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研究生(外文):Po-Jen Wang
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and analysis of GaN photonic crystal LED
指導教授(外文):Huey-Liang Hwang
外文關鍵詞:photonic crystalGaNLED
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GaN based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have become the most popular material for UV to green light LEDs. Because it has high band gap characteristics and wavelength variation by changing the concentration of Al, Ga and In. Solid-state LEDs with high extraction efficiency are currently in great demand for various applications including full color flat displays, automotive interior and exterior lights, and general lighting. However, while the internal quantum efficiency of visible LEDs is close to 100%, most of the light is lost due to total internal reflection (TIR).
In order to enhance the extraction efficiency of GaN based LEDs, we separately fabricated GaN photonic crystal LEDs with anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template and e-beam lithography technologies. According to our simulation result, we find out the optimum design of 2D photonic crystal GaN LEDs, and fabricate them according to this result. Hexagonal lattice PCs with diameter/periodicity of 300/500 nm were patterned by etching. Electronics measurement system and micro PL system are used to analyze the electrical and optical properties of PC LED. We observed that the enhancement of efficiency of PC LED is obvious higher than that of the as-grown LED. And we find that the forward voltage of LEDs which were fabricated with the AAO template and e-beam lithography technologies is lower than that of the as-grown LED. In addition we studied the optical properties of PC LED, and we observed the photo luminescence (PL) intensity of PC LED is enhanced four-fold relative to that of the as-grown LED, and there are not obvious shift of the peak wavelength.
Chinese abstract…………………………………………….....1
English abstract……………………………………………….2
List of Figures………………………………………………….7
List of Tables…………………………………………………10
Chapter 1 Introduction…….……...........................................11
1.1 Physical Properties of GaN…………………………………..12
1.1.1 History of blue, and green LEDs based on InGaN p-n junctions………………………………………………..14
1.1.2 Key issue for high efficiency LED fabrication………..14
1.1.3 Metal contacts…………………………………………..15
1.2 Introduction to Photonic Crystals…………………………...18
1.2.1 Early developmnet……………………………………...18
1.2.2 One, Two,and Three Dimensional Photonic Crystals...18
1.2.3 Photonic Crystals in nature……………………………19
1.3 Motivation…………………………………………………….21
1.4 Organization of the dissertation……………………………..22
1.5 References……………………………………………………..23
Chapter 2 Mechanism……………………………………….27
2.1 Semiconductor LED Efficiency……………………………...28
2.1.1 Injection Efficiency…………………………………….29
2.1.2 Internal Quantum Efficiency………………………….29
2.1.3 Extraction Efficiency…………………………………..31
2.2 The light escape cone…………………………………………32
2.3 PCs LEDs……………………………………………………..33
2.4 Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO)…………………………….34
2.4.1 Introduction to AAO…………………………………...34
2.4.2 Electropolishing………………………………………...37
2.4.3 Anodization……………………………………………..38
2.5 References…………………………………………………….41
Chapter 3 Experiment apparatus, process and measurement apparatus……………………………………………………..44
3.1 Experiment system…………………………………………...45
3.1.1 Anodic oxidation system……………………………….45
3.1.2 E-Beam Lithography System….....................................45
3.1.3 Mask aligner……………………………………………46
3.1.4 E-Gun system…………………………………………...47
3.1.5 Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching……..48
3.2 Experiment process…………………………………………..49
3.2.1 Sample preparation…………………………………….49
3.2.2 Photonic crystal LED fabrication with AAO
3.2.3 Photonic crystal LED fabrication with e-beam lithography system…………………………………….52
3.3 Measurement system and principle…………………………54
3.3.1 Micro PL system………………………………………..54
3.3.2 Micro Raman system…………………………………..55
3.3.3 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)……………………………...56
3.3.4 Scanning electron microscopy…………………………56
3.4 References…………………………………………………….57
Chapter 4 Results and discussion…………………………...58
4.1 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)……………………….59
4.2 Optical properties analysis…………………………………..62
4.3 Electrical properties analysis………………………………..67
4.4 Simulation result……………………………………………..68
4.5 References…………………………………………………….74
Chapter 5 Conclusions…………...………………………….75

