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研究生(外文):Chiu-Yueh Chen
論文名稱(外文):A study of differentiation in Engineering Change –An Example of Implementation of Engineering Change in TFT-LCD Industry of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chin-Fu Ho
外文關鍵詞:Adaptive Structuration TheoryCollaborative Product CommerceEngineering Change
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面臨大陸、印度及東南亞國家低勞力成本的威脅,台灣以往代工產業所具優勢已不復存在,唯一能與之競爭的地方就在於研發設計能力。有鑑於此,企業紛紛朝向全球化商務及協同合作模式發展,導入協同產品商務來創造一個優質的產品研發環境,以因應快速變動的競爭市場,並結合供應鏈上下游的廠商共同合作,期望從產品研發到生產過程,建立系統化流程,提昇對客戶的服務品質,降低直接物料及失敗成本,縮短Time to Volume對營業額及利潤的影響,進而達到Time To Market 的致勝先機,發揮加乘的力量。
在顧客對產品的喜好與改變速度愈來愈快的狀況下,產品的生命週期愈來愈短,產品的特性、外觀越來越複雜,造成產品結構數不斷地變更與增加、資料量爆增、工程變更活動頻繁等狀況產生。工程變更(Engineering Change,EC)在整個產品生命週期中,成為必要且重要的過程。如何以協同合作的模式快速、有效率地處理工程變更,縮短產品上市週期並確保品質及客戶滿意度,將是企業維持競爭力的重要因素之一。

鑑於產品研發的運作程序非常複雜,過程中顧客需求、技術要求及供應商的能力都可能因時間與情況而改變。因此,產品開發設計的時間是否能夠縮短,決定了企業成為經營領域內領導者的關鍵。根據調查,對企業的高階主管而言,新產品開發時間及產品設計變更時間對企業競爭力是否重要,絕大多數的答案都是肯定的,這樣的回答也意味著研發設計流程及工程變更流程縮短的相關議題是當前企業界最熱門的話題之一。PTC 與Reed Research Group,針對全球電子和高科技公司的200 多位新産品開發和管理的高級主管進行了一項研究,研究結果指出,業界領先公司透過提昇産品開發能力獲致20%以上的收入成長,並使獲利倍增。這些高成長公司的傑出表現可歸因於(a)産品規劃工具和實作方法的使用(b)與合作夥伴共同建立標準化的內外協作(c)設計人員及早獲得企業和供應鏈資料等三種産品開發能力的強力執行,使他們能夠實現高效率,符合進度和預算,並在設計周期內儘早追踪和解決潛在問題[1]。
基於上述的調查結果發現,企業如何應用協同產品商務 (Collaborative Product Commerce,CPC )工具,進行協同環境下的工程變更作業,進而縮短新產品開發設計的時間,以達到顧客多樣化、低成本、高品質及短交期的要求,遂成為當前企業急欲了解的課題之一。

工程變更管理(engineering change management, ECM),是針對研發或生產過程已經釋出之零件、藍圖及軟體的變更管理,為產品研發流程的一部份。由於整個產品開發生命週期內的各階段,都有實施工程變更的必要性,因此,本研究針對企業的協同作業在工程變更中的調適情形進行探討,而研究結果也得到幾項結論,提供企業在導入ECM系統時的參考模式,以及導入時相關的重要議題,而企業可據此做適當的調整與改變。

