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研究生(外文):Tsung-wei Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Team Leadership in Virtual Environment on Team''s Development and Effectiveness
指導教授(外文):Hsin - Hui Lin
外文關鍵詞:Team leadershipVirtual teamTeam developmentTeam effectiveness
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全球化趨勢浪潮的影響之下,企業組織面對更加複雜變動、激烈競爭的外在商業環境,使企業組織必須找出一個能更快速反應環境變化的運作模式,而快速發展的資訊科技與網路通訊技術,便在此一商業環境背景下與企業組織的需求結合在一起,因而產生虛擬團隊(Virtual Team) 。企業組織藉由使用資訊科技與網路通訊來結合來自不同地域、組織的工作夥伴以達成組織的任務。


研究以問卷方式針對資訊相關工作的虛擬團隊進行研究調查,在進行問卷調查前,先從相關文獻中找出與領導對團隊的影響因素,並挑選六個俱有虛擬團隊領導實務經驗的個案進行訪談,以進一步釐清各影響因素間的關係,建立研究架構模型,並採用部份最小平方法(Partial Least Square)進行結構方程模式分析。

Under the impact of the trend of globalization, enterprises face a more complicated and competitive external business environment than before. For the reason, the organization has to find out a business model which can react to any change in the environment and the market and which can reduce cost and establish a humungous niche. In such a background, an advanced information technology and an Internet communication application conjoin with the organizational demand; therefore, Virtual Team, a new type of teamwork system, is brought forth.

Whether a team is virtual or traditional, it doubtlessly consists of people; however, without mutual-cooperation, the group cannot work efficiently and is arduous to accomplish a target. Apparently, there are various factors influencing the efficiency of a team. Among them, the most critical factors are leadership and team process. This study is to discuss what types of leadership should adopt to make their members cohere and then to be a competent company.

The questionnaire of Virtual Team was sampled from the groups related to Information. Firstly, the author referred to the related documents to find out the factors connected to leadership versus a team, and then interviewed six managers experienced at Virtual Team to distinguish the relationships from factors. The author, furthermore, built a research framework and analyzed it in Partial Least Square.

The result demonstrates that an increase on the members’ participation and humanistic leadership make positive impacts on the team process of Virtual Team including communication & interaction, cooperation and conflict reconciliation. The team process, moreover, is the critical factor to affecting team efficiency.
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