List of Figures

Figure 1-1-1 Application field with III-V LEDs…………………………….12
Figure 1-1-2 Bandgap and lattice constant of semiconductor compound...13
Figure 1-1-3 Energy band diagrams for a metal and p-type semiconductor…………………………………………………15
Figure 1-2-1 From left to right diagram, PCs are in one, two, and three dimensions. The red and yellow colors indicate the different refraction index………………………………………………..19
Figure 1-2-2 Butterfly crystals……………………………………………….20
Figure 1-2-3 High-resolution SEM images show the fine structure: a. blue male, blue region; b. blue male, blue-violet region; c. brown male. The insets in the lower left-hand corner show the 2D, logarithmic Fourier power spectra of square areas selected from the images. Note that the structural differences between a and b are manifested as color difference visible to the naked eye, and that in c the Fourier spectrum is practically featureless……………………………………………………...20
Figure 1-2-4 Spine of sea mouse, the sea mouse may not look like a mouse, but its hairs are photonic marvels. As the angle of incident light changes, the photonic crystal structure of the spines tunes their reflectance, making new colors appear…………21
Figure 2-1-1 Schematic diagram for loss due to total internal reflection…29
Figure 2-1-2(a) TIR results in light loss………………………………………...29
Figure 2-1-2(b) PCs increase LEDs efficiency………………………………….29
Figure 2-1-3 PC LED operation principle…………………………………..32
Figure 2-2-1 TIR and critical angle………………………………………….33
Figure 2-4-1 Schematic images of different kinds of templates (a) porous silicon (b) artificial opals (c) anodic aluminum oxide………35
Figure 2-4-2 SEM top view images of porous titanium oxide films anodized in 0.5 wt% HF solution for 20mins under different voltages: (a) 3V (b) 5V (c) 10V (d) 20V…………………………………36
Figure 2-4-3 The typical electropolishing system…………………………...38
Figure 2-4-4 Schematic drawing of the structure of anodic porous
Figure 2-4-5 Interpore distance vs. anodic voltage for sulfuric, oxalic, and phosphoric acid solution……………………………………...40
Figure 3-1-1 Anodic oxidation system……………………………………….45
Figure 3-1-2 E-Beam Lithography System………………………………….46
Figure 3-1-3 Karl-Suss aligner……………………………………………….46
Figure 3-1-4 E-Gun system…………………………………………………..47
Figure 3-1-5 ICP-RIE system………………………………………………...49
Figure 3-2-1 LED fabrication process and Structure defined……………...50
Figure 3-2-2 Two step anodization procedure………………………………51
Figure 3-2-3 Process flow to fabricate PC LED with Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO)…………………………………………………..52
Figure 3-2-4 Photonic crystal LED (PC-LED) fabrication………………...53
Figure 3-3-1 Micro PL measurement setup…………………………………54
Figure 3-3-2 Various scattering diagram……………………………………55
Figure 3-3-3 Bragg’s Law picture………………………………………….56
Figure 4-1-1(a) The SEM image of anodic aluminum oxide………..................60
Figure 4-1-1(b) The Cross-sectional image of anodic aluminum oxide……….60
Figure 4-1-2(a) GaN LED with AAO template…………………………………61
Figure 4-1-2(b) GaN LED without AAO template……………………………..61
Figure 4-1-3(a) The SEM image for a PC-LED device surface……………….61
Figure 4-1-3(b) Wide range SEM image for a PC-LED device surface. The hexagonal-lattice nano hole pattern was generated by the e-beam lithography method…………………………………..62
Figure 4-2-1 Schematic image of micro PL setup…………………………..63
Figure 4-2-2 Photo luminescence of as-grown, AAO, and PC LEDs……..64
Figure 4-2-3(a) Room temperature Micro Raman spectrum of as-grown, AAO, PC LEDs……………………………………………………….66
Figure 4-2-3(b) Enlarged image of room temperature Micro Raman spectrum of as-grown, AAO, PC LEDs…………………………………66
Figure 4-2-4 X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of as-grown and PC LED..67
Figure 4-3-1 I-V curve of as-grown, AAO, and PC LEDs………………….68
Figure 4-4-1(a) Rectangular arrays of holes……………………………………69
Figure 4-4-1(b) Triangular (or hexagonal) arrays of holes……………………70
Figure 4-4-2(a) Polar candela distribution plot of as-grown GaN LED……...71
Figure 4-4-2(b) Polar candela distribution plot of PC GaN LED……………..71
Figure 4-4-3(a) Polar iso-candela plot of as-grown GaN LED………………...72
Figure 4-4-3(b) Polar iso-candela plot of PC GaN LED……………………….72
Figure 4-4-4 Trace-Pro simulated EL intensity of PC LED with various depth of hole…………………………………………………...73

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Properties of substrate material…………………………………..14
Table 1-2 Most wildly used alloy contact for p-type GaN…………………..17
Table 1-3 Electrical Nature of Ideal MS Contacts…………………………..18
Table 2-1 Film characteristics for various electrolytes……………………...40
Table 4-1 The Raman peaks observed in the as-grown, AAO, PC GaN LEDs at room temperature……………………………………………….65
Table 4-2 simulate parameters………………………………………………..70
Table 4-3 Simulation result…………………………………………………...73
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