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論文名稱(外文):New Product Development Process for TFT-LCD Industry– A Case Study for OLED of Medium and Small Size
外文關鍵詞:TFT-LCDOLEDNew product development processCompetitive AdvantagePorter 5 force analysisVertical Integration
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成功的新產品開發可以使企業保持競爭優勢、並為企業創造企業價值所採行的重要策略之一。綜觀國內面板產業,「有機電激發光顯示器」(Organic Light Emitting Diodes, OLED)具有自發光、廣視角、省電、反應速度快、高解析度、可撓曲的優點,被視為是下一世代有可能取代「薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display, TFT-LCD)」的夢幻顯示器,是全球平面顯示器產業(Flat Panel Display, FPD)中成長最快速的新興技術。
Successful new product development equips business with competitive edges and serves one of the strategies that create corporate values. Overlooking the display industry in Taiwan, people anticipate Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED), the fastest growing new technology among Flat Panel Display, being esteemed the dream product of next generation that will potentially replace Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Displays (TFT-LCD) since OLED has the strengths of liquid crystal display, affordable large screen plasma applications, less power consumption, faster response rates, high resolutions, and wider viewing angles.

OLED industry, quite a capital and technology intensive industry, calls for ample capitals, new product technology development and process capabilities, complete infrastructure, and high technology human resources. This thesis aims to analyze the strategy building for Taiwan OLED industry development and explore the technical capabilities and positioning in global industry value chain for Taiwan OLED industry.

Case Study is deployed in terms of research method. We take Taiwan’s leading OLED companies as case studies to process extensive surveys along with Michael Porter’s Five Force Analysis, Diamond Model Analysis, and SWOT analysis to investigate the current status of OLED industry. Through the understanding of the external and internal environments, we expect to comprehend the industry competition, the case company’s competitive edges and its challenges.

The successful factors for OLED industry can be concluded from the studied cases. These factors include New Technology Platform Development, Technology Development for Volume Production, Self Dependency for R&D Capabilities, Product and Market Development, Capital Raising Capabilities, Strategic Alliance, and Customer Relationship Building. The TFT-LCD industry is now undergoing the trend that the company’s operation scale is getting bigger and bigger by merge and acquisition to increase market shares drastically, and also by cost reduction and product competitive edge enhancement. The leading momentum shall be sustained through the approaches of key component and material control, high synergy via streamlined collaboration, supply and demand balance, and cost control.
摘要 i
誌謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究方法 5
1.5 研究範圍與限制 5
1.6 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 TFT-LCD產業回顧 7
2.1.1 TFT-LCD產業特性 7
2.1.2 TFT-LCD發展歷程 12
2.2.1 OLED相關介紹 14
2.2.2 OLED的特性與應用 18
2.2.3 OLED製程簡介 21
2.3 新產品開發流程 24
2.3.1新產品開發定義 24
2.3.2新產品開發之流程 29
2.3.3新產品開發關鍵成功因素 32
2.3.4衡量新產品開發之績效指標 35
2.4 競爭優勢 37
2.4.1 競爭優勢定義 37
2.4.2 競爭力分析模式 38
2.5 本章小結 46
第三章 研究方法 47
3.1 文獻資料的收集 48
3.2 訪談廠商及對象 50
3.3 訪談要點設計 50
3.4 訪談結果分析 51
3.5 本章小結 51
第四章 實證分析 52
4.1 國內、外OLED廠商介紹 52
4.2 OLED市場現況探討 57
4.3 OLED產業之五力分析 61
4.4 OLED產業之鑽石模型分析 63
4.5 OLED產業之SWOT分析 66
4.6 五力分析、鑽石模型分析與SWOT分析之小結 71
4.7 OLED產業之個案分析 72
4.7.1 友達光電 72
4.7.2 勝華科技 88
4.7.3 統寶光電 97
4.8 案例訪談小節 105
第五章 結論與建議 107
5.1 結論 110
5.2 建議 112
5.3 未來研究方向 113
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