaire (Chinese)
Appendix E. Questionnaire (English)
Appendix F. Correlations between teachers’ attitudes and school types

Table 3.1
Table 4.1 Item 4
Table 4.2 Item 9-10
Table 4.3 Item 21-22
Table 4.4 Item 7-8
Table 4.5 Item 12-15
Table 4.6 Item 1
Table 4.7 Item 2
Table 4.8 Item 11
Table 4.9 Item 16-17
Table 4.10 Item 23
Table 4.11 Item 24
Table 4.12 Item 19-20
Table 4.13 Item 25
Table 4.14 Item 25
Table 4.15 Item 25
Table 4.16 Comparison of mean differences between public and private school teachers
Table 4.17 Item 4
Table 4.18 Item 9
Table 4.19 Item 8
Table 4.20 Item 17
Table 4.21 Item 11
Table 4.22 Item 19
Table 4.23 Item 20
Table 4.24 Item 23
Table 4.25 Item 25
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