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研究生(外文):Sun-Te, Su
論文名稱(外文):A study of the critical success factors for teacher’s blended learning in-Service education being put into practice in the elementary school – A case study of Taichung city
外文關鍵詞:E-learningBlended learningIn-service educationCritical factors
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The main purpose of this research was to investigate the critical success factors for teacher’s blended learning in-service education being put into practice in the elementary school. As to research methodology, literature review was conducted to investigate the critical success factors, and a questionnaire survey was also applied to understand the critical success factors in institutional area, management area, technological area, & pedagogical area, in-service time and the best way, the desire of e-learning media. Research subjects were educators in the 60 public elementary schools in Taichung city. A total of 463 questionnaires were circulated in 20 public elementary schools.
The data collected from the questionnaire survey processed and analyzed through various statistic methods, frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square, One-way ANOVA, and etc.
Based on the above-mentioned purpose and methodology, the results are as follows:
1. The best way of teacher’s blended learning in-service education: education in classroom is the best way in school time, Wednesday afternoon, or winter & summer vocation, synchronous model is the second, and asynchronous model is the last. Education using synchronous model is the best way in night, Saturday, Sunday & holiday, asynchronous model is the second, and classroom model is the last.
2. The best e-learning media: on-line conference is the best, e-mail is the second, and BBS is the last.
3. Institutional critical success factors: provide the opportunity for the learner to familiar with the operation and application, provide the training for the teacher, provide the information about teacher’s in-service education, establish the united digital resource center to publish the e-learning materials, and provide the manual of learning management system.
4. Management critical success factors: establish the learning management system, make a plan for management, provide the BBS function, can discuss by anonym, learner can understand the learning by on-line record.
5. Technological critical success factors: plan and buy the suitable network operation system, plan and establish the suitable network infrastructure, plan and buy the suitable computer hardware and media device.
6. Pedagogical critical success factors: choice the teacher that understand the media and know how to use, survey the interesting and demand of learner, design courses suited to the teacher. In the teaching process, teacher will change the teaching method for learner, provide the whole course contents, encourage learner to talk, hold a face to face discuss. Use cooperation organization or cyber community to improve the knowledge of learner that not familiar with e-learning.
第一章 緒論 1
  第一節 研究背景與動機 1
  第二節 研究目的 2
  第三節 待答問題 3
  第四節 名詞解釋 3
  第五節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
  第一節 教師在職進修 5
  第二節 數位學習 25
  第三節 混成數位學習 38
第三章 研究方法 51
  第一節 研究架構 51
  第二節 研究對象 51
  第三節 研究工具 55
  第四節 實施程序 60
  第五節 資料處理 60
第四章 研究結果與討論 63
  第一節 國民小學實施混成數位學習教師在職進修關鍵性因素分析 63
  第二節 不同變項對實施混成數位學習教師在職進修關鍵性因素之認知差異 70
  第三節 實施在職進修方式及數位學習媒介輔助教學之意願分析 79
  第四節 討論 101
第五章 結論與建議 109
  第一節 結論 109
  第二節 建議 111
參考文獻 115
一、中文部分 115
二、英文部分 117
附錄 121
附錄一 國民小學實施混成數位學習教師在職進修關鍵性因素之調查問卷(預試問卷) 121
附錄二 國民小學實施混成數位學習教師在職進修關鍵性因素之調查問卷(修正後預試問卷) 124
附錄三 國民小學實施混成數位學習教師在職進修關鍵性因素調查問卷 127
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