On account of the rapid change of the consuming market and the industry market and the widely shortening of product’s life cycle, confronting the stress from the market end, the competition strategy of the enterprises has conversed from pursuing high quality and low cost in the past into the strategy of satisfying customers’ requirements. With the influence of satisfying the customers’ diversified requirement of products, in addition that the trades shall continue taking consideration of the original factors of low cost and high quality, factors like the launch time of products, the speed of delivery date and the satisfaction degree of the customers’ requirements have even become the key ones if the enterprises can maintain their competitiveness.
Being facing with the threat from low labor cost of China, India and countries in South-east Asia, the superiority that OEM industries used to have has no longer existed and the only competitiveness they have lies in the R&D design capability. In consideration of this, the enterprises have developed toward globalization commerce and the mode of collaborative product commerce and implement the collaborative product commerce to create an superior R&D environment of products in accommodation with the rapid changed competition markets and integrate and cooperation with the supply chain in the upper and lower reach manufacturers and expect to set up systemized procedure from the process of product R&D to the production so as to promote the service quality to the customers as well as to decrease the failure cost of direct material and supplies and shorten the affect Time to Volume to the turnover and profits and further achieve the earlier winning chance of Time To Market and elaborate multiple strength.
Under the circumstance that the speed of customers’ favor to the products and its change have become faster and faster, the life cycle of products has then become shorter and shorter and the characteristics and appearances have also become more and more complicated, which have generated situations such as the structure value of products continually changed and increased, giant increasing information quantity and activities of frequent engineering change. Engineering Change (EC) has thus become an essential and important process in the whole products life cycle. How to fast and effectively deal with the engineering change with collaborative cooperation mode and shorten the products’ launch cycle and ensure the quality and the satisfaction degree of the customers shall be considered as one of the important factors that the enterprises maintain their competitiveness.
In view that the operation procedure of product R&D is very complicated, during the process the customers’ requirement, technical demands and the capability of the suppliers may be changed due to the time and condition. Therefore, whether to shorten the time of product development and design shall become the key to determine if the enterprise can accomplish in taking the lead in the business field. According to the investigation, to the senior supervisors of an enterprise, most answers to if the time of new products development and change time of products’ design are important are positive. Such answers also mean that the related issues like the procedure of R&D design and the shortening of engineering change procedure are one of the most popular topics in this trade. PTC and Reed Research Group have proceeded a research in object to more than 200 senior supervisors in charge of new products development and management in the global electronic and high technology companies. The result of the research has shown that the leading trades have gained more than 20% growth of revenue through promoting capability of products development and also gained multiple profits. The extraordinary performance of these companies with high growth is attributed to (a) products planning tools and the use of practical methods (b) mutually establish standardized internal and external coordination with cooperated partners (c) the design staffs have gained at an early date three products development capability like the enterprises and the information of supply chains and are enforced to carry them out so that that are able to implement high efficiency and conform to progress and budge and to keep tracking and solving the potential problems soonest within the design cycle. [1]
On the basis of the above-mentioned results of investigation, we find that how the enterprises apply tool like Collaborative Product Commerce (CPC) to carry out the engineering change operation under the collaborative environment and further shorten the development and design time of new products and achieve the requests of diversified customers, low cost, high quality and short delivery date and finally become one of the topics that nowadays the enterprises are eager to learn.
Engineering change management (ECM) is a sort of changed management in object to the released parts, blueprints, and software during the process of R&D or production and is one part of product R&D procedure. Because it is essential for each stage within the development life cycle of the whole products to carry out engineering change, therefore, the study has proceeded conferring the adjustment condition among the engineering change in object to the collaborative operation of the enterprises and the result of study has also obtained several conclusions to be provided as the reference mode when the enterprises implement ECM system and the related important topic for discussion when it is implemented and the enterprises can make appropriate adjustment and change accordingly.
Keywords: Collaborative Product Commerce, Engineering Change, Adaptive Structuration Theory
致謝辭 I
摘要 II
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 6
1.4 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 新產品開發作業 7
2.1.1 新產品的定義 9
2.1.2 新產品開發流程 14
2.2.1產品資料管理的定義 20
2.2.2產品資料管理的功能 22
2.3.2 與產品資訊相關的協同作業 37
2.4.1 協同產品電子商務的定義與分類 40
2.4.2 企業需要協同產品電子商務的因素 43
2.5 工程變更管理 48
2.5.1 工程變更的定義 48
2.5.2 工程變更發生的原因 48
2.5.3 工程變更流程步驟 50
2.6.1 組織變革觀點 59
2.6.2 調適性結構化理論(AST) 62
2.6.3 AST的命題 66
2.7 科技與組織的調適模式 67
第三章 研究架構與研究方法 71
3.1 研究架構 71
3.2 研究構面 72
3.3 研究方法 76
3.4 研究設計 77
3.5 個案選擇 78
3.6 資料來源 78
3.7 研究流程 79
第四章 個案描述 81
4.1 個案公司背景 81
4.1.1 公司簡介 81
4.1.2 業務範圍 82
4.1.3 產業概況 82
4.1.4 長短期業務發展狀況 84
4.1.5 市場分析 84
4.2 系統導入 85
4.2.1 導入目的 85
4.2.2 WINDCHILL CPC系統模組說明 86
4.2.3 導入的範圍及階段 89
4.2.4 專案團隊 94
4.2.5系統導入前狀況分析 96
4.2.6系統導入中狀況分析 102
4.2.7系統導入後狀況分析 116
4.3 差異事件的調適分析 122
4.3.1 組織流程面差異事件及調適方式 123
4.3.2 作業系統功能面差異事件及調適方式 124
4.3.3 使用者系統熟悉度及操作面差異事件及調適方式 125
4.3.4 權限管理類差異事件及調適方式 125
4.3.5 人員溝通類差異事件及調適方式 126
4.4 導入後之組織績效 126
第五章 資料分析與研究發現 128
第六章 結論 129
參考文獻 133
中文部份 133
英文部份 136
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