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研究生(外文):Yi-Hui Lin
論文名稱(外文):Remote Password Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards and Biometrics
指導教授(外文):Chun-I Fan
外文關鍵詞:Smart cardsBiometricsThree-factor securityRemote authenticationPasswordsGNY logic
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越來越多的學者在設計遠端認證協定時,將生物特徵結合通行碼(Passwords)和智慧卡(Smart cards),以達到更高安全的需求。然而,在目前所提出相關遠端認證協定的文獻中,在認證階段的時候,皆是在智慧卡內來比對生物特徵(Biometrics),而不是在認證的伺服器上。雖然這樣的設計讓伺服器端無法知道使用者的生物特徵資料,可以保有生物特徵的隱私,但是卻會產生安全上的缺陷,因為遠端伺服器並沒有真正驗證到生物特徵這個安全因子,因此我們認為在智慧卡上驗證生物特徵的方式,並不是真正的三個安全因子(通行碼、智慧卡、生物特徵)的遠端認證協定。在本文中,我們提出了一個真正的三個安全因子遠端認證協定,也就是我們將會在遠端伺服器驗證通行碼、智慧卡和生物特徵,另外我們也考慮到使用者生物特徵的隱私,因此我們所提出的協定雖然是在伺服器端做生物特徵的驗證,但是使用者卻無須向任何人,包括驗證的伺服器,暴露自己的生物特徵資料。而且我們所提出協定可抵擋重送攻擊(The replay attacks)和離線字典攻擊(The offline-dictionary attacks),並且也達到符合智慧卡低計算量的需求。因此我們所提出的協定做到效率上的考量,也兼顧了安全性和隱私性。最後,我們用GNY邏輯分析來證明我們的協定的確達到了認證的目標。
More and more researchers combine biometrics with passwords and smart cards to design remote authentication schemes for the purpose of high-degree security. However, in most of these authentication schemes proposed in the literatures so far, biometric characteristics are verified in the smart cards only, not in the remote servers, during the authentication processes. Although this kind of design can prevent the biometric data of the users from being known to the servers, it will result in that they are not real three-factor authentication schemes and therefore some security flaws may occur since the remote servers do not indeed verify the security factor of biometrics. In this thesis we propose a truly three-factor remote authentication scheme where all of the three security factors, passwords, smart cards, and biometric characteristics, are examined in the remote servers. Especially, the proposed scheme fully preserves the privacy of the biometric data of every user, that is, the scheme does not reveal the biometric data to anyone else, including the remote servers. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the proposed scheme is immune to both the replay attacks and the offline-dictionary attacks and it achieves the requirement of low-computation cost for smart-card users. Finally, we give a formal analysis based on the GNY logic to prove that our goals are achieved.
Abstract 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
Chapter 2 Related Works 8
2.1 Lee–Ryu–Yoo Scheme 8
2.2 Kim–Lee–Yoo scheme 9
2.2.1 Timestamp Based Scheme 10
2.2.2 Nonce based scheme 11
2.3. Cryptanalysis of Kim–Lee–Yoo Scheme 12
2.4. Lin and Lia’s Scheme 13
2.5. Rabin’s Cryptosystem 16
2.6. The Image Processing of Fingerprints 17
Chapter 3 Basic Idea 19
Chapter 4 Our Scheme 22
4.1 Initialization Phase 23
4.2 Registration Phase 23
4.3 Login and Authentication Phase 24
Chapter 5 Discussions 27
Chapter 6 Three-Factor Security 30
Chapter 7 Formal Analysis 33
7.1 Formulae and Statements 33
7.2 Logical postulates 34
7.3 Protocol Description 37
7.4 Goals 38
7.6 Assumption list 39
7.6 Protocol Analysis 40
Chapter 8 Conclusions 43
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