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研究生(外文):Yu-Chen Tsai
論文名稱(外文):An Exploration of EU''s State Building Tendency by Examining the EU''s Youth Policy
指導教授(外文):Da-Ci Liao
外文關鍵詞:mobilityyouth policystate-buildingEuropean UnionEuropean identity
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Look back to the history of the European Union(EU), started with the foundation of the European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC) in 1951, then it turned into European Atomic Energy Community(EURATOM)and European Economic Community(EEC)to repeal customs duties. Maastricht Treaty was established in the year of 1992 and it brought a brand new, all concepts of integration. The international society and the academic world are interested in whether all these changes will bring the EU to a new single state or not. It’s not an optimum way to via the highly legalized economic laws to define that if there’s a tendency of building a new state of EU. In order to get more ideas of EU, this thesis chooses the youth policy, which has multidimensional concepts, to analyze the situation and to clarify the present and future state of EU integration. With the more specific analysis of the youth policy, this thesis has found that it has not only a goal of strategy, but also one of the most important chains of EU’s integration. Therefore, this article uses the youth policy to be the main framework to check the existence of the EU’s state-building.
This thesis provides a new point of view to see if there’s a possibility of the EU’s state-building; begin with checking the EU’s development to build the concept of EU’s integration trend, analyze the EU’s youth policy and compare it with the main trend of EU’s development to explore if EU tends to become one state. The main framework of the study consists of “Internal solidification” and “external discrimination” to prevent the limitation of single integration theory and to exam the state of EU’s integration. This proves that EU has found the motive to take the further step to the next stage of integration. It is likely to say that the relations between the member states of EU are getting stronger in cultural concept.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 文獻回顧
第三節 研究方法與章節安排
第四節 研究範圍與限制

第二章 歐盟發展與研究架構
第一節 歐盟的發展
第二節 歐盟的教育政策與青年政策
第三節 研究架構

第三章 對內凝聚的做法
第一節 同時發展民族國家與多元文化的精神
第二節 相關法律制訂與實行
第三節 處理互相衝突的價值
第四節 處理國家的主權問題

第四章 對外區隔的設計
第一節 經濟相關面向的邊界
第二節 文化邊界—「歐洲認同」的發展
第三節 軍事行政的邊界結論

第五章 結論
第一節 歐盟青年政策的影響
第二節 歐盟青年政策對歐盟國家化的作用
第三節 歐盟國家建立的評估

附錄一 現行歐盟青年政策特質分析
附錄二 歐盟的整合理論與檢討

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