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研究生(外文):Mei-Liang Cheng
論文名稱(外文):An action research on enhancing third-grades’ reading comprehension ability via story grammar instruction
外文關鍵詞:story grammarreading comprehensionaction reseach
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This study was to explore the effect of story grammar instruction on 28 students from Class yi in the third grade of Da Shan elementary school in Yunlin County . The purpose was to enhance students’ reading comprehension ability by using the story grammar instruction. During a semester reading program, the students’ documents, the data of student responses in clsaa were collected, and analyzed by qualitatively. Based on the qualitative data analyses, the findings of the study were summarized as follows:

1. Adopting the story grammar instruction is beneficial to students because they can get the whole picture of the story which elevates the reading comprehension ability.
After a semester reading program, most students can describe a leading character’s characteristics , know the process of multi-steps events and have the ability to induce or infer the suggestive conclusion. These evidence are showing students’ reading comprehension ability are better than before.

2. It takes more medium scafflod assistance to build up students’ story grammar element ideas by using graphic story map.
The scaffold that study uses to build up students’ story grammar element includes the sheet of story grammar, leading question, answers arrangement , reword story and so on. Through these process, it establishes the relationship between the story grammar elements and the characters in the context. In addition, it evaluates repeatedly the students story grammar concepts by class discussing, filling out the sheet, express what they thought and write down the answers about the story map.

3.Students can write the complete-structured story if they reword the story according to the graphic story map.
Students rearrange and organise the story by searching the clues of the graphic map. We can gradually be aware of the differences in students. In the beginning, the students would copy a paragraph or a sentencce from the text when they were requested to reword the story. After the program, they can write down the complete-structured story.

4.Summary writing is the product of reading comprehension when students’ story grammar concepts are stable.
After a semester reading program, most students can write expression well instead of an oral understanding

5.When story grammar that becomes an inner comprehension tool, it will helps to elevate the good reading comprehension and writing skill.
Instead of the intact concepts, the students have the fragamented story grammar at the beginning. After the process of building, grasping and making stable of the story grammar, students could make the story garmmar as the story schema that it’s a tool for reading comprehension . After reading the story , students can describe the story by their own without copying the text. In addition, they are capable of reword the story in a very constitutive way . We can see the story grammar has already become their reading comprehension tool .
第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………………7
第三節 名詞釋義……………………………………………………………8
第二章 文獻探討 ……………………………………………………………9
第一節 閱讀理解的基礎建立在先備知識上………………………………9
第二節 豐富的內容知識提升閱讀理解能力………………………………15
第三節 故事結構之探究……………………………………………………21
第四節 故事結構教學策略探究……………………………………………29
第三章 研究設計與實施……………………………………………………39
第一節 研究者的背景………………………………………………………39
第二節 研究現場的情境……………………………………………………40
第三節 研究規劃歷程………………………………………………………46
第四節 資料的收集、整理與分析…………………………………………55
第五節 研究效度、信度與倫理問題處理…………………………………58
第六節 研究限制……………………………………………………………60
第四章 行動歷程的結果分析………………………………………………63
第一節 閱讀教學行動之初…………………………………………………63
第二節 故事結構元素教學篇………………………………………………86
第三節 協助獨立閱讀篇……………………………………………………115
第四節 獨立閱讀篇…………………………………………………………148
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………159
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………159
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………161
第六章 研究者的體悟與省思………………………………………………165
第一節 研究歷程的體悟……………………………………………………165
第二節 研究者的省思………………………………………………………167
附錄3-1 《娜娜的花襯衫》故事文本………………………………………179
附錄3-2 節錄《統統是我的》故事文本……………………………………181
附錄3-3 《國王萬萬歲》故事文本…………………………………………183
附錄3-4 《雞蛋踢石頭》故事文本…………………………………………185
附錄3-5 《伊索寓言-披了羊皮的狼》故事文本……………………………187
附錄3-6 《快樂小鎮》故事文本……………………………………………188
附錄3-7 《福雙的冰糖》故事文本……………………………………………189
附錄3-8 《小男孩和小麻雀》故事文本………………………………………190
附錄3-9 《小麻雀回來了》故事文本…………………………………………191
附錄3-10 《農場的故事》故事文本…………………………………………192
附錄3-11 《神筆馬良》故事文本……………………………………………193
附錄4-1 寒假作業學習單……………………………………………………194
附錄4-2 暖身活動學習單……………………………………………………196
附錄4-3 故事結構藏寶圖說明………………………………………………197
附錄4-4 空白故事結構藏寶圖………………………………………………199
附錄4-5 《快樂小鎮》故事結構問題單………………………………………200
附錄4-6 《快樂小鎮》故事結構藏寶圖……………………………………201
附錄4-7 《福雙的冰糖》故事結構問題單……………………………………202
附錄4-8 《福雙的冰糖》答案彙整單…………………………………………203
附錄4-9 空白故事結構藏寶圖………………………………………………204
附錄4-10 《小麻雀與小男孩》提示問題的故事結構藏寶圖………………205
附錄4-11 《小麻雀回來了》示範教學的故事結構藏寶圖…………………206
附錄4-12 空白重述故事單…………………………………………………207
附錄4-13 故事填空單………………………………………………………208
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