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研究生(外文):Cheng-Jung Sun
論文名稱(外文):The research of difference of Corporation operating characterization affects staff behavior - Taiwan local bank and international bank as analytic subjects
指導教授(外文):Bin-Yang Liu
外文關鍵詞:Organizational Politics Perceptionspaternalistic leadershipdemocratic leadershipmanagement stylesorganizational citizen behavior (OCB)
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研究結果發現(1)在外商企業�堙A管理型態能會影響組織公民行為,且參與民主式領導效果高於家長式領導; 組織政治行為會影響組織公民行為,且無組織政治行為效果較高;(2)在外商企業�堙A管理型態與組織政治行為對組織公民行為有交互作用效果,在參與民主式領導下,無組織政治行為在組織公民行為上效果最佳;(3)在本國企業�堙A管理型態能會影響組織公民行為,且參與民主式領導效果高於家長式領導; 組織政治行為會影響組織公民行為,且無組織政治行為效果較高;(4)在本國企業�堙A管理型態與組織政治行為對組織公民行為有交互作用效果,在參與民主式領導下,無組織政治行為在組織公民行為上效果並未最佳。

It is difficult to exam whether the employees’ perceiption of political behavior in an organization has negative influence on their extra-role behavior. However, facing such difficulties, many researches in management field are still interested in investigating organiztional political behavior. Previous studies found that when employees perceive organizational political behavior, their trust towards orgnizations would decreased and their organizational citizen behavior (OCB) would be lessen. Even though at certain degree, OCB is not significantly related to the formal work assignments and performance evaluation, OCB is not only essential to contexual performance, but also influential to self efficacy and work efficiency. This study aims to explore the difference of employees’ perception of organizational political and OCB in different organization types of international business and local companies in Taiwan. It is also to investigate whether the management styles in international business and in Taiwanese companies would have different impact on employees’ perception of political behavior, and cause different OCB.
The research results indicate that first of all, in both international and local Taiwanese companies, management styles have influence on OCB, while the democratic leadership is more effective than the paternalistic leadership. It is also found that political behavior in organizations has impact on OCB, while the organizations without political behaviors have better performance. Secondly, in the international companies, the management styles have significant interaction effect on political behaviors in organizations and OCB; under the democratic leadership, there is less political behaviors and therefore has more effective OCB. Lastly, in the local companies, the management styles have significant interaction effect on political behaviors in organizations and OCB; under the democratic leadership, the less political behaviors does not lead to effective OCB.

keywords:management styles, organizational citizen behavior (OCB), Organizational Politics Perceptions, paternalistic leadership, democratic leadership
目 錄..........................................................................................................................................v
第一章 緒 論............................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...............................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的...........................................................................................................3
第三節 研究流程...........................................................................................................5
第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................................................6
第一節 組織政治知覺定義、模型及研究.....................................................................6第二節 組織公民行為.................................................................................................12
第三節 本國與外商之管理型態.................................................................................18第四節 管理型態之探討.............................................................................................19
第三章 研究分析設計………………………………………………………………………27
第一節 研究架構.........................................................................................................27
第二節 研究假設.........................................................................................................28
第三節 研究變數定義與衡量方法.............................................................................29
第四節 問卷設計.........................................................................................................31
第五節 資料蒐集方法.................................................................................................32
第六節 資料分析方法.................................................................................................35
第四章 結果分析....................................................................................................................36
第一節 管理型態與組織政治行為在組織公民行為上的效果.................................36第二節 外商公司管理型態與組織政治行為在組織公民行為上的效果.................38第三節 本國公司管理型態與組織政治行為在組織公民行為上的效果.................41
第四節 研究結果…………………………………………………………………….43
第五章 討論與建議..............................................................................................................45
第一節 結果討論.........................................................................................................45
第二節 研究限制與未來研究方向.............................................................................47
第三節 理論與管理實務意涵.....................................................................................49

表2-1 組織政治相關定義彙整表………………………………………..……..……………7
表2-2 組織政治知覺定義………………………..……………………………..…………..10
表2-3 西方與華人組織公民行為的建構比較……………………………………..…….....15
表2-4 組織政治知覺與組織公民行為相關研究……………..…………….……...………16
表3-1 兩個獨變項所組成的四個實驗組……………...……………………..…….………33
表3-2 受測者背景資料…………………………………………...…………………….…..34
表3-3 組織公民行為量表之信度……………………………………………………….….35
表4-1 管理型態與組織政治行為在組織公民行為雙因子變異數分析摘要……………..36
表4-2 本研究各主要變項之平均數與標準差……………………………………………..37
表4-3 管理型態與組織政治行為之單因子變異數分析摘要表………………..…………37
表4-4 外商公司管理型態與組織政治行為在組織公民行為雙因子變異數分析摘要..…39
表4-5 外商公司各主要變項之平均數與標準差…………………………………………..39
表4-6 外商公司領導風格與組織政治行為之單因子變異數分析摘要表……………..…40
表4-7 本土公司管理型態與組織政治行為在組織公民行為雙因子變異數分析摘要…..41
表4-8 本土公司各主要變項之平均數與標準差…………………..………...………….…42
表4-9 研究結果摘要……………………………..…………………………………………44

圖2-1 組織政治知覺模型…………………………………………………..………..…..…10
圖3-1 本研究之觀念架構…………………...………………………………..………..……27
圖4-1 管理型態與組織政治行為對組織公民行為之影響………………………..………38
圖4-2 外商管理型態與組織政治行為對組織公民行為之影響……………..….…...……40
圖4-3 管理型態與組織政治行為對組織公民行為之影響. ………………………...….…43
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