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研究生(外文):Yu-Chi Chang
論文名稱(外文):Marketing Strategies of Discretionary Investment Business in Taiwan Case Study:AB Company
指導教授(外文):I-heng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Discretionary investment businessproduct differentiationsasset management performance4P
  • 被引用被引用:2
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As the majority of trading volume in the Taiwanese stock market is created by retail investors, the Taiwanese government has been aiming to promote professionalism by channelling the money from retail investors into the hands of professional asset managers. The Executive Yuan passed the third reading of the Amended Draft of the Securities & Exchange Law on the 30th June 2000 (Article 18-3, the Securities & Exchange Law) and the Securities & Futures Bureau approved on 5th January 2001 that investment & trust and investment consulting companies may offer services in the discretionary investment business.

The discretionary investment business in, in nature, similar with the set-up of mutual funds; however, the discretionary investment business offers bespoke characteristics and specifications catering to specific requests of individual investors. The customization in the scope of investment and underlying targets is made possible to satisfy differing needs of individual clients. As institutional investors are sophisticated in mapping out investment strategies and dedicated in their fundamental analysis of macroeconomic and political situations, industry trends and financial reports of listed companies, they are able to better allocate assets and select the stocks.

At first, this research reviews all the relevant literature and looks into the details of the legal framework governing the discretionary investment business. This paper argues that the originally well-intentioned regulations in fact, at least to some degree, hamper the development of the discretionary investment business. Then this research paper examines the characteristics, basic structure and the legal framework of the discretionary investment business, probes into the Taiwanese asset management market and uses Grand Cathay Securities Investment Trust as a case study, as an attempt to shed light to the future development of the discretionary investment business in Taiwan.

In this case study, the author investigates the strategies employed by Grand Cathay Securities Investment Trust against the backdrop of the business environment and the market competition by deploying scenarios analysis, SWOT analysis and the Porter’s competitiveness framework (cost leadership vs. product differentiations). The scope of the strategic considerations covers 4P, i.e. price, product, place and promotion.

Finally, this research concludes that there are two competitive strategies in this market, i.e. cost leadership and product differentiations and summarize the operational, marketing and operational implications of these two strategies.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………..7
1.1 Research Background & Motivations ……………………………………….7
1.2 Research Purpose ………………………….………………………………….9

Chapter 2 Literature Review ………………………………………………………..11
2.1 Definition of Discretionary Investment Business ……………………..…11
2.2 Regulations Governing Discretionary Investment Business …….……14
2.3 Relevant Theories of Marketing Strategies…………………………….….30

Chapter 3 Research Design ...……………………………………………………….40
3.1 Research Architecture……………………………………………………...…40
3.2 Research Methodology ……………………………………………………….41

Chapter 4 Developments of Discretionary Investment Businesses………….46
4.1 Development of Discretionary Investment Business in Taiwan……….46

Chapter 5 Marketing Strategies of Discretionary Investment Business at
Grand Cathay Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd…………………..52
5.1 Overview: Product, Price, Promotion & Place…………………………….52
5.2 Product …….………………………………………………………………….. 53
5.3 Price………………………………………………………………………………62
5.4 Promotion ..……………………………………………………………………..64
5.5 Place……………………………………………………………………………...65

Chapter 6 Conclusions & Recommendations………………………………………67

Table 2-1 Characteristics of Discretionary Investment Business……………….13
Table 2-3-1 Marketing Communication Mix …………………………………………39
Table 4-1-1 Year 2005 Market Size…………………………………………………..48
Table 4-1-2 Year 2004 Market Size……………………………………….………….48
Table 4-1-3 Year 2003 Market Size……………………………………………….….49
Table 4-1-4 Year 2002 Market Size…………………………………………….…….49
Table 4-1-5 Year 2002 (First Two Months) Market Size……………………………50
Table 4-1-6 Year 2001 Market Size…………………………………………………..50
Table 5-3-1 Management Fee Table………………………………………………...63
Table 6-1-1 Cost Leadership vs. Product Differentiations…………………………69

Chart 1-2-1 Research Flowchart ……………………………………………………..10
Chart 2-1-1 Basic Structure of the Discretionary Investment Business ………….12
Chart 2-2-1 Flowchart of the Discretionary Investment Operations ………………21
Chart 2-3-1 Maslow''s Hierarchy of Cognitive Needs ………………………………..30
Chart 2-3-2 Scenario Planning ..………………………………………………………32
Chart 2-3-3 SWOT Analysis Illustration ………………………………………………33
Chart 2-3-4 Factors That Affect Pricing Strategies…………………………………...35
Chart 3-2-1 Grand Cathay Shareholder Background .……………………………….42
Chart 4-1-1 No. of Discretionary Investment Contracts (2005)………………………51
Chart 4-1-2 Dollar Amount of Effective Contracts (2005)…………………………….51
Chart 5-2-1 Discretionary Investment Performance of GC (1 of 5)…………………59
Chart 5-2-2 Discretionary Investment Performance of GC (2 of 5)………………….59
Chart 5-2-3 Discretionary Investment Performance of GC (3 of 5)………………….60
Chart 5-2-4 Discretionary Investment Performance of GC (4 of 5)………………….61
Chart 5-2-5 Discretionary Investment Performance of GC (5 of 5)………………….61
Chart 6-1-1 Scenario Planning of GC ..…………………………………….………….67
Chart 6-1-2 GC Company SWOT Analysis ..………………………………………….68
8. 中華民國證券投資信託暨顧問商業同業公會資料www.sitca.org.tw。

1. Porter, Michael E, Competitive Strategy,Free Press, 1980。
2. Porter, Michael E, Competitive Advantage,Free Press, 1985。
3. Louis Loss, Fundamentals of Securities Regulation, 1983。
4. Magrsth, A. J., “When Marketing Services, 4Ps are not enough” , Business HoriZons, May-June, 1986。
5. Kotler, Philip, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, Prentice Hall, 1967。
6. Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management-Analysis, planing, Implementation, and Control” , Eighth Edition。
7. Zeithmal, V. A. and Berry, L.L. “Problem and strategies in Services Marketing”, Journal of marketing, Vol. 49, Spring 1985。
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