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研究生(外文):Yue-feng Zhuang
論文名稱(外文):The Dislocation Evolutions in Polycrystalline Copper under high-low strain controlled fatigue
指導教授(外文):New-jin Ho
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The dislocation structure evolution of polycrystalline copper at constant strain amplitude during low cycle fatigue develops loop patches, vein structure, persistent slip bands, dislocation walls, dislocation cells, and cells with misorientation dislocation step-by-step by increasing fatigue cycles. However, the dislocation structure evolution will change in low cycle fatigue under reduced loading amplitude.
The polycrystalline copper of 99.99 at% purity and 60µm in grain size was used in the low cycle fatigue test. First, the test is controlled at Δε/2= ±0.4%, ±0.2%, and ±0.1% strain amplitude until the specimens crack. And control the fatigue test after 2500 cycles at ±0.4% strain amplitude. Then we can observe the dislocation structure of above specimens by electron microscope.
After 2500 cycles at ±0.4% strain amplitude, change the strain amplitude from ±0.4% to ±0.2%. We chose the steps of low cycle fatigue test under reduced loading amplitude at 1000, 10000, and 30000 cycles. By the same token, change the strain amplitude from ±0.4% to ±0.2%. We chose the steps of low cycle fatigue test under reduced loading amplitude at 1000, and 50000 cycles. Then observe the dislocation structure of above specimens by electron microscope, and we can know the dislocation morphology of evolution process under reduced loading amplitude.
After 2500 cycles at ±0.4% strain amplitude, change the strain amplitude from ±0.4% to ±0.2% and from ±0.4% to ±0.1%. After 1000 cycles, the dislocation wall can be observed at grain boundary. After 10000 cycles under changed loading amplitude from ±0.4% to ±0.2%, we can observe that the dislocation cells are broken and evolve loop patches. And after 50000 cycles under changed loading amplitude from ±0.4% to ±0.1%, large area of dislocation walls and some loop patches can be observed.
1.1 背景................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的....................................2
2.1 純銅的疲勞現象和差排組織............................4
2.2 疲勞裂痕的起始與成長................................7
2.3 低週疲勞............................................8
2.3.1 低週疲勞試驗......................................8
2.3.2 循環應變與循環應力應變曲線........................9
2.4 以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡背向散射電子成像觀察差排組織.....11
3.1 材料選擇與前處理...................................13
3.2 低週疲勞試棒製作...................................13
3.3 材料晶粒大小觀察...................................14
3.4 低週疲勞實驗.......................................14
3.5 本實驗試棒參數及減負荷循環週期數取決...............14
3.6 微結構組織觀察試片製作.............................16
4.1 固定應變振幅在0.4%、0.2%、0.1%.....................18
4.1.1 Stress responses.................................18
4.1.2 固定應變振幅0.4%、0.2%、0.1%之微結構觀察.........19
4.1.3 固定應變振幅0.4%,進行2500循環週期之微結構觀察...19
4.2 減低負荷振幅:固定應變振幅0.4%、進行2500循環週期後
4.2.1 Stress responses.................................21
4.2.2 減負荷至應變振幅0.2%,進行1000循環週期之微結構
4.2.3 減負荷至應變振幅0.1%,進行1000循環週期之微結構
4.2.4 減負荷至應變振幅0.2%,進行10000循環週期之微結構
4.2.5 減負荷至應變振幅0.1%,進行50000循環週期之微結構
4.3 多晶純銅差排組織逆演化機制探討.....................25
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