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研究生(外文):Hsiang-yi Shih
論文名稱(外文):An Interlanguage Study of the Speech Act of ApologyMade by EFL Learners in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Huey Lin
外文關鍵詞:speech actinterlanguageapology
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關於道歉中介語 (interlanguage apology) 的研究已探討過許多種語言中的道歉語言行為,但是這些研究當中卻沒有探討過學習英語為第二語言的台灣學生 (Chinese EFL learners in Taiwan) 所做的道歉中介語。因此,為了更瞭解台灣學生在使用英語道歉時之語言表現和美國人有何差異,本研究分別比較其英語道歉行為。受試者分為三組,第一組為60位美國大學生,主要收集英語基準語料 (English baseline data);第二組為60位台灣大學生,主要收集漢語基準語料 (Chinese baseline data);第三組為60位學習英語為第二語言的台灣大學生,主要收集中介語語料。各組男女各半,且第三組當中包含30位主修英語的台灣大學生,及30位非主修英語的台灣大學生。語料收集的工具為言談情境填充問卷(Discourse Completion Test),藉由此份問卷收集受試者在「冒犯程度 (severity of offense)」、「對話者的性別 (gender) 」、「對話者的社會地位 (social status)」、「社會距離遠近 (social distance) 」四項變數下的語言行為表現 (speech act production) 的語料,共3600筆。就道歉策略的使用而言,結果顯示:這三組受試者在上述四項變數的影響下,道歉策略的選擇非常相似。直接道歉策略 (direct expression of apology) 是最常被使用的策略,而保證下次不會再犯 (promise of forbearance) 則是最少被使用的策略。然而,就各策略的使用頻率而言,這三組則在某些策略的使用頻率上有顯著的差異。另外,研究結果也顯示:台灣大學生的英語程度確實會影響其道歉中介語的語用能力 (pragmatic competence) 及語言正確性 (linguistic accuracy)。最後,值得注意的是:本研究只探討學習英語為第二語言的台灣學生與美國人的道歉語言行為表現 (production of the apology speech act),將來的研究應該進一步分析他們對道歉的回應 (responses to apologies) ,以對道歉中介語有更全面的瞭解。
Researches on interlanguage speech act of apology have been conducted in a variety of cultures and languages, while little attention has been paid to interlanguage apology made by Chinese EFL learners. Therefore, aiming to obtain a better understanding about how Chinese EFL learners differ from English native speakers in their speech act performance of apology, this study compared the apologies made by native speakers of Chinese and English and Chinese EFL learners at two English proficiency levels. Data for analysis in this study consist of 3600 expressions of apology performed by informants including 60 English native speakers, 60 Chinese native speakers, and 60 Chinese EFL learners—30 English-major EFL learners and 30 non-English-major EFL learners. As far as the apology strategies used by the four groups are concerned, results showed, as found by Fraser (1981) and Olshtain (1983, 1989), that the four groups of informants exhibited cross-linguistically valid apology strategies and similar patterns of apology strategy selection and preference order, even when contextual factors were involved. However, the frequency with which apology strategies are used reveals some deviations between EFL learners and NS-E for a number of strategies. Furthermore, proficiency effect is found operative in EFL learners’ interlanguage apology production. Results of this study revealed a positive correlation between EFL learners’ English proficiency and their interlanguage pragmatic competence and their linguistic accuracy in apologizing. For future studies, in order to determine how native speakers and EFL learners function in natural face-to-face interactions, the replication of study in an oral mode, a role-play for example, should be conducted, and either the data gathered from DCTs or from role-plays should be compared with the data gathered through the observation of natural language events to arrive at a more accurate analysis of the apologizing behavior of native speakers and EFL learners. Besides, this study focused specifically on the production of the apology speech act by native speakers of Chinese and English and Chinese EFL learners; however, based on Olshtain’s (1989) claim that the understanding of intercultural differences cannot be limited to production features only without considering the perlocutionary aspect of the speech act from the hearer’s point of view, further work should include the analysis of the responses to apologies to gain a better understanding and present a fuller picture of interlanguage speech act of apology.
