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論文名稱(外文):The Diels-Alder Chemistry of (1R,5R)-Cyano-6,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one and Its Synthetic Applications: The Total Sythesis of Xenitorins B and C
中文關鍵詞:Diels-AlderXenitorins BXenitorins C天然物全合成
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本論文主旨為有機合成方法研究及其運用於天然物xenitorin B (71)和C(72)之全合成上,內容主要分成三個部分:第一個部分是以市售可得的(-)-β-pinene(14)作為親二烯基的起始物,接著再以氰基作為活化基的親二烯基28,來進行Diels-Alder反應研究;以這種(-)-β-pinene的衍生物作為親二烯基來進行Diels-Alder反應,我們發現到以氯化鋅作為路易士酸所得到的結果最好,而從反應結果中我們可以得知,所有的Diels-Alder反應的產物均具有高度的面向選擇性,而在面向選擇性上也均遵守著“鄰位”、“對位”的規則。
第二部分是有關於將本實驗室近年來所發展具高度立體位向選擇的去氰還原烷化反應運用於我們所得到的Diels-Alder 反應的產物上;以氰基作為親二烯基上的活化基除了可加強反應的活性外,更可進一步經由去氰還原烷化反應在環并處上引入所需之官能基,藉此一方式可以增加我們所得到的Diels-Alder 反應的產物於有機合成上的運用。
第三部分的研究工作在於天然物xenitorin B(71)和C(72)之全合成上;我們以之前所得到的Diels-Alder反應產物29作為全合成之先驅物,最後分別以12及13步完成了具光學活性的天然物xenitorin B和C;合成過程中主要的關鍵步驟在於利用氰基有效控制氫化後的立體位向以及本實驗室所發展之開環反應。
This thesis details an investigation in the use of an abundant and cheap naturally occurring reagent in organic synthesis. Specifically, (-)-��-pinene (14) was used to generate chiral dienophile 28 and the Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions thereof were investigated. Among the numerous Lewis acids perused, ZnCl2was found to be optimal, giving the Diels-Alder cylcoadduct in high facial selectivity and following the established Diels-Alder cycloaddition rules on selectivity.

The cycloadducts obtained in the above study was further investigated in their utility as substrates for a recently developed reductive alkylation of ��-cyano cycloalkanones as developed in our laboratories. As such, the obtained chiral adducts were subjected to the established reductive alkylation protocol and the resulting alkylation product was elucidated in terms of stereochemistry and scope of alkylating agent. This investigation further broadened the scope of utility of such Diels-Alder adducts towards the generation of structurally complex motifs.

Using the experiences garnered in the above survey, the asymmetric total synthesis of xenitorin B (71) and C (72) was achieved. Central to our total synthesis endeavor was the highly stereoselective Diels-Alder cycloaddition between dienophile 28 and isoprene, a face-selective hydrogenation process as directed by the angular nitrile, and the ring opening of the bridged system as previously developed in our laboratories. As such, the total synthesis of chiral 71 and 72 was achieved in 12 and 13 steps respectively. The details of this and the abovementioned investigations constitute this thesis.
摘要……………………………………………………………………... I
英文摘要………………………………………………………………. III
縮寫對照表…………………………………………………...………. VII
第一章 Diels-Alder Reaction 在有機合成上的研究………1
第一節 緒論………………………………………………………........1
第二節 結果與討論……………………………………………............7第二章 還原去氰化反應的運用…………………………..........20
第一節 緒論………………………………………………………...... 20
第二節 結果與討論…………………………………………….......... 26
第三章 天然物xenitorin B和C 的全合成研究…………. 31
第一節 緒論………………………………………………………...... 31
第二節 結果與討論…………………………………………….......... 33
第三節 結論………………………………………………………...... 61
參考文獻……………………………………………………………...... 63
第四章 實驗部份…………………………………………............. 66
4.1 一般實驗敘述……………………………………………...……... 66
4.2 實驗步驟與光譜資料……………………………………...……... 68
附錄一………………………………………………………...……..... 105
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