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研究生(外文):Sen-Hung Wang
論文名稱(外文):An Interference Cancellation Scheme for Carrier Frequency Offsets Compensation in the Uplink of OFDMA systems
指導教授(外文):Chih-Peng Li
外文關鍵詞:carrier frequency offsetOFDMAsuccessive interference cancellationmultiuser interference
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A successive interference cancellation (SIC) structure is proposed for multiuser interference cancellation (MUI) due to carrier frequency offsets (CFOs) in the uplink of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. The proposed architecture adopts a circular convolution to suppress the impacts caused by CFOs. This paper demonstrates that, with 2 iterations, the SIC has better performance than that of the parallel interference cancellation (PIC), but system complexity is only 1/2K, where K is the number of users in the uplink of OFDMA system. This study also shows that system complexity can be significantly reduced if proper approximation is made.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 System Model 5
2.1 OFDM System Model 5
2.2 OFDMA System Model 8
Chapter 3 Previous Carrier Frequency Offsets Compensation Schemes 13
3.1 The Carrier Frequency Offsets Compensation Scheme in Time Domain 13
3.2 The Carrier Frequency Offsets Compensation Scheme in Frequency Domain 15
3.2.1 Choi et al. scheme 15
3.2.2 Huang and Letaiefs’ scheme 17
Chapter 4 The Proposed Successive Interference Cancellation Architecture 20
4.1 The Initiation Stage 21
4.2 The Detection Stage 22
4.3 The Interference Regeneration Stage 24
Chapter 5 Performance Analyses and Simulation Result 26
5.1 Analysis of Signal-to-Interference Ratio 26
5.2 Analysis of Complexity 31
5.3 Simulation Results 32
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 36
6.1 Conclusion 36
6.2 Future Work 36
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