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 2
1.3 Overview of Chapters 3
2.1 Communicative Competence and Sociolinguistic Rules 4
2.2 Communicative Competence and Pragmatics 5
2.3 Pragmatics and SLA 7
2.3.1 Interlanguage Pragmatics in SLA 7
2.3.2 Pragmatic Universality and Culture-specificity 9
2.3.3 Pragmatic Transfer 10
2.3.4 Types of Pragmatic Transfer: Pragmalinguistics and Sociopragmatics 12
2.3.5 Transferability Constraints of Pragmatic Transfer 13
2.3.6 Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure and Implication to Language Teaching 17
2.4 The Speech Act of Apology 19
2.4.1 Speech Act Theory 19
2.4.2 Application of Speech Act Theory 21
2.4.3 The Communicative Act of Apologizing 22
2.5 Previous Studies on The Speech Act of Apology 24
2.5.1 Studies on English Apology 24
2.5.2 Studies on Interlanguage Apology 26 Instrument 27 Universality and Specificity of the Speech Act of Apology 27 Effects of Contextual Factors on the Speech Act of Apology 30 L2 Proficiency Effect on Interlanguage Apology 31
2.5.3 Studies on Chinese Apology 32
2.5.4 Summary of Previous Studies on the Speech Act of Apology 33
3.1 Informants 35
3.2 Instrument 36
3.2.1 Rationale for Using DCT 36
3.2.2 Instrument in This Study 37
3.3 Procedures 41
3.4 Coding System 41
3.4.1 Strategy of Opting Out—Str. 0 42
3.4.2 Strategies of Apologies—Str.1, Str. 2, Str.3, and Str. 4 44 Evasive Strategy—Str. 1 44 Acknowledging Responsibility—Str. 2 46 Providing Explanation or Account—Str. 3 48 Direct Expression of Apology—Str. 4 49
3.4.3 Strategies of Offering Remedial Support—Str.5, Str.6, and Str.7 50 Expressing Concern for the Hearer—Str. 5 50 Offering Promise of Forbearance—Str. 6 51 Offering Repair or Compensation—Str. 7 51
4.1 Apology Strategy Use by NS-E, EFL, and NS-C 53
4.1.1 The Number of Apology Strategies Used 53
4.1.2 Overall Patterns of Apology Strategy Use by NS-E, EFL, and NS-C 55
4.1.3 Direct Expression of Apology in English and Chinese 60
4.1.4 Apology Strategy Use of NS-E vs. EFL 63
4.1.5 Contextual Factors and Apology Strategy Use 68 Severity of Offense 68 Speaker Gender 76 Interlocutor Gender 81 Social Status 88 Social Distance 94
4.2 Effects of L2 Proficiency on Interlanguage Apology 101
4.2.1 Apology Strategy Use 101
4.2.2 Negative Pragmatic Transfer 102 Negative Sociopragmatic Transfer 102 Negative Pragmalinguistic Transfer 105
4.2.3 Syntactic and Lexical Errors 110
5.1 Summary 116
5.2 Pedagogical Implications 118
5.3 Suggestions for Further Study 119
APPENDIX A: Questionnaire: Chinese Version for NS-C 133
APPENDIX B: Questionnaire: English Version for EFL 141
APPENDIX C: Questionnaire: English Version for NS-E 149
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1. 49.蔡震榮,行政罰法草案評析,月旦法學雜誌第111期,2004年8月。
2. 35.黃士洲,徵納協同主義下稅捐調查與協力義務的交互影響關係-兼論製造費用超耗剔除的規定與實務,月旦法學雜誌第117期,2005年1月15日,頁90至111。
3. 35.黃士洲,徵納協同主義下稅捐調查與協力義務的交互影響關係-兼論製造費用超耗剔除的規定與實務,月旦法學雜誌第117期,2005年1月15日,頁90至111。
4. 34.黃士洲,稅務訴訟舉證責任之憲法課題(下)-兼論抵押權登記推定利息所得之課稅實務,財稅研究第34卷第5期,2002年9月,頁132至頁150。
5. 34.黃士洲,稅務訴訟舉證責任之憲法課題(下)-兼論抵押權登記推定利息所得之課稅實務,財稅研究第34卷第5期,2002年9月,頁132至頁150。
6. 47.葛克昌、黃士洲合撰,稅務訴訟之擧訟責任-學說與所得稅實務案例之檢討,財稅研究第32卷第6期,2000年11月,頁36至56。
7. 49.蔡震榮,行政罰法草案評析,月旦法學雜誌第111期,2004年8月。
8. 47.葛克昌、黃士洲合撰,稅務訴訟之擧訟責任-學說與所得稅實務案例之檢討,財稅研究第32卷第6期,2000年11月,頁36至56。
9. 47.葛克昌、黃士洲合撰,稅務訴訟之擧訟責任-學說與所得稅實務案例之檢討,財稅研究第32卷第6期,2000年11月,頁36至56。
10. 46.葛克昌,租稅國家界限,月旦法學教室,第33期,頁99至頁109。
11. 46.葛克昌,租稅國家界限,月旦法學教室,第33期,頁99至頁109。
12. 46.葛克昌,租稅國家界限,月旦法學教室,第33期,頁99至頁109。
13. 45.葛克昌,租稅國家之憲法要求,月旦法學教室,第30期,頁106至頁116。
14. 45.葛克昌,租稅國家之憲法要求,月旦法學教室,第30期,頁106至頁116。
15. 45.葛克昌,租稅國家之憲法要求,月旦法學教室,第30期,頁106至頁116。