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研究生(外文):Chien-Hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Pill Image Retrieval using Neural Networks
外文關鍵詞:CBIRpill imageimage featuresimage recognitionneural networks
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  影像資料往往很難用文字去描述,當使用者擁有藥錠但遺失藥名的時候,以電腦視覺辨識藥物去查詢藥物資訊,不失為一個好的方法。有鑑於此,本研究提出一個以內容為基礎的影像檢索方法(Content-Based Image Retrieval,CBIR),透過錠劑藥物數位影像中形狀(shape)、大小(scale)、顏色(color)等特徵之擷取,結合類神經網路的分類功能,建立一個錠劑藥物外觀影像檢索模型,以服務醫療人員或一般民眾。
With the elevation of peoples’ educational level and the occurrence of some serious medication mistakes, the need for correct pharmaceutical information and adequate knowledge of medication safety grows higher and higher. People often look for medicine information on the Internet or in books. However, they can only query using drug names or key words of medicine functions.
Images are often difficult to be described with text. From time to time, users who do not know the name of a medicine need to obtain the information of that medicine. In that circumstance, it’s a good method to enquire medicine information by recognizing medicines using computer vision. A content-based image retrieval method was proposed in this thesis. Shape, scale, and color features of pill images were extracted first and then fed into neural networks for classification. The pill image retrieval model was built by deploying appropriate features and neural networks to serve users.
After obtaining pill images via digital camera, features that represented the images were extracted automatically. The features were then processed for recognition. This thesis proposed a non-character-based method for medicine image retrieval to assist medical staffs and general users. It proved that a pill image recognition system using neural networks is feasible.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目次 vi
表目次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 用藥安全 3
2.3 以內容為基礎的影像檢索系統回顧 12
2.3.1 QBIC 13
2.3.2 VisualSEEk 13
2.3.3 Blobworld 14
2.4 以內容為基礎的藥物影像檢索系統 16
2.4.1 RDIIS 16
2.5 影像特徵 18
2.5.1 顏色特徵 18 色彩直方圖(color histogram) 18 色彩集合(color set) 19 色彩矩(color moments) 19
2.5.2 形狀特徵 20 鏈碼(chain code) 20 傅利葉描述子(Fourier descriptor) 21 不變矩(invariant moments) 21 Zernike矩(Zernike moments) 22
2.5.3 紋理特徵 23 注水法(water-filling) 23 小波矩(wavelet moments) 24
2.5.4 類神經網路分類器 24 類神經網路 24 類神經網路模型的建構 26
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1 低階程序:藥物影像資料蒐集及前置處理 28
3.1.1 藥物影像蒐集 28
3.1.2 前置處理 29 影像大小縮放 29 去除雜訊 30
3.2 中階程序:藥物影像特徵萃取 31
3.2.1 影像分割 31
3.2.2 藥物影像特徵萃取 31 形狀與大小特徵 31 顏色特徵 32
3.3 高階程序:藥物影像特徵辨識模型之開發 32
3.3.1 結合類神經網路及Zernike矩於影像形狀、大小之辨識 32 實驗設計 33 實驗結果 35
3.3.1 結合類神經網路及不變矩於藥物影像形狀之辨識 40 實驗設計 40 實驗結果 41
3.4 結果比較 44
第四章 實證分析 46
4.1 檢索介面 46
4.2 檢索演算法 47
4.3 檢索正確率分析 47
第五章 結論與建議 49
5.1 研究結論 49
5.1 研究建議 49
參考文獻 50
附錄 53
A 自行拍攝之錠劑藥物影像 53
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