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研究生(外文):Wei-fan Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Role of Information Technology at Knowledge Transfer - A Case Study of ERP Implementation
指導教授(外文):Chin-Fu Ho
外文關鍵詞:ERPIT capabilityKnowledge Transfer
  • 被引用被引用:2
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有鑑於此,本研究嚐試利用個案研究方法,由高科技產業中選擇三個案例:被動元件業者、IC 封裝業者、SAP導入顧問公司。以傳遞方及接受方的觀點,分別就科技運用能耐、知識移轉過程、及建置績效評量標準等觀點,探討ERP導入過程中資訊科技運用對於知識傳遞產生之影響。
3.以導入SAP ERP的個案而言,導入有一定的方法論,但因的手法差異,對導入時程及成本付出,造成一定程度的影響。
For industries in Taiwan, marching toward 21st century indicates the importance of globalization and economics of scale.Through merge and acquisition, Hi-Tech companies attempt to expand their business domain and market share, leading to global competitiveness to improve market position in the world. In this wave of competition, because of wide-spread use of Internet and promotion by the government, the issue that enterprises apply information technology to help management and administration has become essential. In the process enterprises need to organize knowledge and intelligence capital when they implement information technology and organization restructuring. Then benefit of the construction of information system will ferment progressively.
In view of this, this research tries to utilize the case study research methodology, and selects three cases from the Hi-Tech industry: Passive component industry, IC packaging industry , and SAP consultant firm. Based on the perspectives of transmitter and recipient, the ERP implementation has covered information technology capability , knowledge transfer process , and organizational performance.
Although there are differences in ERP implementation experience in these three cases, they all want to retain related knowledge in the organization eventually. For this purpose, they have adopted ASAP methodology to guide implementation. choose to channel into the way theory and do for the blueprint with the standard of SAP. No matter the first or the second time during the process of implementation, every organization might share the analogy of the break-in and adjustment for the ERP system. Organization memory are gradually formed via system usage and personal experience. More adaptation on the part of the user will bring in fit between system and people.
Finally, propose four suggestions in accordance with the result of study:
1.While channelling into the new information system, effective information science and technology is used; Include the basic resource of science and technology of information and tactics to combine, can reduce the unnecessary interrupt in the transmittance process.
2.Information science and technology is related to IT ability maturity to use,high ability can solve more difficulty problem,and the industry produced positive influence to that enterprises operate through the application of relevant knowledge after the information system channels into.
3.In order to channel into the case of SAP ERP , the case channels into certain methodology, but because the tactics difference , pay to leading precess time and cost, cause the influence of a certain degree.
4.In the knowledge transmit process, setting-up of the social network between motive, trust to the cooperative partner, cooperative partner''s partner channelling into it, knowledge absorbability,etc., it is enterprises that channel into the key factor influencing the performance after the implementaion of ERP system.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 2
第四節 研究範圍 3
第五節 論文章節之架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 企業資源規劃 5
第二節 外部顧問、顧問服務 11
第三節 科技運用能耐、策略整合 13
第四節 知識管理、知識移轉、跨組織學習 22
第五節 傳遞績效評量 31
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究步驟 33
第二節 研究方法 34
第三節 研究模型 35
第四節 資料來源 37
第五節 訪談問卷之設計 38
第四章 個案解析 43
第一節 個案所選用科技 43
第二節 A公司個案 48
第三節 B公司個案 58
第四節 C公司個案 68
第五節 綜合的整理及對照解析 75
一.資訊科技運用能耐 75
二.知識移轉過程 80
三.ERP系統建置績效 86
四.個案對照分析表 87
五.案例個別解析 93
第五章 結論與限制 99
第一節 研究結論 99
第二節 研究限制 100
參照文獻 101
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