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研究生(外文):Ying-chun Chin
論文名稱(外文):Arsenic Adsorption Using Citrate/Fe(III), Silicate/Fe(III) Synthetic Iron Oxides
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hsing Lai
外文關鍵詞:silicatecitratearsenicadsorptionIron oxide
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本研究分別以單純Fe(III)、Citrate/Fe(III) 與Silicate/Fe(III) 在不同莫耳比條件下,合成氧化鐵吸附材料,探討合成氧化鐵之表面特性及結晶相,並應用合成氧化鐵對砷進行吸附試驗,評估氧化鐵對砷之吸附能力。 經由X光繞射儀鑑定結果顯示,單純Fe(III)及Silicate/Fe(III)合成氧化鐵應為非結晶性的水合鐵礦,Citrate /Fe(III)合成氧化鐵應為結晶性且具磁性之磁鐵礦;又由紅外線光譜儀分析圖譜顯示,單純Fe(III)及Silicate/Fe(III)合成氧化鐵所得之FTIR 圖譜與水合鐵礦類似,Citrate /Fe(III)合成氧化鐵之FTIR圖譜與磁赤鐵礦相近。合成氧化鐵之孔隙體積及比表面積大小為Silicate/Fe(III)>Fe(III)>Citrate/Fe(III);Citrate/Fe(III) Molar Ratios (MRs) 增加,其孔隙體積及比表面積減小;而Silicate/Fe(III) MRs增加,則孔隙體積與比表面積並沒有顯著的差異。動力吸附實驗結果顯示,Citrate/Fe(III)或Silicate/Fe(III) 在不同MRs所合成之氧化鐵,於低pH值環境下則有利於氧化鐵吸附砷。另外,以一階及二階動力模式模擬合成氧化鐵對砷之吸附反應,模擬結果以二階動力吸附模式較為吻合。平衡吸附實驗顯示,合成氧化鐵對砷之單位吸附容量大小為:Citrate/Fe(Ⅲ)>Fe(Ⅲ)>Silicate /Fe(Ⅲ),且隨著pH值的上升而降低。
This study is to probe into the surface characteristics, crystalline identification and inner structural changes of the synthetic iron oxides which are synthesized from pure Fe(Ⅲ), citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) and silicate/Fe(Ⅲ) solutions at different MRs respectively. This study is also to compare the adsorption capabilities of these synthetic iron oxides serving as the adsorptive materials in containing arsenic wastewater through adsorption experiments. By means of the XRD identification analysis, the synthetic iron oxides of pure Fe(Ⅲ) and silicate/Fe(Ⅲ) are non-crystal ferrihydrite, but the synthetic iron oxide of citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) is crystal magnetite with magnetism. By means of IR spectrum analysis and comparison with the IR spectrum of iron mineral, the FTIR spectrum of pure Fe(Ⅲ) and silicate/Fe(Ⅲ) synthetic iron oxide are similar to that of ferrihydrite; The FTIR spectrum of citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) synthetic iron oxide is similar to that of magnetite. The degree of pore volume and surface area for synthetic iron oxides are as follows: silicate/Fe(Ⅲ) > Fe(Ⅲ) > citrate/Fe(Ⅲ). With the citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) MRs increasing, the pore volume and surface area of synthetic iron oxide will decrease. However, with the silicate/Fe(Ⅲ) MRs increasing, the pore volume and surface area of synthetic iron oxide do not make great difference. Results of kinetic adsorption experiments show that the synthetic iron oxides of citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) or silicate/Fe(Ⅲ) at different MRs will adsorb arsenic better at low pH. With the pseudo-first order and the second order kinetic adsorption model to simulate the adsorption experiment data, the results show that the simulation results are consistent with the pseudo-second order kinetic adsorption model. The equilibrium adsorption experiments show that the adsorption capacity of arsenic for synthetic iron oxides is as follows: citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) > Fe(Ⅲ) > silicate/Fe(Ⅲ), and that the adsorption capacity will decrease with the pH increasing.
Abstract……………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究目的及內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1氧化鐵之特性 4
2-1-2氧化鐵表面化學特性 8
2-1-3氧化鐵在水處理之應用 12
2-2重金屬砷之特性 12
2-2-1砷的代謝 16
2-2-2砷的毒性 17
2-3-3砷之毒性對人體的危害 18
2-2-4水中砷之去除方法 19
2-3吸附原理 21
2-3-1物理吸附 21
2-3-2化學吸附 22
2-3-3特定吸附與非特定吸附 23
2-3-4陰離子之吸附反應 24
2-4動力吸附模式 24
第三章 實驗材料及方法 27
3-1實驗規劃 27
3-2實驗材料及設備 28
3-2-1藥品部分 28
3-2-2氧化鐵合成反應設備 28
3-2-3分析儀器設備 29
3-3實驗設計 30
3-3-1溶液配置 30
3-3-2合成氧化鐵膠體 31
3-3-3氧化鐵固體之冷凍乾燥 32
3-4合成氧化鐵之分析 32
3-4-1 X光繞射儀分析(X-ray diffractionmeter,XRD) 33
3-4-2傅立葉紅外線光譜分析(FTIR) 33
3-4-3微孔隙分佈及比表面積分析 33
3-4-4氧化鐵動力吸附試驗 35
3-4-5氧化鐵吸附重金屬之能力試驗 35
3-4-6濃度計算 36
第四章 結果與討論 37
4-1 X光繞射分析(XRD) 37
4-2傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析 40
4-2-1Citrate/Fe(Ⅲ)合成鐵氧化物之分析 40
4-2-2 Silicate/Fe(Ⅲ)合成鐵氧化物之分析 42
4-2-3小結 44
4-3微孔隙度分佈與比表面積分析 45
4-3-1 Citrate/Fe(Ⅲ)合成鐵氧化物之分析 45
4-3-2 Silicate/Fe(Ⅲ)合成鐵氧化物之分析 46
4-3-3小結 48
4-4恆溫動力吸附實驗 50
4-4-1 Citrate/Fe(Ⅲ)合成氧化鐵對砷之動力吸附 50
4-4-2 Silicate/Fe(Ⅲ)合成氧化鐵對砷之動力吸附 54
4-4-3小結 55
4-5吸附動力模式模擬 56
4-5-1 Citrate/Fe(Ⅲ) 吸附動力模式模擬 56
4-5-2 Silicate/Fe(Ⅲ)動力吸附系統模擬 64
4-5-3小結 67
4-6 pH
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