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研究生(外文):Chen-chia Lo
論文名稱(外文):Laser Welding and Post-Weld-Shift Measurement for Fiber Array Packaging
外文關鍵詞:Fiber ArrayCoupling efficiencyLaser WeldingPost-Weld-Shift
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For getting the position which can obtain the maximum coupling efficiency, fiber array and laser array need to be adjusted while the module of fiber array is packaging, than fastening it on the base. Nowadays, there are some methods for fastening the fiber array like adhesive, soldering and laser welding. But the material will discover some phenomenons like expansion and contraction during the process of heating and solidification. Those phenomenons will lead the system to deviate on the six degree of freedom (D.O.F). Because of the fiber array system will confront with the situation of deviation, the magnitude of coupling efficiency will drop down. It is because that the technique of laser welding will cause smaller deviation than other methods just mentioned, so the research choose the method of laser welding for packaging.
The distance between fiber and laser array is too small to fasten the CCD on the directions of X, Y and Z axes while the research measures the deviation. So the research uses a mirror to reflect the image for obtaining the correct position of the space and Post-Weld-Shift measurement the deviation of system. Afterward, the research designs a structure for reducing the deviation and increasing the coupling efficiency of system.
第一章 序論.......................................1
1.1 前言..........................................1
1.2 陣列模組構裝流程與接合特性....................4
1.3 研究動機與目的................................9
第二章 文獻回顧..................................10
2.2 雷射銲接流程參數控制.........................14
第三章 研究方法..................................22
3.1 楔型陣列光纖容忍度分析.......................22
3.2 陣列光纖雷射銲接.............................28
3.3 銲後位移量測.................................33
第四章 實驗結果與討論............................37
4.1 軟體與硬體架構...............................37
4.2 雷射銲接流程.................................42
4.3 位移量測實驗結果.............................46
第五章 貢獻與未來展望............................52
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