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研究生(外文):Ming-Sung Lan
論文名稱(外文):The Research on Performance Evaluation of Products'' Marketing Channel
指導教授(外文):Tai-Hwa Chow
外文關鍵詞:the performance of marketing
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本研究的範圍為台鹽公司於93年與94年間,「加盟店」、「系統經銷商」、「特販通路(Key Account)」、「網路經銷商」等四類行銷通路銷售台鹽公司產品之績效加以分析,從「財務方面」與「行銷方面」評估各通路之績效,「財務績效」包括「營業額」、「成長率」、「行銷費用」等,「行銷績效」包括「顧客(通路商)對產品與服務之需求」、「顧客(通路商)要求付款方式與條件」、「顧客要求的便利購買方式」、「顧客的再(重複)購買情形」、「顧客的滿意度(價格、產品價值與服務)」等。
Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. privatized from government in November 14, 2003, when the “salt policy regulation” of monopolizing umbrella was cancelled. The sale of salt product was liberalized. The market becomes the perfect competition immediately. Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. conforms for the privatization policy to invest in “biotechnology” industry. Collagen Ⅱ, the product of biotechnology, originally is applied for trauma caused by labor. Because Bureau of National Health Insurance pays low and it requires safety testing, they changed it to be the raw materials for cosmetics. It built up own brand, “Lumiel” and the “brand marketing” succeeded.
Because “Lumiel” sold fast through inappropriate planning, there were a lot bad consequences. Particularly the different costs of product of channels, violation rules offer goods and market overlap, and prices cutting were most serious. In addition, such big companies as Formosa Plastics Group、Taiwan Sugar Corporation also created their own cosmetics brand and joined the competition separately in same way, so the turnover fell by a wide margin. The main purpose of this research is to determine the order of strengthening sale throughout the channel members by assessing the sale performance and to achieve the sales peak again.
The research objects are for Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. in 1993 and 1994, ”shop allied”, ”systematic distributors”, ” Key Accounts” and “network distributors”— four kinds of marketing channels. The study analyzes their sales performances of the products of Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. from “financial performance” and “the performance of marketing”. The financial performance includes ”the turnover”, ”rate of increase” and “on sale throughout the expenses”. The performance of marketing includes “customer’s demand for the products and service”, “customer‘s required term of payment and condition”, ” convenient way of purchase”, “the situation of repeating buy”, “the customer''s satisfaction about the price, value of the products and service”.
The reason and conclusion of the declined performance of channels: 1.When the life cycle of a product brand reaches mature period, no matter which kind of sale it utilizes, the improvement to uplift the marketing share is limited. Therefore it needs to assess the “strengthening and packaging” the brand surtax value to create another wave of peak, or to invest money in developing a second brand separately.
2.Marketing strategy and price strategy of a company need cooperation with channel members. Before the strategies are stipulated, it is necessary to understand the demands and differences of each cannel member in order to fully coordinate and communicate with one another. Thus, it is unlikely to take care of to one thing and lose sight of another, which causes unfair competition and conflicts and injures the image of the brand.
3. The range between the purchase price and the end price should not be too large for the shop allied to replace the way of annual bonus to encourage marketing. This can reduce the space which destroys the uniform price. Besides, as the purchase prices of the shop allied to sell systematically are different, packaging of the products should be separate.
4. Beauticians and sales force''s knowledge of products and marketing will of the shop allied determine success or failure of the trade and sales amount. Training, wages, and bonus of these personnel are under the care of shop allied at present, which disable unable marketing way to obtain professional knowledge and unity.
5. Systematic distributors get the price lower than stock price that the company gives to the shop allied by the purchase price of Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. too much, which result in that the shop allied to the systematic distributor to stock up indirectly, causing the thorough channel disorderly, thereby reducing the incomes of Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd.
6. Advertising intention of the products is not strong, which can''t cause desire to buy and sympathetic response. Besides, the publishing time has not planned to cooperate with marketing, which loses the marginal benefit.
7. Promoting plan is not done well ahead, causing incomplete promotion, or causing channel member''s unequal treatment and the phenomenon of lacking supply. This makes kindness and effect a great discount.
8. Marketing path of cosmetic and health care products belongs to the complicated one, “distributing the system in the multiple paths”. To draft and integrate price strategy is very important. To do the thing right will get twice effect, sales amount, producer and profit of channel members will increase. On the contrary, it also causes the disorderly phenomenon of price war, market. Therefore, they should try to choose a leader of channel members to promote the cooperation of channel members and to solve the conflict of channel members.
9.The leader of channel members should promote the cooperation of channel members, solve the conflict of channel members, offer proper encouragement and give suitable power. The source of power is from channel members'' self- personality characteristics as well as the award right, forcing right and information right that authorized by producers. Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. has not cultivated a good channel members’ leader. It is not good to interact with suggestion leader in the channel members again which makes the disorderly phenomenon of price war worsen even more.
