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研究生(外文):Wei-Chun Man
論文名稱(外文):Effects of microbial phytase on growth performance, immune responses and phosphorus, zinc, iron utilization in grouper Epinephelus coioides fed diets rich in soybean meal
指導教授(外文):Houng-Yung Chen
外文關鍵詞:phytaseutilizationsoybean mealphosphorusgrouper
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本研究探討在飼料中添加植酸酶對石斑魚成長、礦物元素利用及免疫反應的影響。實驗分二部分,實驗一在含魚粉與大豆粉、但不添加磷酸鹽 (P) 的基礎飼料中,添加0 (另添加P)、200、400、600、800 FTU植酸酶(Ronozyme P)/ kg,餵食點帶石斑魚十二週。結果顯示,添加400 FTU植酸酶/ kg diet能顯著促進點帶石斑增重率(P<0.05),但植酸酶添加對飼料效率、魚體組成、脊椎骨灰份量、魚體以及脊椎骨的磷含量無顯著影響 (P>0.05),植酸酶添加400及600FTU/ kg diet時,顯著(P<0.05)促進磷的利用率,並有促進魚體對磷的蓄積與減少磷的排放的趨勢。實驗二以0、0+P、及400 FTU 植酸酶/ kg diet三種飼料餵食點帶石斑魚八週,結果顯示飼料中添加磷酸鹽 (0+P組) 顯著促進魚體磷、鋅、鐵的蓄積,但植酸酶添加卻無蓄積效果,植酸酶的添加也沒有顯著影響點帶石斑的免疫反應。因此,飼料植酸酶添加並不會負面影響石斑的成長,適當劑量添加會促進磷的利用,減少磷的排放;飼料植酸酶添加並沒有影響石斑的免疫反應。
Two experiments were undertaken to assess the dietary effects of microbial phytase on growth performance, mineral utilization, and immune responses in groupers, Epinephelus coioides. Basal diet contained fish meal and soybean meal as protein source and no phosphorus supplement. In experiment I, test diets containing 0 (0.2% sodium phosphate was supplemented; 0+P), 200, 400, 600, 800 FTU phytase/ kg were assigned to triplicate tanks and were fed for 12wk. Fish fed diet containing 0+P or 400 FTU phytase/kg showed better weight gains. Supplementation of phytase had no effect on feed efficiency, body tissue proximate composition, vertebral ash, and vertebra and whole-body phosphorus concentrations. Phosphorus utilization was improved and excretion tended to reduce for fish fed diets containing 400 and 600 FTU phytase/kg than the other treatments. Experiment II evaluated the effects of phytase supplementation on utilization of phosphorus, zinc and iron, and relative immune responses of the groupers. Three diets were formulated base on the results of experiment 1 to contain 0, 0+P or 400 FTU phytase/kg. The results of the 8-wk feeding trial indicated that phosphorus, zinc and iron utilizations were higher for fish fed diet containing inorganic phosphorus (0+P) than the phytase-containing diet. Phytase supplementation did not significantly affect immune responses. The present results indicated that phytase at the dosage of 400 FTU/kg is a suitable level in grouper diets, which would increase utilization and lessen excretion of dietary phosphorus.
章次 頁數
2.1 實驗動物......................................................12
2.2 養殖系統......................................................12
2.3 試驗飼料及配製方法…..........................................12
2.4 飼育試驗......................................................13
2.5 樣品前處理....................................................14
2.6 近似成分分析..................................................15
2.6.1 粗蛋白質測定...........................................15
2.6.2 粗脂肪測定.............................................16
2.6.3 水分測定...............................................16
2.6.4 灰分測定...............................................17
2.7 重金屬含量分析................................................17
2.7.1 實驗用具的清潔.........................................17
2.7.2 分析方法...............................................17
2.7.2-1 鋅、鐵含量測定....................................18
2.7.2-2 磷含量測定.......................................18
2.8 表面消化率測定................................................18
2.9 植酸酶活性分析................................................19
2.10 免疫力分析...................................................19
2.10.1 巨噬細胞之細胞呼吸爆發反應............................19
2.10.2 溶菌酶活性分析........................................20
3.1 實驗一........................................................27
3.2 實驗二........................................................28
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