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研究生(外文):Pei-Wen Yu
論文名稱(外文):Seasonal dynamics of siphonophores in the waters off southern and northern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Wen-Tseng Lo
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本研究是探討2003年12月至2004年8月期間於台灣南部及北部海管水母種類組成及豐度之時空分布及其與水文因子之相關性。綜合採樣分析結果,台灣南部海域共發現2亞目7科18屬48種管水母,平均豐度為2226 ± 1228 ind./1000 m3。整體而言,管水母豐度呈現明顯的季節差異,12月及2月較低而5月及8月較高。前6個優勢種管水母為Chelophyes contorta (扭形爪室水母)、Bassia bassensis (巴斯水母)、Chelophyes appendiculata (爪室水母)、Abylopsis eschscholtzi (小擬多面水母)、Abylopsis tetragona (方擬多面水母)及Eudoxoides mitra (尖角水母),合佔全部管水母數量之66.5 %。主要優勢種管水母呈現明顯的季節消長,不同優勢種各有不同的季節高峰。南部海域管水母優勢種之有性及無性世代百分比各有不同的季節變化情形,且大多以有性世代數量較多。由管水母之群聚分析結果,概可分為Ⅰ、Ⅱ兩個站群,第Ⅰ站群主要為2004年2月及5月之測站,第Ⅱ站群多為12月及8月之測站所構成。
台灣北部海域則發現2亞目7科19屬42種管水母,其平均豐度為7129 ± 10240 ind./1000 m3,各季管水母豐度呈現2月及8月較高而12月及5月較低之情形。主要優勢種管水母分別為Diphyes chamissonis(雙生水母)、C. appendiculata (爪室水母)、Muggiaea atlantica (五角水母)、Lensia subtiloides (擬細淺室水母)、B. bassensis (巴斯水母)及E. mitra (尖角水母),其豐度佔全部管水母數量之79.4 %。主要優勢種管水母亦有明顯的季節消長,不同優勢種各有不同的季節高峰。北部海域管水母優勢種之有性及無性世代百分比季節變化情形亦各不相同,其中M. atlantica及L. subtiloides兩種管水母,其無性個體之數量較有性個體數量多,其他大多以有性個體佔較多數。由管水母之群聚分析結果,概可分為三個站群,第Ⅰ站群由12月且位於台灣西北部海域之測站所構成,第Ⅱ站群則涵蓋了四季中位於台灣東北海域之測站,第Ⅲ站群主要為2月及5月且位於台灣西北部海域之測站。
台灣南部海域及北部海域四季管水母之總豐度與表層海水之溫度、鹽度及葉綠素a濃度均無顯著相關。台灣南部海域前6個優勢種的豐度亦均與表層海水鹽度及葉綠素a濃度無顯著相關性,但C. contorta、B. bassensis、A. eschscholtzi及C. appendiculata等則明顯受到溫度影響。台灣北部海域前6個優勢種的豐度與表層海水之溫度、鹽度及葉綠素a濃度之相關性亦各不相同:C. appendiculata和葉綠素a濃度有顯著正相關;B. bassensis和溫度、鹽度及葉綠素a濃度均有顯著正相關;E. mitra和鹽度有顯著正相關。
Temporal and spatial distribution in species composition and abundance of siphonophores in relation to hydrographic variables in the waters off southern and northern Taiwan were investigated from December 2003 to August 2004. In total, 48 siphonophoran species belonging to 18 genera and 7 families were recognized, with the mean abundance of 2226 ± 1228 ind./1000 m3. The abundance of siphonophores showed an obvious seasonal change, lower in December and February and higher in May and August. The six most dominant species, together they contributed to 66.5 % of the numerical total of siphonophores, were Chelophyes contorta, Bassia bassensis, Chelophyes appendiculata, Abylopsis eschscholtzi, Abylopsis tetragona and Eudoxoides mitra. The dominant siphonophoran species exhibited apparent seasonal succession. Different dominant species showed different seasonal distribution patterns and most species were dominated by sexual generation. Result of the cluster analysis of siphonophoran data revealed 2 station groups. GroupⅠwas mostly composed by the stations in February and May, and group Ⅱ contained the stations in May and August.
Forty-two siphonophoran species belonging to seven families and nineteen genera were recognized in the waters off northern Taiwan, with the mean abundance of 7129 ± 10240 ind./1000 m3. The abundance of siphonophores displaced an apparent seasonal change, significantly higher in February and August and lower in December and May. The six most dominant species, together they contributed to 79.4 % of the numerical total of siphonophores, were Diphyes chamissonis, C. appendiculata, Muggiaea atlantica, Lensia subtiloides, B. bassensis and E. mitra. The dominant siphonophoran species showed obvious seasonal succession and different dominant species exhibited different seasonal distribution patterns. Muggiaea atlantica and L. subtiloides were dominated by polygastric stage, while other species were mostly the eudoxid generation. Result of CA of siphonophores revealed 3 station proups. GroupⅠ was primarily the stations in the northwestern waters off Taiwan waters in December, Group Ⅱ contained the stations in the northeastern waters off Taiwan in all seasons. Group Ⅲ was mainly the sations in the northwestern waters off Taiwan in February and May.
The mean species number and species diversity were always higher in southern waters than in northern waters of Taiwan, but the overall mean abundance was three times higher in the northern waters than in the southern waters. The overall mean abundance in this study showed higher in December 2003 and lower in February and May 2004. Result of the ANOVA test revealed the significant difference in siphonophoran abundance between May and August 2004 in both southern and northern stations.
The abundance of total siphonophores was not significantly correlated with water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a. The abundance of the six most dominant species in the southern Taiwanese waters was not significantly correlated to water salinity and chlorophyll a, but the abundance of C. contorta, B. bassensis, A. eschscholtzi and C. appendiculata were apparently influenced by water temperature. The abundance of the six most dominant species in the northern Taiwanese waters exhibited different correlationships with hydrographic variables, C. appendiculata showed significantly positive correlation with chlorophyll a, B. bassensis exhibited significantly positive correlation with water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a, while E. mitra was significantly positively correlated with salinity.
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