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研究生(外文):Aime Lin
論文名稱(外文):Prognostic Role of Proline-Directed Protein Kinase FA (PDPK FA) in Progression and Patient Survival of Early Stage Cervical Cancer
指導教授(外文):Shiaw-Der Yang
外文關鍵詞:PDPK FAEarly cervical cancerPrognosis
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目的:分子、細胞及動物的實驗已證實過度表現的脯氨酸導引蛋白質激酶FA (PDPK FA) 被認為對於人類癌細胞的腫瘤形成、侵犯、轉移等是必備因子之一。然而,PDPK FA 在癌症病人的預後角色上所知甚少。本論文將完整地探討早期子宮頸癌病人開刀後,PDPK FA和其預後的相關性。
病人和方法:利用免疫組織染色法分析146位早期子宮頸癌病人外科切除的腫瘤切片中,PDPK FA的表現情形。腫瘤細胞核具PDPK FA高度濃染者是PDPK FA陽性表現的主要評估依據。所得資料進一步利用醫學統計進行存活分析。
結果:在早期子宮頸癌病人,PDPK FA陽性表現的比率為12% (17/146),在統計上,這些PDPK FA陽性表現的病人有意義的呈現較差的預後狀況,如較易復發、轉移和死亡(P<0.001)。克氏多變項比例風險模式進一步建立PDPK FA在早期子官頸癌的疾病惡化和病人存活上都是最強的獨立預後預測指標(復發風險比為8.533、死亡風險比為9.678, P<0.001)。PDPK FA若同時合併臨床上已建立的預後參數(淋巴結侵犯與否)做存活分析,PDPK FA過度表現仍能相當明確預測病人將有一個不好的預後狀況。最後,線性回歸模式分析顯示已建立的PDPK FA 在預測早期子宮頸癌病人開刀後接受輔助性治療的反應是一個非常強的預測分子,PDPK FA陰性表現的病人接受輔助性治療的勝算比為34.636,統計上達到P=0.006的顯著意義。
結論:本論文建立PDPK FA在早期子宮頸癌經外科切除後預後的重要性,此結果和過去研究發現PDPK FA在促進癌快速惡化的致命性角色一致,PDPK FA是個新的訊號傳遞分子預測癌症惡化和病人存活。綜言之,PDPK FA在早期子宮頸癌病人開完刀後預後的預測與治療上是個全新、可矯正的訊號傳遞標的分子。
CHAPTER 1 Summary......4
CHAPTER 2 General Introduction......6
TABLE I The proposed potential molecular and
cellular markers associated with cervical
TABLE II Historic review on proline-directed
protein kinase FA (PDPK FA)......15
TABLE III PDPK FA and GSK3 are two distinct signal
transducing PDPKs......16
CHAPTER 3 Experimental Procedures......17
CHAPTER 4 The Characteristics of the 146 Patients
with Early Stage Cervical Cancer Studied
Here Represent the Current Study
Population and are Applicable to Cervical
Cancer Worldwide......22
TABLE IV The characteristics of the patients
with cervical cancer......24
TABLE V The patient characteristics of the
cervical cancer studied here were similar
to current study population......25
CHAPTER 5 The Early Stage Cervical Cancer Patients
whose Tumor Exhibited Positive PDPK FA
Had a Very Unfavorable Clinical
FIGURE 1 The representative patterns of PDPK FA
expression in cervical cancer......29
FIGURE 2 The disease-free survival (A) and overall
survival (B) of the cervical cancer
patients with respect to PDPK FA

TABLE VI Distribution of the PDPK FA expression
with respect to the disease-free survival
and overall survival in 146 patients with
cervical cancer......31
TABLE VII Relation between PDPK FA expression and
clinicopathologic factors in 146 patients
with cervical cancer......32
CHAPTER 6 PDPK FA is a Very Powerful and
Independent Prognostic Predictor for
Progression and Patient Survival of Early
Stage Cervical Cancer......33
TABLE VIII Univariate analysis of prognostic factors
for disease-free survival and overall
survival in 146 patients with cervical
TABLE IX Cox multivariate regression analysis of
potential prognostic factors for disease-
free survival and overall survival in 146
patients with cervical cancer......36
CHAPTER 7 PDPK FA can Resolve the Current
Prognostic Uncertainties in the Early
Stage Cervical Cancer Patients with
Negative or Positive Lymph Node Status
after Aggressive Treatments......37
FIGURE 3 The disease-free survival (A) and overall
survival (B) of the cervical cancer
patients with respect to PDPK FA
expression combination with lymph node
TABLE X Cox univariate regression qnalysis of
combined PDPK FA expression and
independent prognostic factors for
disease-free survival and overall
survival in 146 patients with cervical

CHAPTER 8 PDPK FA is a Novel Prognostic Indicator
of Response to Adjuvant Therapy in the
Early Stage Cervical Cancer Patients
FIGURE 4 The overall survival of the cervical
cancer patients with received adjuvant
therapy with respect to PDPK FA
TABLE XI Logistic regression analysis of potential
prognostic factors and PDPK FA as
predictors of response to adjuvant
therapy in 59 patients with cervical
CHAPTER 9 Concluding Remarks......47
FIGURE 5 The essential and critical roles of the
multisubstrate/multifunctional signaling
molecule PDPK FA in the regulation of the
malignant phenotype and disease
progression of early stage cervical cancer ......50
FIGURE 6 The proposed molecular action mechanisms
for PDPK FA in the regulation of diverse
malignant phenotypes and rapid
progression of human cancers......51
FIGURE 7 Potential applications of the
multisubstrate/ multifunctional signaling
molecule PDPK FA in the management of
various types of human cancers......52
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