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研究生(外文):Ya-Chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):The development of a spatial-temporal data imputation technique for the applications of environmental monitoring
指導教授(外文):Yang-Chi Chang
外文關鍵詞:environmental monitoring datadata imputationmissing values
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In recent years, sustainable development has become one of the most important issues internationally. Many indicators related to sustainable development have been proposed and implemented, such as Island Taiwan and Urban Taiwan. However the missing values come along with environmental monitoring data pose serious problems when we conducted the study on building a sustainable development indicator for marine environment. Since data is the origin of the summarized information, such as indicators. Given the poor data quality caused by the missing values, there will be some doubts about the result accuracy when using such data set for estimation. It is therefore important to apply suitable data pre-processing, such that reliable information can be acquired by advanced data analysis. Several reasons cause the problem of missing value in environmental monitoring data, for example: breakdown of machines, ruin of samples, forgot recording, mismatch of records when merging data, and lost of records when processing data. The situations of missing data are also diverse, for example: in the same time of sampling, some data records at several sampling sites are partially or completely disappeared. On the contrary, partial or complete time series data are missing at the same sampling site. It is therefore obvious to see that the missing values of environmental monitoring data are both related to spatial and temporal dimensions. Currently the techniques of data imputation have been developed for certain types of data or the interpolation of missing values based on either geographic data distributions or time-series functions. To accommodate both spatial and temporal information in an analysis is rarely seen. The current study has been tried to integrate the related analysis procedures and develop a computing process using both spatial and temporal dimensions inherent in the environmental monitoring data. Such data imputation process can enhance the accuracy of estimated missing values.
一、緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究流程 3
二、文獻回顧 5
2.1 環境品質監測 5
2.2 插補分析模式 6
三、研究方法 9
3.1 克利金法 9
3.2 時間序列插補 12
3.3 三維插補法 14
3.3.1 Delaunay Triangulation 14
3.3.2 線性3-D有限函數(Linear 3-D shape functions) 16
3.4 類神經網路 18
3.4.1 倒傳遞網路模式 18
3.4.2 網路模式參數 20
3.5 模式驗證 21
四、模式發展與效能測試 23
4.1 插補模式發展 23
4.2 模式一:時空插補法 31
4.3 模式二:時空類神經插補法 32
4.4 結果討論 33
4.4.1 研究資料說明 33
4.4.2 不同缺失比例插補結果 39
4.4.3 不同領域資料插補結果 45
4.4.4 尺度變化插補結果 52
五、結論與建議 68
參考文獻: 70
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