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Author (Eng.):Yung-wei Lin
Title (Eng.):Studies on the Machining Characteristics of Diamond Film in Electrochemical Discharge Machining
Advisor:李榮宗李榮宗 author reflink
advisor (eng):Rong-Tsong Lee
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:機械工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:113
keyword (chi):電化學放電加工鑽石膜加工模式圖
keyword (eng):Diamond filmECDMmachining mold figure
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  • Cited Cited :2
  • HitsHits:191
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The exceptional physical, chemical, electric, and mechanical properties of ceramics, glass and diamond film make them receive much attention in high-tech industry. Although the electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) can be used to process those materials, most ECDM are used for machining micro-holes and wire cutting. However, the application on the polishing aspect is still scarce in the literature. In this study, a high-precision dynamic electrical pitting tester with the electrolyte of KOH is employed to investigate the behavior of static electrochemical discharge in terms of supply voltage and gap distance between the steel ball and the diamond film. Furthermore, its machining characteristics are also analyzed.
According to the current waveform, the I-V curve is plotted. Results show that the current value of glass is higher than that of diamond film and acrylic. This indicates that the glass is easily to be ionized. According to the observation on the surface of machined diamond film by using SEM, the machined status can be divided into four regimes. In the first regime, the supply voltage is less than 100V where the machined mark on the diamond film cannot be found. Hence, it is called non-machined regime. In the second regime, the supply voltage is in the range between 100 and 107V, where only very slight damage can be observed on the diamond film. Hence, it is called the fine machined regime. In the third regime, the supply voltage is in the range between 107 and 110V, where the machined status on the diamond film is unstable. Hence, it is called the transition regime. In the fourth regime, the supply voltage is larger than 110V, where the machined damage is very heavy. Hence, it is called the rough machined regime. At the supply voltage 105V with the gap less than 80μm, the annular shape of the machined damage on the surface of the diamond film can be observed. However, when the gap is in the range between 80μm and 95μm, the annular shape of the machined damage disappears, but there is still slight damage at the asperity of the diamond film. When the gap is larger than 95μm, the machined damage is invisible. Hence, the critical gap is defined as 95μm for the supply voltage of 105V. At the supply voltage of 105V, the gap of 90μm, and the machining time of 10 min, only the asperity of diamond film shows machined mark, but the surface is flatter. Therefore, it is possible to conduct the fine machining process by using ECDM on diamond film.
總 目 錄
封面..... I
學位論文審定書.... II
謝誌..... III
總目錄... IV
圖目錄... VII
表目錄.. XI
第一章 緒論....... 1
1-1研究動機....... 1
1-2相關文獻....... 3
1-2-1導體材料之加工....... 3
1-2-2非導體材料之加工..... 10
1-3本文重點....... 11
第二章 基本原理... 12
2-1一般放電加工基本原理.... 12
2-2-1電化學反應........... 16
2-2-2放電加工反應......... 17
2-3電化學放電加工與放電加工之比較... 19
第三章 實驗設備及實驗方法.. 20
3-1 實驗設備...... 20
3-1-4 微米級精度之間隙控制系統...............26
3-2實驗試片之材料特性與幾何形狀..... 29
3-3試片處理....... 34
3-5實驗步驟....... 37
第四章 結果與討論..44
4-1供應電壓與加工損傷之影響......... 44
4-2不同條件下I-V曲線圖之比較........ 55
4-3離子化驗證..... 60
4-5間隙高度對加工之影響.... 65
4-7放電損傷形成模式........ 82
第五章 結論...... 91
參考文獻.......... 93

圖 目 錄
圖1-2電解拋光之陽極膜示意圖 ..7
圖2-1單發放電示意圖........ 14
圖3-1動態放電試驗機之實體照片(a)上視圖,(b)示意圖.. 22
圖3-2次微米級精度的控制系統流程圖... 27
圖3-3次微米級精度的間隙控制系統操作介面圖.... 28
圖3-4試片之幾何形狀及尺寸.. 29
圖3-6間隙調整示意圖........ 39
圖3-9電化學加工實驗步驟之流程圖..... 43
圖4-1供應電壓90V,間隙高度5μm,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)電流,(b)壓電式負荷計,(c)應變規式負荷計...... 48
圖4-2供應電壓100V,間隙高度5μm,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)電流,(b)壓電式負荷計,(c)應變規式負荷計....... 49
圖4-3供應電壓105V,間隙高度5μm,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)電流,(b)壓電式負荷計,(c)應變規式負荷計....... 50
圖4-4供應電壓120V,間隙高度5μm,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)電流,(b)壓電式負荷計,(c)應變規式負荷計....... 51
圖4-5不同供應電壓、間隙高度5μm條件下,加工後鑽石膜表面之SEM照片..... 52
圖4-7鑽石鍍膜間隙高度5μm及0 μm,加工時間30秒之I-V曲線圖比較....... 58
圖4-8鑽石鍍膜及玻璃間隙高度0 μm,加工時間10秒之I-V曲線圖比較....... 59
圖4-9鑽石鍍膜、玻璃及壓克力間隙高度0μm,加工時間10秒之I-V曲線圖比較......... 61
圖4-12在供應電壓105V,間隙高度5μm條件下電解放電加工後,加工區之SEM照片。(a)加工區全景,其邊緣附近之放大依序為(b)X1000,( )( )( )X5000,( )( )( ) X10000...... 69
圖4-14在供應電壓105V,間隙高度50μm條件下電解放電加工後,加工區之SEM照片。(a)加工區全景,其邊緣附近之放大依序為(b)X1000,( )( )( )X5000,( )( )( ) X10000...... 71
圖4-16在供應電壓105V,間隙高度80μm條件下電解放電加工後,加工區之SEM照片。(a)加工區全景,其邊緣附近之放大依序為(b)X1000,( )( )( )X5000,( )( )( ) X10000...... 73
圖4-20( ) 在供應電壓105V,間隙高度100μm,加工時間10分鐘,加工區全景之SEM照片,中心點附近之放大依序為,( )X1000,( )X5000,( )X10000。( )未加工過鑽石膜表面SEM照片,其中心點附近之放大依序為,( )X1000,( )X5000,( )X10000..79
圖4-22供應電壓105V,加工間隙90μm,加工時間10分鐘,鑽石膜表面之Mapping....... 81
圖4-23供應電壓110V,間隙高度5μm,加工時間9秒,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)SEM,(b)電流,(c)壓電式負荷計,(d)應變規式負荷計.... 86
圖4-24供應電壓110V,間隙高度5μm,加工時間14秒,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)SEM,(b)電流,(c)壓電式負荷計,(d)應變規式負荷計.... 87
圖4-25供應電壓110V,間隙高度5μm,加工時間23秒,電流波形及鋼球電極與鑽石膜試片之間的作用力(a)SEM,(b)電流,(c)壓電式負荷計,(d)應變規式負荷計.... 88
圖4-27供應電壓110V,間隙高度5μm條件下之電流波形圖與相對應SEM照片.. 90

表 目 錄

表2-1 一般放電加工與電化學放電加工比較........19
表3-1 軸承鋼(SUJ2)之化學成份........ 29
表3-2 各離子在25℃下之當量導電率( )..31
表3-3 氫氧化鉀溶液之性質... 31
表3-4 白金之物理性質....... 32
表3-5 壓克力之性質 .........33
表3-6 本實驗之各參數設定...35
表4-1 25℃下,不同PH值之水溶液對 之溶解度... 57
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