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研究生(外文):Jonathan Lalremruata
論文名稱(外文):A thesis on,Strategic and Tactical marketing plan. For foreign companies entering the Indian Market:Focusing on Consumer Electronics Industry(PC and mobile phones)
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chang Hung
外文關鍵詞:STP AnalysisMarketing MixConsumer behaviorTarget market
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The purpose of this thesis is to provide detailed and indepth insight for foreign companies having interest in India’s market. The thesis attempts to provide all the necessary information (one-stop-shop) for companies to successfully establish in India. Consumer behavior analysis, market analysis, geographical analysis, human resource and other related information helpful for companies to establish in India are emphasized in this paper.

This thesis provides updated information on India’s consumer market and economy. Attempt has been made to provide detailed information on the attractiveness of India’s market and why foreign companies would like to establish in India.

This thesis present macro and micro overview of India’s PC industry and telecommunication industry, underlining the attractiveness and drawbacks of the Indian market. This thesis tries to identify the opportunities and also the drawbacks of starting a business in India, it also provides tips on overcoming such drawbacks. This thesis provides some strategic and tactical marketing plans for foreign companies to adopt in order to do successful business in India.

2.Table of content
3.Introduction: Why India? Pg. no. 3-12
-Indian consumer market overview
-Indian economy overview
-Indian financial overview
-Indian telecommunication overview
4.India’s PC market Pg. no. 13-14
5.India’s Mobile Phones market Pg. no. 15-18
6.Geographical analysis : target market Pg. no. 19-23
7.Suggested Strategic & Tactical Marketing Strategies Pg. no. 24-29
-STP Analysis
-Marketing Mix (5 P’s)
-Competitor Analysis
8.Consumer behavior analysis Pg. no. 30-32
9.Analysis of Taiwanese Companies In India Pg. no. 33
10.Consultants Pg. no. 34
11.Drawbacks of doing business in India Pg. no. 35
12.Conclusion Pg. no. 36
13.References Pg. no. 37-38

[1] Government of India, Economic Survey 2004-2005 (http://indiabudget.nic.in)

[2] Government of India, India Taipei Association, Taipei (2005) Annual Report

[3] Government of India, The Investment and Trade Promotion Division of the Ministry of External Affairs of India (www.meadev.nic.in)

[4] ‘When it's FDI, India's hotter than US’, Indiatimes, Economic Times.
Friday, December 09, 2005.

[5] Government of India, Ministry of Finance (www.finmin.nic.in)

[6] KPMG India report (http://www.in.kpmg.com)

[7] Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs (http://meaindia.nic.in)

[8] ‘Gartner India Report’, January 2006

[9] IDC India's Quarterly PC Market Tracker report 2005-06

[10] ‘Express computer business weekly’, April 2006

[11] ‘Datacomm Research Company Report,’ January 2006

[12] ‘Chetan Sharma Consulting Special Report’ April 2006 (www.chetansharma.com)

[13] iSuppli Corp report, april 2006 (www.isuppli.com)

[14] Cellular Operators' Association of India (COAI) Quarterly Report 2006

[15] Mckinsey India Report January 2006

[16] Wikipedia, free encyclopedia (www.wikipedia.org)

[17] "Annual Report, 2004-05". Nasscom. 2006. Nasscom

[18] Strategic Marketing Planning by Colin Gilligan, Richard M. S. Wilson

[19] Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

[20] Marketing Lessons 2006 (www.marketingteacher.com)

[21] World Bank Report 1999

[22] Marketing Management, An Asian Perspective by Philip Kotler, Swee Hoon Ang, Siew Meng Leong, Chin Tiong Tan

[23] The Growing Notebook Market in India 2005-2009 Forecast and Analysis, by Huma Faruqua Ali, Aman Munglani, IDC India (May 2005).

[24] WTO IT Agreement: Impact of the Tariff Revisions in 2005 on the Indian PC Market by Rishi Ghai, Bryan Ma, Sanjit Sinha, Aman Munglani, IDC India (Feb. 2005)

[25] IDC India Mobile Handset Usage Satisfaction Study 2006

[26] IDC's India Quarterly PC Market Tracker, 1Q 2006, May
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