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研究生(外文):Yi-Fen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Magnetic Studies On Nano-scale Radical-containing Vanadium Oxide
指導教授(外文):Hung-Duen Yang
外文關鍵詞:magnetic propertyvanadium oxideradical
  • 被引用被引用:4
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VO2.24(C12H14N2)0.061本身具有多樣化的物理特性,本篇論文將著重於其磁性的研究,包括磁化率和飽和磁化。從磁化率量測上,當T = 20K ~ 25K時,出現反鐵磁相變;在部分樣品發現在不同的外加磁場下,在T = 265K ~ 275K時會有特殊的transition出現。而從飽和磁化量測上,可看出此樣品具有鐵磁有序,且存在一奇異的step,不論經過熱處理與否,此step仍然存在。此外,更針對樣品的有效期限、熱處理過程、保存環境,作一分析比較,希望能發現此樣品更為特殊的磁性特性。
Recently, controlling the shape of nanoparticles during their fabrication has become a new and interesting research area. In fact, the nanoparticle has been proven that its physical properties are strikingly related to the shape of itself. After finding the carbon nanotubes in 1911, more and more nanostructure materials have been synthesized. The radical nano-scale vanadium oxide VO2.24(C12H14N2)0.061 is synthesized by hydrothermal method.

VO2.24(C12H14N2)0.061 has various physical properties, and we would focus on it’s magnetic properties in the thesis, including magnetic susceptibility and magnetization. The magnetic susceptibility measurements show that the antiferromagnetic transition occurs at T = 20K ~ 25K, and it has been found the specific transition at T = 265K ~ 275K in some samples. Based on the magnetization data, these materials are ferromagnetic, and the hysteresis loops exhibit unusual steps. Whenever these materials process thermal treatments or not, the steps still exist. In addition, we will analyze the impact of the production date, thermal treatment, and preserved environment to discover more colorful properties of these materials.


第一章 緒論.....................................1
第一節 前言......................................1
第二節 樣品特性與結構............................2
第三節 研究動機..................................5

第二章 實驗部分.................................9
第一節 樣品製作與鑑定............................9
第二節 超導量子干涉磁量儀量測....................17

第三章 基本理論.................................30
第一節 磁性種類..................................30
第二節 磁化曲線..................................40

第四章 結果分析.................................42
第一節 樣品目錄..................................42
第二節 數據分析..................................45

第五章 討論與結論...............................85

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