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研究生(外文):Shie Zhen-Dong
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of Lifestyle of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
指導教授(外文):Wu Sheng-Guang
外文關鍵詞:Developmental Coordination DisorderLifestylePhysical ActivityAcademic Achievement
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背景:發展協調障礙兒童之研究為近年來適應體育運動領域的熱門話題,而台灣地區這類協調能力有障礙的兒童其生活型態在過去尚未有詳盡的探討。目的:本研究目的在於瞭解國小學童之生活型態,並將動作協調能力有障礙的學童與無障礙的兒童之生活型態進行比較。方法: 本研究以國小四∼六年級學生為主。以隨機抽樣之方式,各抽取二個班級。以兒童動作評估量表測試(Movement ABC test)檢測兒童之動作協調能力。使用兒童生活型態問卷調查兒童生活型態,包括身體活動量、坐車上學時間、走路上學時間、做家事時間、上課日的坐式生活時間及週末假日的坐式生活時間等向度,以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)來檢驗發展協調障礙兒童、疑似發展協調障礙兒童與一般兒童生活型態上之差異性。並比較這三個群體在學業成就上(國語、數學、自然、社會、藝術與人文及健康與體育)之差異及訪談父母談論其子女生活型態以增強質性之資料。結果:本研究共蒐集到動作發展協調障礙兒童46名,疑似發展協調障礙兒童39名,動作協調能力正常兒童89名。在身體活動量、做家事時間呈現發展協調障礙兒童低於疑似發展協調障礙兒童,而疑似發展協調障礙兒童低於非發展協調障礙兒童之趨勢,但並未達到顯著性。在坐式生活型態方面,無論上課日或週末的坐式生活型態,則出現與身體活動量相反之趨勢,即發展協調障礙兒童多於疑似發展協調障礙兒童,疑似發展協調障礙兒童多於非發展協調障礙兒童。在國語、數學、社會、自然、藝術與人文、健康與體育等科目之學業成就上,發展協調障礙兒童的分數低於疑似發展協調障礙兒童,且疑似發展協調障礙兒童低於非發展協調障礙兒童,但僅在數學、健康與體育二個科目上達到顯著水準。結論:本研究發現發展協調障礙兒童在身體活動上、在學業成就上均較非發展協調障礙兒童差,且有較多之坐式生活型態。
Background: The examination on children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) has become a very popular topic in the field of adapted physical activity. However, the level of lifestyle in this group has not been examined in any depth in Taiwan. Purpose: To examine the lifestyle of children in Taiwan and also compare the lifestyle of children with and without DCD. Method: Children in this study were recruited from grades four to six in a primary school. Two classes in each grade were randomly selected. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children test was used to evaluate the children's coordination ability. A children's lifestyle questionnaire (CLQ) was used to collect data, including the level of physical activity and games, transportation to school, the time of housework, and the time of sedentary life in days and weekend. One-way ANOVA was used to examine the difference of lifestyle between children with DCD, borderline DCD and without DCD. Data of CLQ were used to compare the differences between the three groups. One-way ANOVA was used to examine the difference of academic achievement of those children's. In addition, interviewing parents was used to assess the difference of the children's lifestyle in order to understand the lifestyle of children in greater depth. Result: Children with DCD in the level of physical activity and the time of housework were lower than borderline DCD and children with borderline DCD were lower than children without DCD. Children with DCD in the time of sedentary life in days and weekend, were higher than borderline DCD and children with borderline DCD were higher than children without DCD. On the achievement of academic, subjects such as Chinese, Mathematics, Social Science, Nature Science, Art and Humanity, Health and Physical Education, children with DCD were lower than children with borderline DCD and children with borderline were lower than children without DCD. However, the significant differences were appeared in Mathematics, Health and Physical Education. Conclusion: In this study, children with DCD in the level of physical activity and the achievement of academic subjects were lower than children without DCD. More sedentary lifestyle appeared in children with DCD.
教育部統計處(2002a):台灣地區中學以下各級學校學生學習及生活概況調查報告 九十學年度第一學期,教育部。
教育部統計處(2002b):台灣地區中等以下各級學校學生學習及生活概況調查報告 九十學年度第二學期,教育部。

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