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研究生(外文):Ming-hsiung Jong
論文名稱(外文):Using Eddy Current Testing Method to Evaluate the Depth of the Defects in the Heat Exchanger Tubes
指導教授(外文):Shiuh-kuang YANG
外文關鍵詞:Heat ExchangerDepthECTEddy Current Testing
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對於非磁性管件而言,渦電流檢測方法目前仍然是業界最常用的檢測方式。此方法可檢出管件內壁及外壁之各種缺陷,診斷系統的潛在問題。但是不正確的檢測分析,其檢測結果誤差有可能大於15〜25%,甚至多達40%,這會影響檢測人員以及業主對檢測結論的信心。基於此,本論文首先分析鋁黃銅(Aluminum Brass)冷凝管在檢測中發生不準確的各種問題點,整理出渦電流檢測發生誤差的原因,探討訊號量測分析上的技術,研究因應方案,設計製作參考用測試管,並以渦電流設備量取人工缺陷的訊號,然後從取得之訊號數據中分析其相關性,作為修正訊號評估方式的參考。共歸納出二種改善方案,一為修正公式,方法是將一般評估方法所得到之數據乘以此修正公式後,所得的結果會更接近實際深度,對於振幅較大之缺陷,效果頗佳;另一為輔助評估曲線,係利用管內壁之一系列人工缺陷求得符合實際深度之關係曲線,即在主頻率之評估曲線旁再繪製一條輔助曲線,可改善一般之管內壁缺陷評估結果。利用本研究所開發的二種缺陷修正法的優點是,檢測人員仍可參照傳統的檢測評估法,不需額外的投資。本研究並以現場抽出之缺陷管驗證實驗結果,所探討的二種因應方案皆經現場實際應用,能改善檢測的準確度,並使檢測結果更符合缺陷真正的深度,可降低破管機率。
For the evaluation of non-ferrous heat exchanger tube, there are many non-destructive testing methods; however, the eddy current testing (ECT) method is the most popular one. By using of ECT, you may find out the defects existing inside or outside the tube wall, diagnose the heat exchanger system and find out the latent problems. The problem is that an improper signal analysis will result in error in the range of 15〜25% of the tube wall thickness, or even over 40% error. This is a great discouragement to the ECT inspectors, and will reduce the confidence of the proprietors of power plants or petro-chemical industries to the use of ECT. Therefore, in this thesis, the study is mainly focus on the problems of the aluminum brass tubes in condenser using ECT method. This thesis will analyze the causes of error of aluminum brass tubes when using ECT, prepare calibration and reference tubes, and test them using eddy current instruments. The relationship among the raw data with volts, phase angle and depth has been found. Two data evaluation methods are developed, one is the defect depth modification equation and the other is the auxiliary evaluation curve. The new methods are proved to be more accurate and practical in the evaluation of heat exchanger tube after more than one year of verification by field testing in the power plant. The results obtained in this thesis are very helpful to reduce the probability of tube failure.
目 錄
謝誌 ------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------ii
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------ iv
符號與術語輯要 ---------------------------------------vi
表目錄 ---------------------------------------------viii
圖目錄 -----------------------------------------------ix
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------ 1
1.1前言 ---------------------------------------------- 1
1.2文獻回顧 ------------------------------------------ 4
1.3評估方法 ------------------------------------------ 6
1.4研究方法 ------------------------------------------10
第二章 基本理論 --------------------------------------14
2.1渦電流線圈與訊號 ----------------------------------14
2.2集膚效應(Skin Effect)----------------------------15
2.3標準透入深度(Standard Depth of Penetration)------16
第三章 實驗架構 --------------------------------------27
3.1實驗儀器設備 --------------------------------------27
3.2實驗測試管 ----------------------------------------29
第四章 實驗結果與討論 --------------------------------40
4.1標準管及參考管之測試 ------------------------------40
4.1.1標準管測試 --------------------------------------40
4.1.5不同孔徑之貫穿孔測試 ----------------------------45
4.1.6 V型孔參考管之測試 ------------------------------48
4.2 評估曲線之分析 -----------------------------------48
4.3 輔助頻率之討論 -----------------------------------49
4.4 頻率設定上的討論 ---------------------------------50
4.5 實驗結果綜合討論 ---------------------------------50
第五章 案例分析 --------------------------------------71
案例1 -----------------------------------------------71
案例2 -----------------------------------------------72
案例3 -----------------------------------------------73
案例4 -----------------------------------------------73
案例5 -----------------------------------------------74
案例6 -----------------------------------------------75
案例7 -----------------------------------------------75
案例8 -----------------------------------------------76
第六章 結論與未來展望 --------------------------------87
1.結論 -----------------------------------------------87
2.未來展望 -------------------------------------------90
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------91
附錄A 熱交換器之檢測 ---------------------------------94
A.1熱交換器之構造與設計 ------------------------------94
A.2內部區間及可能發生之問題 --------------------------95
A.3熱交換器的損壞機構 --------------------------------96
A.3.1製造及安裝之缺陷 --------------------------------97
A.3.2機械力之損壞模式 --------------------------------97
A.3.3腐蝕相關之損壞模式 ------------------------------98
A.4檢測方法 -----------------------------------------100
A.5非磁性熱交換管現場檢測 ---------------------------100
A.6檢測準備作業 -------------------------------------101
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