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研究生(外文):Tsun-shang Chan
論文名稱(外文):Factors that Help Establish Rapport in the Personal Selling-an Emperical Study
指導教授(外文):Der-Fa Robert Chen
外文關鍵詞:Personal SellingSalespeopleRapport
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在人類歷史上, 我們從未碰到像現在那麼競爭的年代, 以業務員來說,他們得面對多如牛毛的競爭對手及消費者挑剔的需求。唯一心法就是找出及滿足客戶需求,但是如何達到呢? 簡單的方法就是有效快速的與客戶建立愉悅的互動及交心的連結; 布魯克(1989)曾舉出,業務人員若不先建立愉悅的關係, 客戶的購買行為是很難發生的。
本研究整理出有關業務人員建立愉悅關係的文獻, 然後從文獻中加上研究者的實務經驗建立此模組, 即業務人員欲有效快速建立愉悅的關係, 需培養”人格特質”, ”經驗及知識”, ”教育訓練”, 及”公司文化及聲譽”著手; 我們從美商3M台灣分公司的業務人員問卷來檢驗此模組,問卷發出98份,有效問卷共54份。
我們使用信度分析及T 檢定來分析我們問卷結果, 結果顯示,我們的模組對於建立客戶愉悅關係具有非常高的可信度及幫助,可以做為業務人員自修及訓練的參考。
We never face the severe competitive environment like this moment. The salespersons encounter the tremendous competitor and diversified customers’ requirement. It is inevitably crucial for salespeople to meet and clearly identify the clients’ need. In this situation, salespeople need to instantly build the enjoyable interactions and personal connection, rapport, with customers in order to get the prospect. Brook (1989) presented in his research that salespersons attempt to sell without first establishing rapport, customers will avoid purchase the product or service.
The first purpose of this study integrates relevant literature and develops a comprehensive research model for rapport building. The model discusses two phases: the personal factors which include “characteristics”, “experience and knowledge” and the organizational factors that include “training”, “company culture and reputation”. The second purpose of this study is to test the research model through conducting survey of helping rapport factors. 98 questionnaires were sent out to 3M Taiwan sales representatives and got 54 valid responses. The valid responded rate is 55%.
The study uses Internal Consistency Analysis and Paired Sample T-Test to evaluate weather the factors are significant and reliable to rapport. Meanwhile, the study observes the important elements of the four factors, “Characteristics”, “Experience and Knowledge”, “Company culture and reputation”, “Training” that indicate strongly reliable and significant to the rapport building.

Key word: Personal Selling, Rapport, Salespeople, Selling
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION……………………………………………….....1
1.1 Background ……………….…………………………………………….….....1
1.2 Motivation ………………………………………………………………..…...2
1.3 Objectives………………………………………………………………..…....4
1.4 Research Process………………………………………………………………5
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW….............................................................6
2.1 Personal Selling …………………………………………………………….....6
2.2 What is rapport? ................................................................................................6
2.3 Why rapport is important ? ……………..……………………………………10
2.4 NLP builds the rapport ….…………………………………………………...10
2.4.1 What is NLP ?..............................................................................................11
2.4.2 NLP model ……………………………………………………………….12
2.5 Rapport in the selling process ..………………………………………...........15
2.6 Factor helps Rapport. ………………………………………………………..18
2.7 The study factor review ……………………………………………………...18
2.7.1 Characteristics …….…………………………………………………........18
2.7.2 Experience and Knowledge ………………………………………………19
2.7.3 Company Culture and Reputation …………………………………………20
2.7.4 Training ……………………………………………………………….......23
Chapter Three Research Methodology ……………………….…………………...25
3.1 Research structure………………………………………………………........25
3.2 The research target and the data collection .……………………………........26
3.3 Questionnaire design ………………………………………………………...26
3.4 Data Analysis Methodology …………………………………………………31
3.4.1 Descriptive analysis……………………………………………………….31
3.4.2 Internal Consistency Analysis ……………………………………………31
3.4.3 Paired-Sample t-test ……………………………………………………...31
Chapter Four Result Finding..…………….………………………………………….32
4.1 Descriptive Statistics Analysis ………………………………..…………. …32
4.2 Internal Consistency Analysis ……………….……………………………....33
4.3 Repaired sample t-test ……………………………………………………….34
Chapter Five Conclusion and Suggestion ….…………………….…..………….…..42
5.1 Conclusion ……………….…………………………………………..……...42
5.2 Research limitation and suggestion for future research …………………….43
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