參考書目: Edgington, D. (1992), ‘Vagueness by Degrees’. Reprinted in Vagueness: A reader, Keefe R. and Smith P., eds., Cambridge: MIT Press, p.p.294-316. Fine, K. (1975), ‘Vagueness, Truth and Logic’, Synthese 30, p.p.265-300. Reprinted in Vagueness: A reader, Keefe R. and Smith P., Eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p.p.119-150. Keefe, R. (2000), Theories of Vagueness, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ray, G. (2004), ‘Williamson’s Master Argument on Vagueness’, Synthese138: 175-206. Sainsbury, R.M. (1995), ‘Vagueness: the Paradox of the Heap’, Paradoxes, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. Sainsbury, R.M. (1990), ‘Concepts Without Boundaries’, an Inaugural Lecture at King’s College London, 6 November 1990. Reprinted in Vagueness: A reader, Keefe R. and Smith P., eds. 1996, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p.p.251-264. Sainsbury, R.M. (1986), ‘Degrees of Belief and Degrees of Truth’, Philosophical Papers, 15, p.p.97-106. Reprinted in Vagueness, Graff, D. and Williamson, T., eds., Dartmouth: Ashgate Press Ltd. 2000, p.p.197-206. Soames, S. (1989), ‘Semantics and Semantic Competence’, Philosophical Perspectives 3, Oxford:Blackwell, p.p.575-596. Williamson, T. (2000), ‘Margins and Iterations’, Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford: Oxford university Press, p.p.144-134. Williamson, T. (2000), ‘Sensitivity’, Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford: Oxford university Press, p.p.147-163. Williamson, T. (1996), ‘What Makes It a Heap?’, Erkenntnis, 44, p.p.327-39. Reprinted in Vagueness, Graff D. and Williamson T., eds., Dartmouth: Ashgate Press Ltd. 2000, p.p.239-254. Williamson, T. (1994), Vagueness, London: Routledge.