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研究生(外文):Hung-Wei Su
論文名稱(外文):A study of Hardy''s inequalities in the weighted Hardy spaces
指導教授(外文):Mark C. Ho.
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在這篇論文,我們證明了weighted atom 有關於Hermite expansions 的不等式。但我們想要把這個不等式套用在一維的加權哈弟空間上,也一樣能得到相同形式的不等式。
In this paper, we prove a weighted atom inequality for Hermite expansions and want to obtain similar type of inequalities for 1-dimensional Hermite expansions of weighted Hardy''s inequalities.
1 Introduction 2
2 Preliminaries 4
2.1 The atomic characterization of Hp(Rn)
2.2 The atomic characterization of Hpw(Rn)
2.3 Hermiteexpansions
3 The main result 15
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