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研究生(外文):Li, Chia-Feng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of a Scalable Duplication-based Task Scheduling Algorithm with Low Complexity
外文關鍵詞:Static task schedulingdistributed heterogeneous computingdirected acyclic graphduplication-based
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而在平行處理的研究中,分散式異質性系統技術日新月異地進步,但如要使其能滿足各種平行應用的計算需求,則最需要的就是設計一個有效率的工作排程策略。過去的研究指出排程問題是一個NP-complete的問題;為了考慮排程時間,許多學者致力於直覺式演算法(Heuristic)的設計。在此論文中則是提出了一個以複製為基礎的演算法(D3T演算法)來解決排程問題,其主要精神為考慮每個子工作排程之後,排程時間最長的路徑會動態的改變。為了使每個階段上會影響總排程時間的主要子工作(dominate task)所處的排程路徑的排程時間縮短,我們優先對此主要子工作做排程,以期縮短最後排程時間。透過實驗的證明,D3T演算法效能明顯優於其他最近比較有名的演算法(CNPT, TANH, HCPFD),證明了D3T演算法在分散式異質性環境中有不錯的表現,並可達到有效縮短平行程式執行時間的目標。
Recently, due to the advance of the information technology, many computing sensitive applications have been proposed; for example, weather modeling, statistics analysis, fluid flow, image processing, and so on. Some mathematical expressions are often used in the above applications e.g., the Gauss-Jordan Elimination (GJE), the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), LU factoring, and so on. Parallel computing could solve these applications more quickly by creating and coordinating multiple execution processes.
The capability of the distributed heterogeneous computing system grows up in recent years. In order to satisfy the computational requirement of many parallel applications, the most important issue is how to design an efficiently scheduling strategy. However, the scheduling problem is an NP-complete problem; many researchers tend to propose the heuristic to satisfy a reasonable time complexity. This thesis proposes a duplication-based task scheduling algorithm, called D3T, to solve the scheduling problem. The main idea of the D3T algorithm is that the critical path (CP) might dynamically change after each scheduling step. To schedule the dominate task first is a good idea to reduce the schedule length of the critical path.
The experimental results show that the performance of the D3T is better than those of the other three algorithms (CNPT, TANH, HCPFD). The experimental results also demonstrate that the D3T algorithm could reduce the schedule length in the DHC system.
List of Figures iii
List of Tables v
摘要 vi
Abstract vii
Chapter1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 1
1.2 Problems 2
1.3 Purposes 4
1.4 Restrictions 7
1.5 Notations 8
Chapter 2. Related Works 10
2.1 The Levelized Duilication-Based Scheduling (LDBS) Algorithm 10
2.2 The Task Duplication Scheduling (TDS) Algorithm and the Scalable Task Duplication Scheduling (STDS) Algorithm 11
2.3 The Task Duplication-based Scheduling Algorithm for Network of Heterogeneous Systems (TANH). 14
2.4 The Heterogeneous Critical Parents with Fast Duplicator (HCPFD) Algorithm 15
Chapter 3 Proposed Algorithm 17
3.1 Problem Definition 17
3.2 The Dynamic Duplication of Dominate Tasks Scheduling Algorithm 20
Chapter 4. Simulation Environment 32
Chapter 5. Experimental Results 36
5.1 Comparison Metrics 36
5.2 Influence Factors 37
5.3 Comparison Results 38
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Works 59
References 60
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宋佩珊 (民92)。透過網路連結異質性電腦環境中增進計算效能之研究。未出版之碩士論文,國立台中師範學院教育測驗統計所,台中市。
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