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研究生(外文):Chao-Tsung Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Different Incentive Mechanisms on Online Group-Buying Behavior: From the Viewpoint of Fairness Cognition
指導教授(外文):Hsiang-Chu Lai
外文關鍵詞:Fairness cognitionGroup buyingConsumer behaviorConsumer Satisfaction
  • 被引用被引用:6
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線上集體購物的主要概念是要募集到大批的訂單以達到降價的目的,募集得愈多,價格降得愈多。因此集體購物上最大的特色是,當累積的人數越多時,將會吸引更多的消費者加入,形成一種正向迴饋,也就是Kauffman和Wang(2001, 2002) 針對集體購物所提出的「需求外部性」的現象。但從另一個角度來看,線上集體購物潛藏一個問題,那就是集體購物初期時,由於累積人數較低,因而價格降幅較小。一般消費者此時大多會採取觀望的手段,期盼其他消費者的加入讓價格降到自己可接受的範圍,才進行加入的行動。因此在消費者互相等待的情況下,將會產生死亡螺旋問題。

The main idea of group buying is to recruit larger number of orders in order to cut down price. In order words, the larger the number of orders is, the more consumers will join due to the resulted lower price. This positive feedback is as the phenomenon of demand externalities found by Kauffman and Wand (2001, 2002). However, from the other viewpoint, there is a phenomenon of death spiral at the beginning of group buying. It indicates that, due to the few orders in the beginning of group buying, consumers are inclined to wait until the price is acceptable. Unfortunately, it results in that consumers will wait for each other’s joining and therefore, the orders will not increase quickly.
In order to solve the problem of death spiral, Lai and Zhuang (2004) proposed three incentive mechanisms, sequential-based, time-based and quantity-based models, on purpose of encouraging consumer to participate in group-buying. The experimental result demonstrated the expected performance of the three incentive mechanisms in terms of removing the phenomenon of death spiral. However, we find these incentive mechanisms didn’t stimulate the phenomenon of demand externalities.
Based on previous literature and practical experience, price differentiation usually causes customers’ negative emotion and unfairness cognition. The incentive mechanisms designed for solving the problem of death spiral make consumers pay different price. We wonder if it causes unfairness cognition and therefore could not result in the phenomenon of demand externality. The purpose of this research is to understand whether the incentive mechanisms cause consumers unfairness cognition via experiment. The result shows consumers having opportunity to have extra discounts have higher cognition of price fairness than the consumers without chance to have extra discounts. Further, compared with other incentive mechanisms, sequential-based incentive mechanism makes consumers perceive lower cognition of procedural fairness. Finally, we also found that consumers’ fairness cognition has positive effect on their price satisfaction and purchase intention as well.

Keywords: Group buying, Fairness cognition, Consumer behavior,
Consumer satisfaction
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機-----------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究流程--------------------------------------------------------------------3
第四節 研究結構--------------------------------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------------------6
第一節 動態定價機制--------------------------------------------------------------6
第二節 線上集體購物--------------------------------------------------------------7
一、 線上集體購物機制-----------------------------------------------7
二、 台灣集體購物網站目前現況發展-----------------------------8
三、 集體購物模式之消費者行為-----------------------------------9
四、 集體購物面臨之挑戰--------------------------------------------10
五、 激勵機制-----------------------------------------------------------10
第三節 消費者決策行為與交易效用理論--------------------------------------13
一、 消費者購買決策模式--------------------------------------------13
二、 交易效用理論-----------------------------------------------------14
  第四節 公平性認知-----------------------------------------------------------------15
一、 公平性認知的定義-----------------------------------------------15
二、 分配公平性--------------------------------------------------------17
  三、 程序公平性--------------------------------------------------------18
第五節 消費者滿意度--------------------------------------------------------------19
第六節 公平性認知與消費者滿意度--------------------------------------------20
第三章 研究架構與變數操作------------------------------------------------------------21
第一節 研究假說---------------------------------------------------------------------23
一、 享有額外折扣有無與價格公平性認知------------------------23
二、 不同激勵機制模式與公平性認知------------------------------24
三、 公平性認知與價格滿意度---------------------------------------25
四、 公平性認知與加入線上集體購物意圖------------------------25
五、 價格滿意度與加入線上集體購物意圖------------------------25
六、 加入線上集體購物意圖與加入線上集體購物行為--------26
第二節 變數定義與操作-----------------------------------------------------------26
一、 自變數--------------------------------------------------------------26
二、 中介變數-----------------------------------------------------------27
三、 應變數--------------------------------------------------------------28
第四章 實驗設計--------------------------------------------------------------------------29
第一節 實驗受測對象--------------------------------------------------------------29
第二節 實驗產品設計--------------------------------------------------------------29
第三節 實驗情境設計--------------------------------------------------------------30
第四節 價格曲線設計--------------------------------------------------------------31
第五節 實驗分組設計--------------------------------------------------------------32
第六節 實驗激勵機制--------------------------------------------------------------34
第七節 實驗流程--------------------------------------------------------------------35
第八節 實驗平台環境--------------------------------------------------------------38
第九節 問卷設計--------------------------------------------------------------------39
第五章 統計分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------45
第一節 統計分析方法--------------------------------------------------------------42
第二節 問卷信效度分析-----------------------------------------------------------46
第三節 假說檢定--------------------------------------------------------------------47
一、 享有額外折扣有無與公平性認知-----------------------------47
二、 激勵機制模式與程序公平性認知-----------------------------48
三、 公平性認知與價格滿意度對加入集體購物意圖之影響--49
四、 加入線上集體購物意圖與線上集體購物行為--------------56
第四節 檢定結果彙整分析與討論-----------------------------------------------57
第六章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------------------------------------61
第一節 研究發現與結論-----------------------------------------------------------61
第二節 研究貢獻--------------------------------------------------------------------61
一、 學術貢獻-----------------------------------------------------------61
二、 實務貢獻-----------------------------------------------------------62
第三節 研究限制--------------------------------------------------------------------63
第四節 未來研究方向與建議-----------------------------------------------------63
附錄A 參考文獻----------------------------------------------------------------------------65
附錄B 研究問卷----------------------------------------------------------------------------70
附錄C 實驗網站介紹----------------------------------------------------------------------77
附錄D 激勵機制計算公式----------------------------------------------------------------85

表2-2集體購物模式分類架構(資料來源:Lai和Zhuang, 2002)---------------------7
表2-3 Lai和Zhuang(2004)提出三種具不同優惠策略的集體採購式---------------12
表2-4 Lai和Zhuang(2004)受測者加入線上集體購物的時間統計------------------12
表2-5 Lai和Zhuang(2004)受測者加入線上集體購物的個人購買統計------------12
表3-1各激勵機制模式比較 ----------------------------------------------------------------24
表4-5各激勵機制模式辦法 ----------------------------------------------------------------34
表5-9研究量表之轉軸後的成分矩陣 ----------------------------------------------------46

圖2-1 E-K-B消費者購買流程模式--------------------------------------------------------14
圖2-2價格公平性認知概念圖(參考來源:Xia et al., 2004)----------------------16
圖4-1虛擬產品-白師傅捲心酥 ----------------------------------------------------------30
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