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研究生(外文):Yu-chuan Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on fabrication of high performance thin film transistor
指導教授(外文):Ting-Chang Chang
外文關鍵詞:thin film transistorphoto leakage current
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In recently yesrs,Thin-film transistors (TFTs) including an active layer of amorphous silicon or polycrystalline silicon have been widely employed as the pixel-driving elements of a liquid crystal display (LCD). Particularly, a-Si:H TFT is advantageous to the production of large screen displays and facilitates mass-production.
a-Si:H has high photoconductivity which results in high off-state leakage currents of a-Si:H TFT under light illumination . Particularly, the off-state leakage current under light illumination is a serious problem in the projection and/or video displays which require high intensity backlight illumination.As the resolutions is higher , the TFT’s performance must be higher to achieve the short charge time each line can charge. The performance includes mobility ,on current, off current, photo leakage current, threshold voltage ,and subthrehold swing.
Furthermore, the to improve the mobility of thin-film transistors (TFT) to enable total integration of peripheral electronics in flat panel displays and imagers has led to recrystallized polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) as the material of choice.
However, laser recrystallized polycrystalline silicon suffers from high cost , complex processing, and significant nonuniformity over a large area. Indeed, the direct deposition of good-quality low-temperature poly films is highly desirable and constitutes a promising alternative.
In this thesis, we use HDPCVD to fabricate direct deposition poly-TFT successfully.Through plasma passivation, we improve the characteristic of device. The photo-Leakage current have been reduced obviously to our device under light illumination, and is benefit to higher intensity light of large screen display. And our TFT device exhibits stable characteristics with voltage and current stress , and it’s also confirmed that the device is reliable. On the characteristic of device, the direct-deposited poly TFT device exhibits higher effective carrier mobility than that of conventional one. For that reason, the high performance provides the potential of the direct-deposited poly TFT to apply for AMLCD and AMOLED technology.

Table Captions………………………………………………………..VI
Figure Captions…………………………………………………….....VII

Chapter:1 introduction
1.1General background ……………………………………...…1
1.3Organization of This Thesis…………………………………3

Chapter:2 High performace tft
2.1 Operation method &device requirement……………………5
2.2 Discussion of photo leakage current mechanism ………......6
2.3 Solution for Ion---Transfer Line Method ……………………7
2.4 Solution for Ioff………………………………………………8

Chapter:3 Fabrication of high performance tft
3.1 HDPCVD………………………………………….………10
3.1.1 Introduction ……………………………………...….10
3.1.1 HDPCVD direct deposition……………………..…...11
3.1.2 HDPCVD BEN method……………………………...11
3.3 Determination of poly Si…………………………………..12
3.3.1 TEM analysis...............................................................12
3.3.2 RAMAN analysis........................................................12
3.4 Device fabrication flow……………………………………13
3.5 summery…………………………………………………...14

Chapter:4 Result characteristics analysis and discussion
4.1 HDPCVD condition 1……………………………………..15
4.1.1 Device characteristics with SiF4………………….…15
4.1.2 Plasma passivation improve device characteristic…..15
4.1.3 Device photo leakage current………………………..16
4.2 HDPCVD condition2 optimized condition………………...16
4.2.1 Device characteristic without SiF4…………………..17
4.2.2 Device characteristic after passivation …………...…17
4.2.3 Device characteristic after photo current test………..18
4.3 Voltage stress………………………………………………18
4.4 Current stress………………………………………………19
4.5 Summary……………………………………………..……20

Chapter: 5Conclusion …………………………………………………..21


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