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研究生(外文):Mei-Chuan Lai
論文名稱(外文):Applied PRECEDE model to to analyze the multifactor structure of the elderly people’s life satisfactionStudy on PRECEDE model of the elderly people’s life satisfaction
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Chia LinUe-Lin Chung
外文關鍵詞:PRECEDE modelmultiple factor structurelife satisfactionrecreation activitydepressive tendency
  • 被引用被引用:28
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With the rise of population aging, the phenomenon of aging has become one of the important issues in the public health of Taiwan. Based upon PRECEDE model, this study is designed to analyze the multifactor structure of the elderly people’s life satisfaction and to study the aspects and contents of their education. The life satisfaction of the elderly people was taken as an example to study the four-year-long change of the multi-factor structure. The database analyzed in the current study was the “Survey of the health and lives of the mid-aged and elderly people in Taiwan area, 1989-1999,” provided by the Investigation Center of Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan.
The study results of the structure equation model are shown as follows: according to the educational and organizational diagnosis level of PRECEDE model, the factors of mood and attitude were the ones which, in the predisposing factors, showed significant meanings in statistics. And in terms of reinforcing factors, significantly, in statistics, meaningful were the satisfactory degree of natural health insurance, the current usage state of medical heath service, and volunteering service. In addition, in terms of enabling factors, significantly, in statistics, meaningful were the number of relatives dwelling together, mutual visits of neighbors and friends, depressive tendency, group activities participation, and economic status.
The study results of path analysis are shown as follows: in terms of behaviors and environment of the PRECEDE model, recreation activity was the one which most influenced the life satisfaction of the elderly people. And recreation activity tended to be more influential than healthy behaviors to “health self-evaluation domain in the diagnosis level of the epidemiology. In addition, health self-evaluation did make an influence on the life satisfaction of sociology diagnosis.
This study is a fixed cohort study. As stated above, the results are shown as follows: in 1996, the satisfaction toward national health insurance was the major relevant factor among reinforcing ones; depressive tendency was the major relevant factor in enabling ones; recreation activity, the major relevant factor in the diagnosis level of behaviors and environment. And in 1999, volunteering service was the major relevant factor among reinforcing ones; depressive tendency was still the major relevant factor among enabling ones; recreation activity, the major relevant factor on the diagnosis level of behaviors and environment. In conclusion, according to the whole spectrum of PRECEDE model, the health self evaluation affected the life satisfaction, while the elderly people’s participation of recreation activities turned out to be the most important in directly or indirectly influencing the health self evaluation. Moreover, the depressive tendency on the diagnosis level of education and organization was the most important structure factor among the enabling ones.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II
目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
圖表目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 、研究問題背景與重要性 1
第二節 、研究動機 3
第三節 、研究目的 5
第四節 、研究問題 5
第二章 文獻查證與相關文獻探討 6
第一節 、生活滿意度 6
第二節 、PRECEDE 模式及其應用 9
第三節 、生活滿意度的多重結構因素 13
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 、研究資料來源與對象 21
第二節 、研究架構 22
第三節 、研究變項操作型定義與測量 24
第四節 、統計軟體與方法 29
第四章 研究倫理 39
第五章 研究結果與分析 40
第一節 、資料來源與範圍 40
第二節 、描述性統計 44
第三節 、因素分析模式建構與分析 53
第四節 、傳統路徑分析模式建構與分析 59
第五節 、結構方程式分析模式建構與分析 64
第六章 討論 81
第一節 、方法學 81
第二節 、人口學特質 83
第三節 、1996與1999年生活滿意度各影響因素的比較 85
第七章 結論、限制與建議 92
第一節 、結論 92
第二節 、限制與建議 94
參考文獻 98
中文部分 98
英文部分 104
附件一 生活滿意度量表----------------------------------------------------------------------- 111
附件二 休閒、活動與態度、看法量表----------------------------------------------------- 112
附件三 老年心境與態度量表----------------------------------------------------------------- 113
附件四 社團或活動類別量表----------------------------------------------------------------- 114
附件五 憂鬱傾向量表-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
附件六 權責單位回覆信函-------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
附件七 行政院衞生署國民健康局人口調查中心之資料使用同意函----------------- 117
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