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研究生(外文):Shih-Jang Cheng
論文名稱(外文):An lmprotance-Performance Analysis of Hotel Selection Factors in Kaohsing International Hotels:Study of Mainland Chinese and Japanese Travelers
指導教授(外文):Hsien-tang TsaiL. Huang
外文關鍵詞:Importance-Performance AnalysisInternational hotelCustomer satisfactionTravelers to Taiwan
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本研究以重要性-表現程度分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)並配合SWOT分析法,加以探討分析比較大陸與日本旅客對高雄地區國際觀光旅館的選擇因素,這六項因素包括1.服務品質;2.商務設備;3.價值評估;4.客房及櫃檯接待;5.餐飲及休憩設施;6.安全性等六項歸類。並以此設計問卷,共印製700份問卷,調查期間自民國95年3月8日至4月8日,最後回收有效問卷日文版161份,中文簡體版116份,問卷回收率為39.5%。
The main source of the international hotel guests are mostly comprised of the travelers from foreign countries; and among those foreign travelers, the Japanese are always in the highest rank to Taiwan and become the most important market. On the other hand, since Mainland China has liberalized the Chinese for sightseeing abroad, the travel industry all over the world are widely opening their arms and try to absorb this big cake.
Taiwanese tourism industry as well has been preparing and standing by the arrival of the Mainland Chinese for the recent years. This is the reason why the study will focus on these two major markets of traveler and take a close look to see that when selecting the international hotel in Kaohsiung, whether it will be affected by the different culture, traveling attitude, social or economic back-ground etc., so as to compare the importance of hotel facility and service quality in the perception of guest’s recognition and satisfaction, a comparison of the difference. The IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) along with SWOT analysis are applied to analyze the selecting factors of Mainland Chinese and Japanese travelers to six international hotels in Kaohsiung.
Those factors are categorized into 6 groups : 1. service quality; 2. business facilities; 3. value; 4. room & front desk; 5. food & recreation; 6. security; A questionnaire is formed according to this format and 700 copies has been printed.This survey was conducted from 8th, Mar. to 8th, Apr. in 2006, and finally returned with 161 valid in Japanese and 116 valid in simplified Chinese, the rate of valid returned is 39.5%. The results of the analyses come out as follows:
To both Mainland Chinese and Japanese travelers, Kaohsiung International Hotels remain few strengths, there are only two items of strength, i.e. IDD service is available. & Hotel provides comfortable ambience. Kaohsiung International Hotels should take serious considerations to enforce their strength in competition to improve higher occupation rate, i.e. for Mainland Chinese travelers, High quality in-room temperature control; for Japanese, High quality in-room temperature control. and Hotel F&B is value for money; those improvements will promote travelers’ satisfaction.
第一章 緒論......................................................................................................10
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................................................10
第二節 研究目的........................................................................................14
第三節 研究範圍與對象..........................................................................15
第四節 研究流程........................................................................................16
第二章 文獻探討...........................................................................................18
第一節 滿意度理論....................................................................................18
第二節 重要性—表現程度分析............................................................22
第三節 國際觀光旅館...............................................................................25
第四節 來台旅客心理與習性.................................................................37
第三章 研究設計...........................................................................................39
第一節 研究架構........................................................................................39
第二節 研究假設........................................................................................40
第三節 問卷設計........................................................................................41
第四節 抽樣方法........................................................................................43
第五節 信度..................................................................................................44
第六節 資料處理與分析方法.................................................................45
第四章 資料分析...........................................................................................46
第一節 來台旅客基本資料分析............................................................46
第二節 來台旅客住宿國際觀光旅館前認知與實際感受後滿意
第三節 來台旅客基本資料及旅遊特性對實際感受滿意度之變異數分析...........................................................................................................64
第四節 來台旅客重要性—表現程度分析..........................................74
第五章 結論與建議......................................................................................82
第一節 結論..................................................................................................82
第二節 建議..................................................................................................85
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