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研究生(外文):Ping-Tsung Wu
論文名稱(外文):Femtosecond near-IR optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled 5-mol. % MgO-doped lithium niobate
指導教授(外文):Der-Jun Jang
外文關鍵詞:MgO-doped lithium niobateoptical parametric oscillatorquasi phase matchingphotorefractive damagenonlinear optics
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光參數振盪器是利用非線性光學的參數轉換過程,即利用非線性係數高的材料來達到光的混頻及放大。近年來一種稱為準相位匹配(Quasi Phase Matching)的原理被應用在產生光參數振盪器的波長轉換上,我們利用此原理,使用週期性反轉非線性係的摻氧化鎂鈮酸鋰,建造了一同步幫浦的飛秒級光參數振盪器。此光參數振盪器是可於室溫底下操作,目前可產生的波長有約1.25-1.45 μm的signal與約1.83-2.0 μm的idler,另外還有2.67-2.8 μm的光,可調變波長範圍約500 nm,調變波長的方法可由改變共振腔長度、晶體溫度、反轉週期等來達成。關於功率部份,目前signal的輸出功率最高可達43 mW,模態是TEM00,而signal slope efficiency約為10.9 %。
The synchronously pumped femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on was periodically poled 5-mol.% MgO-doped lithuium niobate was demonstrated by means of non-critical quasi phase matching. The femtosecond OPO is cable of operating at room temperature and shows no photorefractive damage. The spectrum can be tuned by varying the cavity length up to 70 μm, the temperature of the nonlinear crystal from room temperature to 150℃, and the grating periods. The cavity was designed to resonate at 1.33 μm with bandwidth of 100 nm. The maximum output intensity of the signal is 43 mW with TEM00 mode. The signal slope efficiency is 11%. The spectrum range of the idler is tunable from 1.8 to 2.8 μm.

1-1 前言..........................................1
1-2 光參數振盪器發展史............................3
1-3 光參數振盪器簡介..............................5

2-1 基本理論.....................................7
2-1-1 非線性光學..............................7
2-1-2 相位匹配之重要性.......................11
2-1-3 相位匹配的分類.........................15
2-1-4 準相位匹配理論.........................17
2-2 文獻回顧....................................23
2-2-1 國內相關論文及研究.....................23
2-2-2 國外相關論文及研究.....................24
2-2-3 研究緣由...............................26

3-1 實驗設計與架設..............................27
3-1-1 共振腔.................................27
3-1-1-1 共振腔長度......................27
3-1-1-2 共振腔型態......................28
3-1-1-3 共振腔鏡組......................29
3-1-2 非線性晶體.............................33
3-1-2-1 有效非線性係數..................33
3-1-2-2 晶體長度........................36
3-1-2-3 入射功率........................36
3-1-2-4 相位不匹配程度..................39
3-2 實驗架設....................................43

4-1 波長調變實驗................................45
4-1-1 改變共振腔長度.........................46
4-1-2 改變非線性系數反轉週期.................47
4-1-3 改變非線性晶體溫度.....................47
4-2 光強度分佈實驗..............................47
4-3 光功率實驗..................................48
4-3-1 光功率偵測實驗.........................48
4-3-2 幫浦光譜分析...........................50

5-1 波長調變實驗結果............................51
5-1-1 改變共振腔長度實驗結果.................51
5-1-2 改變非線性係數反轉週期實驗結果.........54
5-1-3 改變非線性晶體溫度實驗結果.............63
5-2 光強度分佈實驗結果..........................65
5-3 光功率實驗結果..............................66
5-3-1 光功率偵測實驗結果.....................66
5-3-2 幫浦光譜分析實驗結果...................72

6-1 研究結果....................................74
6-2 未來展望....................................74

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