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研究生(外文):Wei-Jen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Eassays On Strategic Incentive Contracts Of Banks'' Owners To Their Chief Managers
指導教授(外文):Tru-Gin Lau
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Under the information inconsistency between the owners and the chief managers of the bank, in the first part, I am going to discuss the effect of a strategic variable to the bank in a monopolistic competition market, which is a linear combination used as a incentive schemes As giving the chief managers the strategic inducement contract according to the linear combination of profit, the amount of loan and bad debt. In the thesis, I prove that the best strategic inducement contract is the contract which is based on the bank profit alone. It encourages the chief managers to make the best out of their effort, and it ensures the goal of benefit maximization of the bank can be achieved. In the second part of the discussion, I assume the market consists of two different types of bank. One is the stable and conservative type of bank, which set the main goal to maximize the profit. The designate strategic inducement contract is only aim to reward those who achieve the bank profit. Another bank has the strategic inducement contract not taking the profit as its main goal, for as it may take the amount of loan as reference. In the latter part of thesis, proving that although the conservative old school type bank is not comparable to the aggressive new bank in the growth rate of loan and spread, the net profit is clearly outperform the new bank. This also implies that the control of credit risk is the key to the amount of the profit to be made and the success in competition.
目 錄
內 容 頁次

第一章 緒綸……………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的…………………………… 1
第二節 研究方法與研究架構…………………………… 3

第二章 單一銀行與單一高階經理人模型……………… 4
第一節 前言…………………………………………… 4
第二節 銀行及高階經理人之完美信息動態賽局……… 4
第三節 最適策略性誘因契約…………………………… 9
第四節 子賽局精煉均衡與柏拉圖最適契約…………… 15
第五節 結論……………………………………………… 16

第三章 二家銀行(委託人)與二家高階經理人(代理人)單期模型17
第一節 前言…………………………………………………… 17
第二節 二家銀行與二家高階經理人不完全信息動態賽局… 18
第三節 Nash子賽局精煉均衡………………………………… 21
第四節 銀行及高階經理人最適化策略討論………………… 23
第五節 策略性誘因契約與銀行利潤之相關命題…………… 27
第六節 結論…………… ………………………………… 31

第四章 結論與建議………………………………………… 32
第一節 結論………………………………………………… 32
第二節 建議………………………………………………… 34

參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 35

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