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研究生(外文):Hsin-Wei Chiu
論文名稱(外文):An Improved C-Fuzzy Decision Tree and its Application to Vector Quantization
指導教授(外文):Shie-Jue Lee
外文關鍵詞:vector quantization methodrecursive SVD-based least squares estimatorfuzzy decision treeDecision treesfuzzy clusteringimage compression
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In the last one hundred years, the mankind has invented a lot of convenient tools for pursuing beautiful and comfortable living environment. Computer is one of the most important inventions, and its operation ability is incomparable with the mankind. Because computer can deal with a large amount of data fast and accurately, people use this advantage to imitate human thinking. Artificial intelligence is developed extensively. Methods, such as all kinds of neural networks, data mining, fuzzy logic, etc., apply to each side fields (ex: fingerprint distinguishing, image compressing, antennal designing, etc.). We will probe into to prediction technology according to the decision tree and fuzzy clustering. The fuzzy decision tree proposed the classification method by using fuzzy clustering method, and then construct out the decision tree to predict for data. However, in the distance function, the impact of the target space was proportional inversely. This situation could make problems in some dataset. Besides, the output model of each leaf node represented by a constant restricts the representation capability about the data distribution in the node. We propose a more reasonable definition of the distance function by considering both input and target differences with weighting factor. We also extend the output model of each leaf node to a local linear model and estimate the model parameters with a recursive SVD-based least squares estimator. Experimental results have shown that our improved version produces higher recognition rates and smaller mean square errors for classification and regression problems, respectively.
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 模糊C-均值演算法 2
1.2 決策樹 6
1.3 向量量化法 9
第二章 C-模糊決策樹的方法介紹 13
2.1 使用模糊分群法達到分類的效果 14
2.2 C-模糊決策樹分裂停止條件 17
2.3 C-模糊決策樹之建立 20
第三章 我們的方法 23
3.1 改良式模糊C-均值法 24
3.2 局部線性輸出函數 28
3.3 改良式模糊決策樹之建立 34
第四章 應用於向量量化法 39
4.1 樹狀編碼簿法 39
4.2 我們的方法 45
第五章 實驗結果 54
第六章 總結 69
參考文獻 71
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