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研究生(外文):Jae-young Jo
論文名稱(外文):A Study of alternative education in Korea
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hwa Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Korean educationalternative educationalternative schools
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本研究的結果經歸納整理後,得到以下結論:一、韓國傳統教育仍有未能滿足少數人期望的現象,這些自認為被忽略、疏離的階層不得不尋找新的途徑,因此促成另類教育不斷地發展。 二、另類教育發展前,首先透過社會運動讓教師、家長、學生們各領域的主體一個接著一個覺醒,他們也成為發展另類教育的原動力。三、韓國另類學校從高中開始發展,大部分均能得到官方認可,有政府財政補助並可獲得學歷認定;但是由於國中和國小階段屬於義務教育,所以大部分是非官方認可的學校,無法得到補助且學歷不被認定。四、另類教育運動和其他教育運動不同的地方在於,政府和媒體採取積極鼓勵的態度與各種團體願意積極地一起參與另類學校的催生工作。五、由於準備不夠充分而且發展太過迅速,社會大眾以及教育界未能建立正確的觀念,因此產生了許多問題亟待解決。六、韓國另類教育發展情形與其歷史、地理、政治、經濟、哲學、人文等背景有很大的關聯。
To meet the global and informational 21st century, numerous countries around the world, including Korea, have begun to reform their own educational systems. However, the experience of their reforms did not solve the problems of traditional education but rather have made the problems worse. In the early 1990s, thousands of students committed suicide, and tens of thousands of students dropped out from schools or could not adapt themselves to the schools in Korea. In order to solve the problem, the government and people from all classes started to promote the idea of alternative education enthusiastically.
The first alternative school in Korea was established in March of 1997, and the number of alternative schools had amounted to about 80 in 2005. Although most alternative schools did not get the recognition from the education authorities because they didn’t conform to the education legislations and regulations, and thus making them lack of financial support, the number of alternative schools still kept rising due to the efforts of the religious groups, the societal communities and parents. By analyzing the backgrounds such as philosophies, humanities, politics, economy, history and geography of Korea, the researcher try to realize why the alternative education quickly developed in Korea these past years.
The conclusions of the research are as follows:
I.As policies changed, traditional education can’t help but ignore the expectations of the minority. The minority then turned to seek new methods, and alternative education constantly developed under the situation.
II.Before the development of alternative education, the masses of every field were awakened by this social revolutions. Hence, they could be the main force to develop alternative education.
III.In Korea, alternative schools began in senior high school, and most of them were authorized by the education bureaucracies. But most alternative schools at junior high and elementary education levels were not authorized because of the compulsory education statue.
IV.Unlike the other education revolutions, the alternative education movement was actively participated by various kinds of groups.
V.Without adequate preparation, many alternative schools were established too hastily in a short time. In addition, the society and educators didn’t have enough time to gain the correct knowledge about alternative education, and thus have encountered quite a few difficulties which need to be solved.
VI.The development of alternative education in Korea is deeply concerned with its history, geography, politics, economy, philosophy and humanities roots.
According to the above conclusions, the researcher proposes some suggestions with the consideration of Korean culture:
I.Suggestions for alternative schools
A.To try to find workable strategies, and ask the government for more practical help.
B.To improve the working conditions and environment of the teachers.
C.To get involved in the activities in the neighborhood or in the society, and to make the activities successful.
II.Suggestions for the government
A.To enforce the compulsory education legislation flexibly and to respect the right of school choice in the part of parents.
B.To actively support alternative schools.
C.To lessen and simplify the sophistication of regulations at school administration procedures.
D.To provide some measures to train the teachers of alternative schools.
III.Suggestions for the teachers of traditional education
A.To identify oneself as the subject of education activity itself.
B.To actively explore alternative education and apply the workable part of it to the traditional education.
IV.Suggestions for further research
A.To do a thorough research on alternative education of Taiwan.
B.To locate some possible ways to apply several aspects of Korean alternative schools to education in Taiwan.

Keywords: Korean education, alternative education, alternative schools.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與背景1
第二節 研究目的與方法6
第三節 研究範圍與限制7
第四節 名詞釋義8

第二章 另類教育之濫觴
第一節 形成背景11
第二節 概念、思維與哲學理念20

第三章 韓國另類教育之歷史
第一節 1990年以前33
第二節 1990年以後39
第三節 2000年代42

第四章 韓國另類教育之現況
第一節 另類學校的類別45
第二節 另類教育相關團體以及其活動57
第三節 另類教育相關的法案60
第四節 另類教育面臨的問題69
第五節 甘地學校75

第五章 影響韓國另類教育發展之因素分析
第一節 哲學、人文因素81
第二節 政治、經濟因素90
第三節 歷史、地理因素-96

第六章 解決韓國另類教育問題之因應對策
第一節 政府、社會、地放政府的支援102
第二節 傳統學校之改善106
第三節 教師在『質』與『量』上的提昇109
第四節 推廣另類性的社會運動112

第七章 結論與建議
第一節 結論114
第二節 建議119


附錄一 韓國另類學校名錄b1
附錄二 韓國委託性另類學校名錄b4
附錄三 韓國另類教育相關機構名錄b5
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韓國教育研究所:http://www.keri21.org/index.html 한국교육 연구소
另類教育聯隊:http://psae.or.kr/ 대안교육연대
蒲公英出版社:http://www.mindle.org/ 민들레
韓國教育開發院:http://www.kedi.re.kr/ 한국교육개발원
首爾市另類教育中心:http://www.activelearning.or.kr/ 서울시 대안교육센터
建設交通部:http://www.moct.go.kr/ 건설교통부
教育部:http://www.moe.go.kr/ 교육인적자원부
共同育兒協同組合:http://www.gongdong.or.kr/jsp/main/index.jsp 공동육아와 공동체교육
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