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研究生(外文):Shin-bau Chen
論文名稱(外文):The analysis and manufacturing of diamond heat sink
指導教授(外文):Tai-Fa Young
外文關鍵詞:heat sinkdiamond
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隨著電腦越來越發達,電子元件所散發出來的熱量也越來越多,如果散熱器的效能沒有加以提升的話,那些無法散出的熱量將會讓元件受到破壞。本研究探討鑽石當成散熱器的製程可行性,從濺鍍金屬,電鍍,刮痕測試,拉力測試金屬膜在鑽石膜的附著力,及以有限元素的套裝軟體作有關熱流方向,熱傳量,溫度梯度的模擬,本論文發現最適合的散熱器製程條件為在基板溫度300 ℃下利用100 W的射頻功率及2 mTorr下所濺鍍出的銅可達1.9 kg/cm2的附著力及由模擬在不同工作溫度來做一系列的探討發現鑽石厚度為100 µm為最經濟的厚度。
As the time goes by, the more computers become advance, the more heat they produce. If the heat sink of electronic device is not good enough to remove the heat, the electric circuit can be destroyed due to the overheat. This thesis discusses a possible heat sink making of diamond thin layer. Appling the sputtering, Cu thin film has deposited on CVD diamond film, and applying electroplate coating, the thickness of Cu film has increased to 100 µm. In this work a satisfied coating condition has been found to deposite Cu film on diamond, such as: substrate temperature at 300 ℃, the RF power at 100 Watt and vapor pressure at 2 mTorr for the RF sputtering of Cu on diamond. Using scratch test and pull-off test the adhesion of Cu on diamond has been analyzed to have an adhesive force of 1.9 kg/cm2.Through the simulation with FEMLAB, the finite element method, heat flux, thermal convection and temperature gradient have been simulated. A best thickness of the diamond thin film has been found to be no more thick than 100 µm for the heat sink device.
第一章 前言
1.1 研究動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究方法
第二章 實驗部份
2.6.2 FEMLAB 簡介
2.6.3 模型及參數設定
第三章 結果與討論
3.1 刮痕測試
3.2 拉力測試
3.3 FEMLAB 模擬
3.3.2 溫度分布
3.3.3 溫度梯度
3.3.4 散熱器底層的總散熱量
第四章 結論
第五章 附錄
第六章 參考文獻
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