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研究生(外文):Jie-Fei Yang
論文名稱(外文):Information Extraction and Classification for Person Search
指導教授(外文):Jason S. Chang
外文關鍵詞:person searchinformation extractiontext categorization
  • 被引用被引用:4
  • 點閱點閱:374
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本論文提出一個以網路資源為本,自動收集中文人名經歷資訊及專業領域。透過個人經歷資訊擷取以及專業領域的分類,可以有效地解決人名歧異(Personal Name Disambiguation)之問題。而專業領域分類更使得個人資訊的提供,能有系統一致化地呈現給使用者。
在訓練過程中,我們利用語言學的知識以及統計學上的技術,從網路上收集經歷資訊之表面樣式(surface patterns),作為從網路上收集人名資訊以及擷取個人資訊之依據。並且應用Yarowsky (1995)的自舉式方法,以網路資源為本來訓練文件分類器。在執行階段,輸入的人名透過表面樣式之輔助收集經歷資訊,經由經歷資訊及領域分類,解析區隔同名同姓人士的資訊。
We introduce a method for automatically collecting personal information and professional domain of the person. In our approach, personal information is extracted and the domain is identified from web-based data based on personal name disambiguation.
In the training phase, the method involves generating surface pattern to personal information extraction based on linguistic and statistical information from the Web, and an unsupervising algorithm for constructing Web-based text categorization. At runtime, submitting a person name into a search engine, extracting personal information and identifying each retrieved passage the domain according to the expected person name, finally the referents are sorted by domain, personal information and the degree of popularity.
We also described an implementation of the proposed method. Blind evaluation of a set of names shows that our method outperforms extracting personal information and cleanly classifying individual’s domain-specific knowledge. This method can be applied to help users quickly find about a person with resulting in the display of personal information in a systematic and consistent way.
摘要 i
Acknoledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 6
Chapter 3 The PeopleSea System 11
3.1 Problem Statement 11
3.2 People Search on the Web 13
3.2.1 Full Title Extraction 13
3.2.2 Domain Classifier 18
3.2.3 Runtime Process 21
Chapter 4 Experiments and Results 28
4.1 Experimental Setting 28
4.2 Evaluation Metrics 31
4.3 Experimental Results 32
Chapter 5 Discussion 35
5.1 Evaluation on Full Title Extraction 35
5.2 Evaluation on Domain Classification 37
5.3 Limitation in Our Current Research 37
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 39
References 41
Appendix A – Domain Decision List 43
Appendix B – Full Titles Extraction 46
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