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研究生(外文):chia-tai Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The research in operating strategy of fortune management business of banking
指導教授(外文):Diana HweiAn Tsai
外文關鍵詞:customer satisfactiontrustservice qualitypromiserepurchase intentionelectronic commerce servicecustomer relationship management
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中 文 摘 要

With the trend of liberalization in the domestic financial market in recent years, domestic banking, which operates conservatively all the time, encounters structural changes plus establishment of new banks, tremendous growth of direct finance, spread shortness of traditional deposit business and additional competition with non-bank organizations. Domestic banking has difficulty in making profits little by little and bank organizations adjust their operating strategy to response to these changes of new financial situation. Under the circumstances of decreasing spread of traditional deposit, fee income is regarded as another crucial source of banks’ profits. Therefore, fortune management business becomes an objective that domestic banks and foreign banks strive for; thus, finance management service for banks’ VIP becomes a significant part of banks’ “Fortune Management.” The objective of the thesis lies in discussing the research in operating strategy of fortune management business of banking. By means of understanding customers’ opinions about service quality of fortune management business, customer satisfaction, trust, promise, e-commerce service and customer relationship management, and repurchase intention, adopt questionnaires issued to customers of banks which offer fortune management service in Kaohsiung City as information sources for empirical research. Then, compile statistics to gain information relevant to the research and propose the conclusion and suggestion. The thesis is expected to be beneficial for existing banks that offer fortune management service and prospective banking intends to add this service in drafting operating strategy, and make contribution to competent authorities of the government and savants related to the research.
目 錄
中文摘要................................................................................................. Ⅰ
英文摘要................................................................................................. Ⅱ
目錄......................................................................................................... Ⅲ
圖目錄..................................................................................................... Ⅴ
表目錄..................................................................................................... Ⅵ
第一章 緒論.......................................................................................….1
第一節 本國金融環境之SWOT分析...............……………………2
第二節 研究動機與問題............…………….....................….........3
第三節 研究目的............................…..………................................6
第四節 研究限制.......................................................................…...6
第二章 文獻回顧……...................................................................….....8
第一節 台灣財富管理業務發展趨勢........................................…...8
第二節 服務品質..........................……………………...............….11
第三節 顧客滿意度....................................................................….12
第四節 信任與承諾.........................................................................13
第五節 電子商務服務與顧客關係管理.….............................…..18
第六節 再購意願.....................................................................…...20
第三章 研究方法................……...........................................................22
第一節 研究架構……….............…................................................22
第二節 研究假設.............................................................................23

第三節 研究變數的定義與衡量.....................................................26
第四節 問卷設計.............................................................................31
第五節 研究對象與抽樣方法...................................................…..34
第六節 統計方法分析................................................................….34
第四章 研究結果............................................................................…...39
第一節 樣本結構分析.....................................................……...….39
第二節 內容效度……….............…................................................44
第三節 因素分析建構效度.............................................................44
第四節 信度分析……………….....................................................50
第五節 相關分析.............................................................................52
第六節 路徑分析…………….....................................……....…..52
第七節 各人口統計變項與各構面之變異數分析.....................….56
第八節 結構方程模式分析….....................................……....…...62
第五章 結論與建議........................................................................…..67
第一節 研究結論……....................................................……...….67
第二節 研究建議……….............…...............................................71

圖1-1 研究流程圖..........................................................................……..7
圖2-1 承諾-信任模型..........................…………................................18
圖2-2 服務品質的後續行為模型................................................……..21
圖3-1 研究架構.....……………….........................................................22
圖3-2 問卷設計流程圖..........................................................................33
圖3-1 研究架構.......................................................................................42
圖3-2 本文研究架構...............................................................................48
圖4-1 本研究路徑圖……………...........................................................53
圖4-2 本研究路徑圖之實證...................................……………............55
圖4-3 標準化徑路係數圖1...................................…..…………............64
圖4-3 標準化徑路係數圖2...................................…..…………............65
圖5-1 全部路徑圖.............................…………....…..…………............71

表1-1 現今金融環境SWTO分析...……………...................................02
表2-1 各家金控銀行財富管理門檻一覽表.....…..................................10
表2-2 修正後服務品質衡量構面與衡量項目.......................................12
表2-3 信任的定義彙總表.......................................................……........14
表2-4 承諾的定義彙總表…...................................................................16
表3-1 服務品質知覺的衡量項目...…………........................................26
表3-2 顧客滿意度之衡量問項..............................................….............27
表3-3 信任的衡量項目.......................……………………....................28
表3-4 承諾的衡量項目.............................................…………………..28
表3-5 再購意願的衡量項目.........………………..................................29
表3-6 電子商務服務與顧客關係管理的衡量項目...............….............30
表3-7 問卷衡量項目表....................................………………………...31
表4-1 問卷發放回收摘要表................................……………………...39
表4-2 性別分配表........................................……….............…..............39
表4-3 年齡分配表....................................................................………...40
表4-4 學歷分配表...............................………………............................40
表4-5 婚姻分配表...................................................................................41
表4-6 職業分配表.......................................................…………............41
表4-7 受訪者月所得分配表...................................................................42
表4-8 各問項之平均數與標準差...........................................................43
表4-9 各構面平均得分數.......................................................................44
表4-10 KMO and Bartlett''s考驗…...........................….......................45
表4-11 整體解釋的變異數................................................………….....47
表4-12 轉軸後的因素矩陣…………........................................................48
表4-13 各構面之信度分析表.............................................................…51
表4-14 相關係數矩陣...........................…..………………....................52
表4-15 路徑函數與路徑模式............................................………….....53
表4-16 路徑一分析表…………....................................................….....54
表4-17 路徑二分析表…………....................................................….....54
表4-18 研究假設的實證結果........................................................….…56
表4-19 變異數分析表-性別.………..........................…......................56
表4-20 變異數分析表-年齡.………..........................…......................57
表4-21 變異數分析表-教育.………..........................…......................58
表4-22 變異數分析表-婚姻.………..........................…......................59
表4-23 變異數分析表-職業.………..........................…......................60
表4-24 變異數分析表-收入.………..........................…......................61
表4-25 各項適配度指標1.………..........................…............…...........64
表4-26 各項適配度指標2.………..........................…............…...........65


許展維,「銀行兼營保險之服務品質、知覺價格、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之關聯性研究」,碩士論文,靜宜大學, 2001。


唐資文,「從顧客關係管理探討銀行業發展電子商務之策略」,未 出版之碩士論文,國立東華大學,2001。




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