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研究生(外文):Jia-Yan Jian
論文名稱(外文):Collocational Translation Memory Extraction Based on Statistical and Linguistic Information
指導教授(外文):Jason S. Chang
外文關鍵詞:Bilingual Collocation ExtractionCollocational TranslationMemoryCollocational Concordancer
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In this paper, we propose a new method for extracting bilingual collocation from a parallel corpus. The method integrates statistical and linguistic information for effective extraction of bilingual collocations. The method involves first obtaining an extended list of distinct English collocations from a very large monolingual corpus, identifying the collocation instances in a parallel corpus, and extracting translation equivalent of the collocations based on word alignment information. At run time, collocations in the parallel corpus are identified and aligned to the translation equivalent. Experimental results show our method is efficient for learning translation memory of collocations. We applied the method to develop a collocational concordancer, TANGO, which showed great potential for applications in Computer Assisted Language Leaning and Computer Assisted Translation.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Content iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 6
Chapter 3 Extraction of Collocational Translation Memory 9
3.1 Problem Statement 9
3.2 Taggers for Parts of Speech, Chunks, and Clauses 11
3.3 Extraction of Collocation Types in M 14
3.4 Extraction of Collocation Instances in PC 18
3.5 Extracting Collocation Translation Equivalents in Bilingual Corpus 19
Chapter 4 Implementation and Evaluation 20
4.1 Performance of the Chunker and Clauser 20
4.2 Evaluation of the Collocation Extraction 21
4.3 Evaluation of the Collocation Translation 24
Chapter 5 Discussion 28
Chapter 6 Conclusion 31
References 32
Appendix 35
Top 100 vn collocation extracted from BNC 35
Top 100 vnp collocation extracted from BNC 38
Top 100 vpn collocation extracted from BNC 42
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