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研究生(外文):Ying-hsuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Resistant Factors in the Process of Organizational Change---A Case Study of Vanguard Security Group
指導教授(外文):Yung-hsiang YingChin-Tarn Lee
外文關鍵詞:Organizational changeResistant factors of organizational changeOrganizational culture
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Organizations must make themselves to change and run fast to keep up with changes in today’s highly competitive world. However, there are some resistant factors enterprises have to deal with when they want to change. For example, improper organizational culture and lack of coordination and cooperation will lead to the implementation of organization change to failure. Although a large number of studies have been made on organizational change, there is no literature has discussed organizational culture, change or resistant factors of change in security companies. Therefore, this paper has three purposes: (a) to investigate conception of organizational change, culture, and resistant factors of the security company; (b) to estimate the relationship between different personal characteristics and different cognitions of organizational culture, change, and resistant factors in the security company; and (c) to recommend the security company some suggestions according to the findings. The data is collected from questionnaire survey in eight branches of Vanguard Security Group, and the final samples used for the analysis consist of 271 observations. Methodologically, this study considers the OLS and ordered Probit models. Results of this study show that organizational culture of Van Guard is the bureaucracy culture. Major types of strategic change that Van Guard should consider are technology, structure, task, and culture changes, and some resistances will occur in the process of organizational change. In addition, the estimation shows that different personal differences will have significant effects on each type of four organizational cultures, strategic changes, and resistant factors. It hoped that the results could contribute to a better understanding of the organizational reengineering, culture and resistant factors, and could be useful for managers to manage change in the security company.
Abstract VII
I. Introduction 1
II. Literature Rrview 4
Organizational change 4
A. Types of Organizational Change 5
B. Sources of Organizational Change 6
C. Types of Strategic Change 9
D. Models of Organizational Change 10
E. The Resistant Factors of Organizational Change and how to overcome 13
Organizational culture 17
A. How Organizational Culture Forms 19
B. Types of Organizational Culture 21
Organizational structure 23
A. Design Dimensions of Organizational Structure 24
B. Configurations of Organizational structure 25
III. Vanguard Security Company 27
A. Introduction of Vanguard Security Company 27
B. Changes in Vanguard Security Company 28
IV. Research Hypotheses 31
V. Methods and Data 33
A. Methods 33
B. Data 35
VI. Empirical Results 39
VII. Conclusion & Suggestions 48
A. Conclusion 50
B. Suggestions for Vanguard Security Group 52
C. Limitations 53
D. Suggestions for further research 54
Reference 55
Appendix A: Questionnaire Design 62
Appendix B: Questionnaire 64
Chinese Reference:
English Reference:
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