10. The keeping of product cost, setting-up of the market orders will be carried out by the channel members. The different products should choose different channel members who are suitable for. Taiyen Biotech co., Ltd. has not assessed the products carefully, but chosen to sell the salt products passively by channel members, the main reason is that the knowledge of channel members of product market is insufficient.
目 錄
第一章 導論 ---------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景 ---------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究動機 ---------------------------------------------- 3
第三節 研究目的 ---------------------------------------------- 3
第四節 研究對象與範圍 ---------------------------------------- 4
第二章 行銷通路績效評估之文獻整理 ------------------------------ 5
第一節 行銷通路績效的概念與定義 ------------------------------ 5
第二節 行銷通路之類型與績效衡量方式 ------------------------- 14
第三節 行銷通路績效評估的架構-------------------------------- 21
第四節 行銷通路與價格的關係之探討 --------------------------- 25
第五節 行銷通路與市場秩序的關係之探討 ----------------------- 27
第六節 行銷通路績效評估文獻小結 ----------------------------- 29
第三章 行銷通路績效評估之研究方法 ----------------------------- 31
第一節 台鹽行銷通路的類型 ----------------------------------- 31
第二節 研究架構 --------------------------------------------- 36
第三節 資料蒐集方法 ----------------------------------------- 39
第四節 資料分析方法 ----------------------------------------- 41
第四章 資料分析 ----------------------------------------------- 43
第一節 台鹽加盟店資料分析 ----------------------------------- 43
第二節 台鹽系統經銷商資料分析 ------------------------------- 50
第三節 台鹽特販通路(Key Account)資料分析 -------------------- 55
第四節 台鹽網路經銷商資料分析 ------------------------------- 59
第五節 加盟店與系統經銷商問題 ------------------------------- 62
第六節 「多寶」現象 ----------------------------------------- 65
第七節 整體現象 --------------------------------------------- 66
第五章 結論與建議 --------------------------------------------- 67
第一節 研究結論 --------------------------------------------- 67
第二節 研究建議 --------------------------------------------- 73
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 ------------------------------- 74
一、中文部份 ------------------------------------------------ 75
二、英文部份 ------------------------------------------------ 76
附錄一 各實體通路廠商之調查問卷 ----------------------------- 78
附錄二 各網路通路廠商之調查問卷 ----------------------------- 80
附錄三 93年各類產品比例圖 ----------------------------------- 82
附錄四 94年各類產品比例圖 ----------------------------------- 83
附錄五 關鍵用詞解釋 ----------------------------------------- 84
附錄六 台鹽產品一覽表 --------------------------------------- 85
附錄七 台鹽行銷通路圖 --------------------------------------- 93
附錄八 台鹽組織編製圖 --------------------------------------- 95

表 2-1 評估通路績效之效能模型 -------------------------------- 11
表 4-1 加盟店「財務績效」分析表 ------------------------------ 45
表 4-2 加盟店「行銷績效」分析表 ------------------------------ 48
表 4-3 系統經銷商「財務績效」分析表 -------------------------- 51
表 4-4 系統經銷商「行銷績效」分析表 -------------------------- 54
表 4-5 特販通路商「財務績效」分析表 -------------------------- 56
表 4-6 特販通路商「行銷績效」分析表 -------------------------- 58
表 4-7 網路經銷商「財務績效」分析表 -------------------------- 59
表 4-8 網路經銷商「行銷績效」分析表 -------------------------- 61
表 4-9 業績衰退原因分析表 ------------------------------------ 64
表 5-1 各通路商「財務績效」比較表 ---------------------------- 69
表 5-2 各通路商「行銷績效」比較表 ---------------------------- 70

圖 2-1 消費品的行銷通路 -------------------------------------- 14
圖 2-2 工業品的行銷通路 -------------------------------------- 15
圖 2-3 多重通路分配系統 -------------------------------------- 16
圖 2-4 評估通路績效之架構 ------------------------------------ 22
圖 3-1 高級精鹽、美味鹽等食用鹽行銷通路圖 -------------------- 31
圖 3-2 普通精鹽、洗滌鹽等食品加工鹽行銷通路圖 ---------------- 32
圖 3-3 化妝品與保健食品行銷通路圖 ---------------------------- 33
圖 3-4 清潔用品行銷通路圖 ------------------------------------ 34
圖 3-5 海洋水與鹼性離子水行銷通路圖 -------------------------- 35
圖 3-6 研究架構 ---------------------------------------------- 38
圖 4-1 各區加盟店業績分析圖 ---------------------------------- 46
圖 4-2 系統經銷商「財務績效」分析圖 -------------------------- 52
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