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研究生(外文):Pei-fang Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Liability Driven Investment And Dual Duration Matching
指導教授(外文):Yih Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Dual-Duration MatchingLiability Driven InvestmentEquity DurationSurplus OptimizationPension FundsImmunization
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過去退休基金在進行資產配置時,通常只考慮資產面因素,可能使退休基金面臨無法確實發放退休金之窘境,因此本文將焦點著重在資產與負債之差距,運用Waring (2004) 所提出的盈餘最適化模型 (Surplus Optimization Model) 與Redington (1952) 所提出的免疫策略,架構負債驅動投資與雙重免疫策略模型,將存續期間拆解成通膨率存續期間與實質利率存續期間,使退撫基金能確實掌握利率風險之來源,在控制通膨風險與實質利率風險下,極大化其效用,配置最適化投資組合,提升退休基金管理效率,確保其退休金之發放,提供退休基金更全面且完整的資產配置與風險管理方法。本文之研究期間為2001年9月至2005年8月,資料型態為月資料,採用市場上較常見的投資工具:台灣加權股價指數、大華公債指數、五年期公司債、三年期定存與商業本票作為配置資產之依據。
In the past, when deciding the asset allocation, fund managers only concerned the factors of assets. This incomplete way may let pension funds not cover their liabilities. To solve this problem we integrate the factors which influence fund’s assets and liabilities and focus on surplus, which means assets minus liabilities. We use Surplus Optimization Model and Immunization Theory to construct our Liability Driven Investment and Dual Duration Matching Model. We decompose duration to real interest rate duration and inflation rate duration to control the sources of interest rate. Through this method, we can enhance the efficiency of asset allocation to ensure paying pension annuity punctually and avoid the risk of interest rate.
Our sample period is Sept. 2001 to Aug. 2005 and sampling frequency is monthly. We use the common investment tools, stocks index, government bond index, 5 years corporate bonds, 3 years bank deposit, 30 days commercial papers, to be the assets we can allocate.
We discover that when using liability driven investment and duration matching the longer years we consider the longer assets duration we need. Because government bond index’s duration is shorter than stocks index’s. When we consider longer years the weight of government bond index will decrease and the weight of stocks index will increase. When considered years are 50, the weight of government bond index is 54.74% and the weight of stocks index is 45.26%. The ratio of equity assets to fixed income assets is 84.51% that is similar with pension fund’s ratio, 86.13%. No matter how many years we consider, the weight of bonds is high. But in pension funds’ target allocation the weight of bonds is only 16% and the weights of bank deposit and T-bills are 31%. To take immunization strategy and improve the long term revenue, a large proportion should be allocated from bank deposit and T-bills to bonds.
第一章 序論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 4
第四節 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 資產負債管理 6
第二節 負債驅動投資模型 8
第三節 權益存續期間 12
第四節 免疫策略 18
第三章 研究架構與方法 22
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 研究資料範圍與來源 25
第三節 模型架構 26
第四章 實證結果 36
第一節 變數處理與說明 36
第二節 各項資產之存續期間 40
第三節 退撫基金最適資產配置 45
第四節 不同考慮年限下之最適資產配置 53
第五章 結論與建議 58
第一節 實證結果 58
第二節 對於退撫基金之建議 60
第三節 後續研究建議 61
附錄 63
參考文獻 72
1.Blitzer, David M., and Srikant Dash. “Using Equity Duration in Pension Fund Asset Allocation.” www.standardandpoors.com, January 2004.
2.Blitzer, David M., and Srikant Dash. “Equity Duration – Updated Duration of the S&P 500.” www.standardandpoors.com, January 2005.
3.Bookstaber, Richard, and Jeremy Gold. “In Search of the Liability Asset.” Financial Analysts Journal, January/ February 1988, pp. 70-80.
4.Casabona, Patrick, Frank J. Fabozzi, and Jack C. Francis. “How to Apply Duration to Equity Analysis?” Journal of Portfolio Management, Winter 1984.
5.Elton, Edwin J., and Martin J. Gruber. “Optimal Investment Strategies with Investor Liabilities.” Journal of Banking and Finance, September 1992, pp. 869-889.
6.Johnson, Lewis D. “Equity Duration: Another Look.” Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 1989.
7.Leibowitz, Martin L., Eric H. Sorensen, Robert D. Arnott, and Nicholas H. Hanson. “A Total Differential Approach to Equity Duration.” Financial Analysts Journal, September/October 1989, pp. 30-37.
8.Leibowitz, Martin L., and Roy D. Henriksson. “Portfolio Optimization within a Surplus Framework.” Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 1988, pp. 43-51.
9.Leibowitz, Martin L. “Total Portfolio Duration: a New Perspective on Asset Allocation.” Financial Analysts Journal, September/October 1986, pp. 18-30.
10.Leibowitz, Martin L. “Pension Asset Allocation through Surplus Management.” Financial Analysts Journal, March/April 1987, pp. 29-40.
11.Ponds, Eduard H. M., and Fons Quix. “Integral Risk Management by Pension Funds in a Fair Value Framework.” Pensions Vol. 8, November 2002, pp. 222-234.
12.Ryan, Ronald J., and Frank J. Fabozzi. “Rethinking Pension Liabilities and Asset Allocation.” Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 2002, pp. 7-15.
13.Sharpe, William F. “Budgeting and Monitoring Pension Fund Risk.” Financial Analysts Journal, September/October 2002, pp. 74-85.
14.Sharpe, William F., and Lawrence G. Tint. “Liabilities: A New Approach.” Journal of Portfolio Management, Winter 1990, pp. 5-10.
15.Chang, Shih-Chieh. “Optimal Pension Funding through Dynamic Simulations: The Case of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System” Insurance: Mathematics and Ecnomics, 1999, pp. 187-199.
16.Waring, Barton M. “Liability-Relative Investment I.” Journal of Portfolio Management, Summer 2004, pp. 8-20.
17.Waring, Barton M. “Liability-Relative Investment II.” Journal of Portfolio Management, Fall 2004, pp. 40-53.

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