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研究生(外文):Ya-hui Sun
論文名稱(外文):Differential roles of Trk or Src tyrosine kinase in the rostral ventrolateral medulla during mevinphos intoxication in the rat
指導教授(外文):Alice Y. W. Chang
外文關鍵詞:mevinphos intoxicationrostral ventrolateral medullaTrkSrctyrosine kinasenitric oxide synthase IInitric oxide synthase I
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延腦鼻端腹外側核(rostral ventrolateral medulla)為交感神經血管運動的起源,當有機磷毒藥美文松(mevinphos)作用在大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核時,會誘發嚴重的心血管反應。
本論文研究欲探討大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核中酪氨酸激酶受體 tropomyosin-related kinase(Trk)與酪氨酸激酶 Src,於大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核美文松模式(mevinphos intoxication)所誘導之交感神經興奮(sympathoexcitatory)與交感神經抑制(sympathoinhibitory)這兩個不同心血管反應分期所扮演的角色。微量注射美文松(10 nmol)至大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核,產生兩個不同分期:美文松中毒第一期(交感神經興奮心血管反應作用)與第二期(交感神經抑制心血管反應作用);以西方墨點浸漬法探討大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核蛋白質表現量發現,於美文松中毒第一期,酪氨酸激酶受體 Trk 活化態(p-Trk490)表現量提升,而酪氨酸激酶Src 活化態(p-Src416)表現量大增僅於美文松中毒第二期;有趣的是,於大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核前處理酪氨酸激酶受體 Trk 專一性抑制劑(K252a; 1 pmol)除了抑制美文松中毒第一期中酪氨酸激酶受體 Trk 活化態(p-Trk490)與未磷酸化的 Trk A 及 Trk B 蛋白質表現量,更能抑制一氧化氮合成酶第一型(nitric oxide synthase I)的蛋白質表現,進而減弱交感神經興奮心血管反應過程;而前處理酪氨酸激酶 Src 專一性抑制劑(SU6656; 100 pmol)除了抑制酪氨酸激酶 Src 活化態(p-Src416)蛋白質表現,也抑制一氧化氮合成酶第二型(nitric oxide synthase II)的蛋白質表現,因此抑制了美文松中毒第二期的交感神經抑制心血管反應。
本論文研究中,我們認為 Trk 或 Src 這兩個不同的酪氨酸激酶,於大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核美文松中毒模式中,分別參與心血管反應之第一期與第二期。酪氨酸激酶受體 Trk 參與大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核美文松中毒模式第一期,透過 Trk A 或 Trk B 活化 Y490 的位置後,影響一氧化氮合成酶第一型蛋白質產生,作用在交感神經興奮心血管反應過程中。酪氨酸激酶 Src 參與大白鼠延腦鼻端腹外側核美文松中毒模式第二期,透過活化態 p-Src416 蛋白質表現大量提升,影響一氧化氮合成酶第二型蛋白質生成,作用在交感神經抑制心血管反應過程中。
Mevinphos (Mev) is an organophosphate insecticide that acts on the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), the origin of sympathetic vasomotor tone, to induce cardiovascular responses. This study investigated the role of Trk (tropomyosin-related kinase) (receptor form) or Src (non-receptor form) tyrosine kinase at the RVLM in Mev-induced cardiovascular responses. Bilateral microinjection of Mev (10 nmol) into the RVLM elicited two distinct phases of cardiovascular responses, designated Phase I (sympathoexcitatory) and Phase II (sympathoinhibitory) Mev intoxication. Western blot assay showed that whereas p-Trk490 was increased during Phase I, p-Src416 was increased only during Phase II Mev intoxication. Interestingly, application of a Trk specific inhibitor (K252a; 1 pmol) or Src specific inhibitor (SU6656; 100 pmol) into the bilateral RVLM blunted the Mev-elicited sympathoexcitatory or sympathoinhibitory effect, respectively. Besides, K252a was limited to block NOS I protein expression in the RVLM during Mev intoxication, SU6656 only inhibited NOS II protein expression in the RVLM during Mev intoxication.
We conclude that Trk tyrosine kinase (p-Trk490) in the RVLM participates in the Phase I cardiovascular responses during Mev intoxication, Src tyrosine kinase (p-Src416) in the RVLM participates in the Phase II cardiovascular responses associated with Mev intoxication.

中文摘要 3-5
Abstract 6-8
前言 9-25
實驗動機與目的 26-28
材料與方法 29-35
結果 36-46
討論 47-59
結論 60-61
未來展望 62-63
參考文獻 64-74
附圖 75-132
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